Welcome to the Yea Forumsar

welcome to the Yea Forumsar
order something without embarrasing yourself in front of the other anons

Attached: orgy sauce.jpg (2121x1414, 563K)

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One bottle of Evan Williams, just leave the bottle.

Ill take a double southern comfort and lime on the rocks. Dont care what people think I love the taste

Ill take a Vodka Cranberry please.

Attached: Cranberry-Vodka-with-Lime.jpg (533x800, 94K)

Do you have Gumballhead on draft?

I'll just take a Beer, without Alcohol please. I have to drive my Prius away, when the other BF of my GF comes.

That's called a seabreeze

Thanks, but I brought my own drink.

Attached: DibkF0jWkAA_NIO.jpg large.jpg (1200x630, 78K)

I'll take a spic and two hicks chasing a wild turkey down a goldmine.

Give me a bottle of pelin