Rich fag here . Willing to buy anything for anyone

Rich fag here . Willing to buy anything for anyone.
Trips for winner

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Other urls found in this thread:

Buy a massive pack of dog treats and post video of you throwing them at fat chicks

Hi rich boy! I would love a fig tree

can you buy me a girlfriend?

Donate nothing but sour cream to any food aid charity focused in africa

Send me 100 on venmo?

Pay off my 10k of debt

Send me a thousand dollars so I can buy cigarettes for the next month

Using half of your beggin funds buy a shit ton of vodka mudshakes and offer the other half to the greasiest homeless man you can find and post results leading to and aftermath

Man could use Some cash just to get by.

Oh shi nigga


burst out laughing at this comment

Pay off my car of 3k

Nothing but hot dogs that you have to hide in your house after a night of drinking. Call it the gayest smelliest easter dick hunt

Whats our Spending limit, cause what ever someone is wiling to give is a blessing in someoe elses hands

Buy me happiness


Rip up the money cuz of this fag

A new truck

Can you please buy me a condo in Toronto, New York, or San Francisco?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Boy, Money Money Money, venmo me so i can get grocories

Venmo me 5k



Burn it infront of someone hungry



I'm 43 with no savings nor retirement money. Don't need you to buy me anything, but a retirement nest egg (say $50k) to invest would be awesome.



Shit just give me some cash to Get to next month haha

Buy this fag a fig tree but make sure its almost dead when you ship it so his hopes did

Reroll again

I need 10000 dollars

Seriously if he gets trips fuck that tree up

Buy me a share of amazon.

gtx 1660 ti

632 Chevy crate engine

And another one

I need 1000

You are funny and have a good day

Oh shit, how bout an lifetime hegre art account for 400?

Yeah ok why not try it

Man fuck buying the woprld u wana give aman 500 bucks/

Donate a bunch of food to your local animal pound

A 2006 gto

can u buy me cyberpunk

Dear Jesus, I just need money


I was so close


Reddit and basepilled

yoo i win

Send me some cash

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New Silverado or the cash for my truck

Can you buy me your love and support?

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5 horses

2080 ti please


Pay for my college


im going homeless pls help fag

Fuck it, roll again 6th time

Triple 2s

right, idc ho0w much venmo me if i win!!


Buy a 300$ meal with nothing but coins and then throw the entire meal into the trash (make sure the cashier sees you)

Rolling I guess

I need 5,000 dollars for foot surgery

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Roll honestly like $100 for a good supply of groceries would be great


please buy me some bitcoin OP

How about pay off my student loans.
Kik is mogotoyo

Can you pay for a crunchy roll subscription for me


ohhhh dubs for days, but whers my Trips


If fig trees come at a discount in bundles, I'll take one two.

You could also buy good treats, give them to the guy who wants a girl friend, have him sit at a local park, assuming it's summer in his country of origin, and give them to attractive girls with dogs as a conversation starter as their dog eats and he attempts to be social (and possibly fail (but maybe improve)).

Buy three fig trees and burn them because fuck his rerolls

Paypal me $3 to buy beer for tomorrow.


Call me Triple 7, cause im 3 times are cool as 007

I want a VR headset

I want all your money

$100 venmo please.

Guess I'll reroll

Rerererererereroll christ sake


Roll yet again

13 ducks

a dolphin

how about 10,000 if you got the money

Pay a shady nurse to give you important medication that belonged to someone with late stage dementia


Trips indbound 6, 6,6

Fuck a stray cat for this user

rolling check em

Shove a hundred dollar bill in yo asshole an take a picture

Unenthusiastic roll

300 hay bales

Give me 5k

All I need is like $500 and I'll be good

Rolling for the 9th time venmo @UKELELL


Rolling for a new computer

Buy an entire grocery stores stock of milk and stay there long enough to record the shit diggery



how abount you give the amount in trps, for example, 444, woud be 44,400 .00


Hahahahaha no way


I would like $100 venmo so I can take my dogs camping.


Uppababy Vista would be great

Nice trips shoulda put your cash app down lol

a nice enema on a hot summers day


too* ugh... my bad


Fuck charity get milk


Venmo @UKELELL 100

Well fuck. Good luck with that OP.

If this is trips, it’s at a super Walmart.

And also you buy that guy his fig tree.

Pay off my car or my student loans. One is 30k less




College of wooster box 1470

Rolling for 14th time 666 please

roll for this poor man

If I get trips, buy all the goldfish Walmart has then release them into a local lake


>Goes into store
>W-w-what? Why?
>levitates to milk isle
>see a mom with 5 kids buying milk
>kill all of them and buy their milk
>record it all and post it to Yea Forums.

Good luck OP

Roll again

Omg post more pics

I wouldn't mind a Nintendo Switch

here is my wishlist


Reroll baby Aaaaaaa pls this works be epic


I am the milk dude if op cant do it then psyche up some kid at the store to pick a candy he likes and then eat it infront of him and post results
That will teach the little fucker to talk to strangers

Ill sell my nudes, nudes of exes, whatever.

Wouldn't mind a high end gaming PC and an HTC Vive, I'll roll

No. Trips is trips. Can't go back on your word.

Give everyone in this thread 10k

Come to brazil?

Pic of proof

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I want a new pc

If dubs kill yourself


Never gotten trips before, but my teeth are so bad. I need a fucking dentist

I want money


A decent gaming pc would be nice...

Op proof of you ready to buy milk and a channel that we can follow or your a fag. Your time to be screen shot is now

Need to charge your phone soon.

angel funding?

Gimme da money

Need 5k for a car

1000 would make me quit my job tomorrow

buy me a gaming pc please

Gimmie gimmie

I hope I win

Rolling out of debt

Thanks bro i cant read alphabets it just looks like juice

Third times the charm?

may I plz have a wacom tablet, k thx

buy me happyness?

fuck, so close, reroll

If trips then op either has to buy milk or stuff his ass with spicy salsa

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Alright "milk dude" ill believe you

re roll

Buy me a midget

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Buy the most expensive dragon dildo your willing to buy and the cheapest gerbil and beat the gerbil against the dildo

can you get me sekiro?

I need tons of steam games I don't have money to get

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If I win, I want OP to buy a dragon dildo and shove it up his ass, then record it for us to see.

buy 7 big gulps and make a video of you trying to carry out of the 7/11

rollin to just rollin

go fuck a tree while a hooker cries in the corner

i would like to have 10,000$ rich fag

Buy a bunch of kittens only to drown them

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How ever much a thousand dollars worth rat jizz is and send it to a synagogue

Give a large sum of money to a homeless person


Buy me a brand new gaming PC.

rich user, buy me something, please. I want to feel alive

Buy all of George Straits albums

Nothing but danny devito posters for your home

Kik is poiuy09872
Send me 1000

Fuck off george strait we know its you


1970 chevelle ss mint

ill post a hint i am chevelleanon if i winrar

buy me a cuddle comfort session and a pro gaming pc master cool station

A tattoo of this guy’s kik on your balls

A brand new car OP

Re roll

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hey buy me destiny 2 shadowkeep

>A brand new car OP

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Force two homeless men to beat each other with tunas until a winner is present then give rest of beggin’ funds to winner

rapid reroll

Payoff debt

Well are you gonna do it op? Fag wont deliver, probably only has $30 to his name

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Send me a 100 dollars on venmo @UKELELL


Pay for a friends rent/mortgage for a month or two

So close

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Buy a car to only total it with nothing but throwing roadkill at it with in which post pics of aftermath




Op here .I can't do that I'm sorry. Money doesn't make you happy. Just makes you distance yourself from users

buy my student loan debt

Buy me a new acoustic guitar.


Op you need to do this now

Chuck me $1200 for a pound of weed my guy

I'm sorry I can't do that.

I need an adjustable gas plug for an M1 Garand.

holy shit that was so close. If you woulda gotten that OP woulda needed to have to pay that off or never get dubbs again.

rr 222

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Anonymously buy another family’s meal the next time you are out to eat


Kill yourself on cam



Well it turns out OP is a fag. Who woulda thought

See, he only has $30 to his name and wont do shit

I wasted those quints on some poor nigger


I'm not giving shit to this faggot.

Rolling for OP to pay off my house

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Rolling bc Im an independent college student w debt and in the Bay area, any chance helps

Gimme money

You're not op so it's ok

Fag then eat a jar of nutmeg

I need $500


Rollin bc stuff is good and I want stuff

do these threads even have rich Yea Forumsros on them? rollin

Eat the fucking jar if nutmeg or you are a fag

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roll for trip 5s

I just have away 40k . Have a good night /b

rip 5s :/

Roll, I'll come up with a idea.

No you didn't fag, go away and let op do his thing

maybe 6 works, even if its a spooky numba. roll up and roll

I am op you dumb fag.

Jesus fucking christ

Stfu nigger, we're all waiting for op to do what he promised

Roll for $10k cash


Op is a fag, damn anons what happened to sick and twisted ops delivering. Don't
promise if you are not going to gib

No thanks I'm not thirsty.

user ruined thread . I'm done giving away for the month .good luck fellow anons.

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Buy me every console ever and every game ever

Holy fucking shiit

What a waste, I coulda rolled quints on literally any other thread and it woulda been better than this one. Sorry anons

You didnt prove shit you nigger, prove you're op

You guys ruined it by rerolling . I'm giving my money to chairty fuck you guys .

Holy shit

I said trips retard .

>Is not OP
We dont care what you do, op has to deliver or he is gay

rolling for some aquarium shit


well fuck

Not a man of your word I see. I guess money can't buy respect.

maybe send me 100 dollars thats being a billionare here in argentina

A new life please

a top of the line pc

Now all of Yea Forums knows you're a poor black man with $0


I'll roll for a PSVR

a thousand jurassic park cartridges for nintendo 64

OP was never going to deliver but y'all fags still hoping


lol this is op, not a richfag and didnt expect thread to take off . Sorry I got everyone's Hope's up


Prove you are op so all these thirsty fags stop and also apologize directly to milk dude and fig boy

Holy shit. Quints Checked.
One of the two quints. Where's the other one (00000)?

Paypal me 20k

Op delivered.thank you bro.

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amazon (the company not the forest)

Youre not op I am faggot.

Thank your momma

haha he said hes faggot haha laugh

Where's ?

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Why are you faggots crying . This is the mother fucking thanks I get??? Fuck you guys I just dropped 40 k on chairty. Fuck it I'll just keep my money to myself. You guys can stay broke and pathetic .


holy fuck it was just a joke smh my head



3 arrows point to other thread/board

I don't think > exists

shit got deleted

Look, I just want a new guitar.

I'm buying this tomorrow .fuck you guys

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