Please absolutely crush my confidence. Go big or go home

Please absolutely crush my confidence. Go big or go home

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have a good one

then post an actual picture with TIMESTAMP of yourself, man. stop trying to post a picture you stole of some e-thot

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tits or GTFO

You look like the elf from harry potter

You're not original or clever and you look exactly like all the other girls of this generation. Completely cookie cutter, predictable and boring. And that's likely all youll be the rest of your life.

sharpie in pooper

Is this valid

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You are constantly aware that love is no longer available in the current society you live in. You will date a drug dealer. You will be abused. You are a rat living in a Man's world.

The reason you say “crush my confidence” is because you already have none and you’re baiting people into telling you that you’re cute.

...And you’re probably above average, your looks probably give you zero problems, so that just makes you pathetic and desperate. Would not date if I learned you behave this way. Not a chance.

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I have actually been called that before, cheers

those arent tits retard

not a sharpie in the pooper
not tits

I dont want to be told im cute i want to be called GOBLIN and i want people to roast my bangs

fact that youre attention whoring on Yea Forumsee is all the reason anyone needs to stay away from you, you give off cheating hoe wibes.

then go outside you mongoloid

S h a r p i e i n t h e p o o p e r

Bangs are fucking adorable and the only people I’ve met who talk shit about them are annoying judgmental girls like you

underage b& , also fuck off whore.

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Your dad masturbates a lot and he thinks un you and your friends, and your mom fucked with when you were ababy in her bed. You look forgetable. You're the kind of girl that has beta orbiters but guys with gfs wouldn't look. You're going to be raped at least once in the next few years.

Not a single non-horny person is really your friend.

You need attention from beta faggots because you don't have anything interesting un your life.

Also you grow a mean mustasche

ur so lonely u have to post on 4trzan. lol KYS whore

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I like PMing chicks that post on here, who are clearly emotionally unstable, convincing them to send me nudes, then telling them to fuck off. Is that your sort of thing.

nice try faggot

Internally you know you are attractive and have no problem attracting men. You're a narcissist, which ultimately is the worst type of person because you are incapable of empathy.

how does it feel to know that you will never amount to anything when you grow up? all you will be is some guy's worthless cock sucking whore, and average looking one at that. All you care about is your looks, but those will be nonexistent by the time you turn 23. We all know you're not intelligent either, no woman is...

Holy shit you’re me

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Probably less successful, though. I've only got two chicks to do it. RIP.

Hurry up and fucking OD, get pregnant or whatever letdown you're going to do to your parents. Jesus fuck you're boring looking. Do you have any unique opinions whatsoever or do you just copy your Berniebot friends?

I will not roast your bangs or call you a goblin, for two reasons, number one, you want it and number two it would be a lie. You are objectively attractive, you bangs are cute and you probably have a very high level of megalomania, you know you are attractive and that you can use it at your advantage. But deep inside yourself you also know your life has no depth, all you are is a pretty face with uninteresting hobbies and not wanting to better yourself puts the cherry on the top.

You are a disgrace to your parents and a horrible person.

What user said.


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Mein nigger, this is some old school gourmet react pic

You're so uninteresting that the retard in Yea Forums didnt even bother roast
There's not about you worth roast, nor worth praise
You're a waste of resources
Is your life so radically empty that you need to fish for compliments in this cesspool?

Spread those cheeks and show us that asshole, you whore
Its the only good thing about you anyway
Id slap you and spit on your face

Well said.

Technically I’m at 2 too lol. I’ve met and seen nudes of all 4 girls I met on Yea Forums and all 4 were a special kind of crazy, but I only had to work for it with two of them. And it was those same two who needed to be told to stop talking to me because I can’t deal with their neurotic bullshit every day. The easy two just disappeared when I started losing interest in the nudes and the conversation got tedious.

I don’t even seek them out or plan to ditch them after getting nudes. That’s just how it always works and I’ve accepted it.

Show me your dick faggot

you can't PM on Yea Forums. Clearly a liar.

what he said

You come to Yea Forums seeking input and validation, even if through some childish rendition of reverse psychology, but your life has little meaning, your ambitions are based on the actions of others, and your escapist needs to play and watch games only further suggest you can't cope with your life.

all you're useful for is your body

show us your fucking tits or leave you dumb whore

You look nice.


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could use a little more face tune, other then that, whatever

show us your tits you black cock whore. hows it feel to be gangbanged and used by all those niggers.

Big facts

you look like the type of chick who only fucks black guys and then gets sad when you realize you're not the only white bitch he calls on facetime


why the fuck arent you naked yet whore.
this is how i want to see you.

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wash your hair slut and cut those bangs fucking goblin and send some nudes

Tits or gtfo. Timestampered ofc.

you're cute tho
post tits

big nose
terrible hair
mutant ear lobes
high shirt covering up none existent tits / flat chest.
boy mouth.
goofy round dip shit brows.

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