Still here

Still here
Exit blocked
Can't escape

36°33'45.0"N 115°18'51.0"W

Attached: 9ezibQF_d.jpg (535x724, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What’s the problem user ?

user how'd you get stuck in there/if you've got a connection, why not contact las vegas police?

hopefully you can find fresh water in corn creek

that's what happens when you bury yourself in a cave made of shit with chunks of corn mixed in

Yeah, call the police, stupid

user whats wrong ?

Good. I'm not far from ther and I want to see if you are bullshitting

I'm going to shoot you if I find you

They watched us
High up in hills
They know we came here and are mad

W8 wut

I'm seriousl y 35 min from that location. I seriously want to shoot you. Just to watch you die.

Probably its here user drop some corpses of death hookers.
Go make a Netflix show about that. Such an Male attention whore

Is it in Reno?

We came for Kenny

You just made yourself bait.

whats going on in this thread?

I'll shoot you and post it online here with your own phone. How will people laugh when they see you dead on your own phone

Man I’m tired. Someone go

What's that mean?

The cave has a voice that whispers like wind
Shouldn't have com

Oh God! Kenny? Yisus!
I remember that guy. Isn't he the one that OP dissolve in acid? So much work to get that big ass container.

Some user is threatening to shoot people. Better report him.

ShouldMt hAVE Come

36°33'45.0"N 115°18'51.0"W
ShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE ComeShouldMt hAVE Come

I can cover my tracks. Why do you think i can post that? I'm not stopping for anything though. Boy you better be ready to die tonight.

I can smell the LARP from here. It’s foul...

Attached: EBBA4A03-51FD-440A-A401-9BD1CFDB1A04.jpg (750x706, 398K)

I'm not OP shitbag. But see you later if you want to stop by.

So some guy got directions to some secret cave to witness pedowood rituals but now he is stuck in a cave & a random dude is gona seize the opportunity to shoot someone wo getting caught....

Attached: after_4chan_the_post.jpg (570x639, 242K)

What the fuck
>either LARP fag or seriously fucked up

Attached: E48DBC36-D421-45E6-BC5E-BDA87483BF3F.jpg (1074x1079, 88K)

>sheep peak

Show gun

Pretty much if u guys stop posting I might have to turn my phone off

I'm actually almost there.

I seriously am going to fuck you up dumbass.

Still dark but I have a 1mil lumens light lol. I'm going to shoot you in the stomach and record you crying

490mSv do not come490mSv do not come490mSv do not come

No. Im coming dipshit. Youre 1 hr drive from my aunt's land. No troopers or patrol out bc.... We know them

Scot free.

And your phone is the only thing keeping you alive?
What rituals were you gona see?


you wont do shit nigger

Attached: 863C0A04-E9CA-4C04-A7BB-70B79F536D7E.jpg (625x563, 124K)

stream it and post the link then lmao
im curious as to how this will go down, thats if its not a larp


If we stop posting you might have to turn your phone off?
You want us to stop posting or not?

On walls everywhere

Attached: 5cafa461-c28d-4aaf-b61e-ff728bf654f8.png (1033x975, 596K)

Attached: OpclaimstobeInPICTURECANYON.jpg (1920x949, 397K)


fuck is this
at least put effort in your larp you god damn nigger

this thread fucking stinks

Attached: 09102019(8).jpg (974x610, 33K)

If you find op take pictures

Attached: kekk.jpg (398x376, 37K)

There's someone else here with us

I didn't get out the car yet

see thats what i'm talking about, good quality larp

Thread confirmed gay


Lol so fun watching burgers hunt and kill themselves like animals. Rot in shit faggots

Attached: 1567468751893.png (509x700, 293K)

I bet the guy you search is sitting on his couch laughing his as of. Either him or you or both of you fags are larping

Quick rundown?

either way it's still entertaining to watch everyone scurry to their keyboards in reaction to this shit

Kenny is here

Guy stuck in cave
Another guy is gonna shoot him

Sounds like a larp to me

precisely that

faker than this thread

It would appear so.

K, how long has he been stuck? Is shooter prepared to walk & climb for hours to get there?

How the fuck do I know? I thought you wanted the quick version.

at least an hour, he sounds determined but not sure if real

What is this place

Attached: 0c48e1d4-b98d-4cfe-a486-785f74809466~2.png (1080x947, 631K)

This shit is getting gay, big iron.

Your fucking in a cave?

>shit tier ARG larp
>gets bumped to hell and back

bad thread

>17kb image
>random image filename

>another random filename
>631kb this time

at least put some actual effort in to your larp thread ya lazy cunt

You can fuck yourself, OP. Lung fucking all the dolphins in our secret cave without inviting me over is a dick move. I hope you die very soon

Attached: 1567266461310.jpg (495x495, 35K)

Larp confirmed

Attached: (1080x2240, 1.07M)

Thank you my Yea Forumsro
prob not real, ill prob be heading for checking my traps soon

its that underground submarine base that got memed 2 yrs ago, lap harder faggot

>Fuck off RP-Nigger

Attached: aGKog5M6_700w_0.jpg (700x879, 44K)


Attached: N-e-time.png (692x865, 1.16M)

We found Kenny

M AVEC = M cave?
kenny as in that youtube cave diver who went missing lmao this isnt larp this is some edgelord preying on a dude who probs died from hitting his head on a rock while hiking

If those are your actual coordinates, I'm actually not that far from you. I'm camping about 5 miles north of Vegas right now.

a disused cave/bunker in the middle of no-where with its own phone mast ......

you're camping and surfing Yea Forums too? was it more exciting here than there? or camping is boring and you need a fap?


first upload was jpg then second and third were png stop shitting this thread up fags i want shooter fag to find him