When was the last time you were tightly hugged by a female?

When was the last time you were tightly hugged by a female?

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Sunday night, and I sucked on her nipples and played with her boobs.

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bout 10 years ago

thumbs up brother



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2 nights ago. Fucked a Chinese hooker, went in raw but my crotch is hella fucking itchy now.

Fuck, like over a year ago

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bout a week ago by my best friend. bout a month ago by my gf before she moved to cali

tbh i wish, shes not taking the move well... im already looking for girls bc weve talked about fucking other people

You think I'm lying? kek

At my grandpa's funeral a few weeks ago

About an hour ago. Detailed my GFs car.

15 years.

Other than my mom? Lol

More than 15 years ago

both start going to the gym together and your life could be much happier then you'll both look decent

lose the glasses, get contacts/lasec, shave your beard and get a nice cut. you can look way better than you do now


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Fucking too long man.

I'd rather die alone than be engulfed by that beheamth

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It's not bad anymore. The first few years were easily the worst, after that.. I don't even miss it anymore. It's just a thing that used to happen, like going to the movies.

5 hours ago by my FWB.

Like 5 minutes ago by my 26 year old wife. Been together 7 years. Hugs are still amazing. Still depressed though

It was a few weeks ago. My grandma. Ain’t even mad

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over 18 years ago. it hurts a lot. not much else to say. this might be a troll thread, but some people's lives just didn't turn out the way they thought they would

this is me.

>It's just a thing that used to happen, like going to the movies.

i do miss it. but it's funny you said that. i remember that i was once happy, i just can't remember what that felt like.

Yeah, It's like trying to remember what you and a friend did in elementary school.

"I think we hung around by the slide? Talked about what was on TV last night? Hell, I dunno. It obviously wasn't too important if I cant remember it."

Kind of thing

Twice today by 2 different females that were not related to me. One whispered I love you and the other FUCK ME.

This afternoon maybe around 4. Why?

last night. feels good

Hang on tight, mate. Not receiving a hug from a female is not optimal, but some effort and it may happen.

My wife hasn't done this in almost a year.

thanks. but i, um. im just not what any woman wants to be with. i have a good job, not hideous or grossly over weight. dress ok, im one of the most mentally stable people i know.

i can maintain conversations, people enjoy talking to me. im not socially awkward. i have no weird hobbies. im 6'2". women, just want nothing to do with me. except one time in my life 18 years ago.

every number i get, i wait 72 hours, i text, they accept my dinner invite, and they never show up.

ask out for coffee? they just say no.

saturday if i remember correctly. was very drunk

about every 15 minutes when I'm home. bitch won't get off me

Femanon here, I would hug you, hold you, and tell you life gets better the more you better yourself.

last week when I saw my gf

Like 2 days ago?

Hugged my grandma before the doc unplugged the life support

never ever if i dont kill myself before the end of the year it will be a fucking miracle

9 days ago by a random girl at a festival

I hugged a girl off of bumble a couple nights ago after a date. That's as far as it went obviously because I don't know how to make a move

TFW you will never feel loved my another woman in your entire life

TFW you will never hug a woman tightly in your arms

TFW you will never have that woman you want spend your whole life with


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have sex


2 weeks ago when my 5 year gf, soon to be fiancé, went on her 4th year medical school rotations.

2011. Life fell apart some where in 2013. Got back up in 2015 but I didn't date because I wanted to better my life before I dated but it was short lived. 2018 is when my life became worse and I had to give up dating because my health declined. Dying soon so I will never have that again but I'm okay. At least I'll be in a better place. I would have loved to be hugged like that and told I'm worth a damn one last time. I hope it gets better for the rest of you though.

Bruh that doesn’t count.

>hold you

can you hold my dick


Just gotta do it man, Nike.

Let's see.. Post pic

last thursday

About an hour ago. Time before that was 10 hours ago.

About 20 minutes ago

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Just a little bit over 3 years. I miss the feels, but it's not worth the drama of dealing with the bullshit females bring to the table.

Tonight. In my bed. Lol


To you and all the anons going through a rough time
I won't say that things will get better, I know you want to hear it, but I'm not here to sugar coat things. Your life will only get better if YOU decide to improve it, if YOU take the time and go through all that pain to make yourself a better man
I'm not even talking about girls, your life in general will never improve if you dont get your fat ass out of the computer chair and DO SOMETHING
Go out, work out, try new hobbies, read more books, reflect on who you are and what are your morals, be the man you wish your daughter would date
And never forget that struggling is part of all of it, that a man cannot improve himself without pain, for he is both the marble and the hammer

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about half a year. probably 5 years prior to that at least.