Why do we exist?

Why do we exist?

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to experience existing

To serve Satan

To eat and poop

cuz our parents were horny

To serve Gods chosen people fren

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we are the way of the universe to underestand itself

for subjectively nothing

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we don't

In order to experience suffering and joy and fill the Void once it's over.

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our parents fucked and 9 months later we destroyed our mom's cunts.

To masturbate to clown porn

We exist because we are a product of an evolutionary path that has given us a sense of consciousness. We exist to breed with suitable mates to carry on our genetic material, consume plants and animals, and eventually die. Things happen for no reason at all, and people are afraid of that. They're afraid that their life is meaningless, which it is, until they give it meaning. They're afraid of the eventuality of a cold, black void. I just want to smoke some pot.

>until they give it meaning
You don't meaning for your life, you're like an ant and everything in your life is already programmed.
you are stupid, worth nothing, and will die soon

in my opinion this universe is either artificially created (call its creator god or whatever you want) or there is more than 4 dimmensions we know and we percieve just fraction of what it actually is. its hard for me to wrap my head around "why" there is something, instead of there being nothing. where did all the matter and energy that forms universe as we know it came from. it couldnt just apear out of nowhere...

And you're programmed to antagonize, much like a pitbull is programmed to kill in a pit. Your point is?

I'm one of three persons in history that actually thinks by himself . Nietzsche and Socrates were the others two

no-one knows - everyone is just guessing. acknowlege this and you will be fine.

To eat pussy.


not to give it all away but its up to you why you exist user just be in the eternal now

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We don't

the metaphysical/philosophical reason - to experience existence and grow from that experience

the naturalist/scientific reason - we, life, is nothing more than a byproduct of the thermodynamic process of increasing entropy

the evolutionary reason - to survive long enough to pass genes onto the next generation

regardless of which line of thought you may agree with, this is all really pointless as any search for meaning here is all subjective in the end.

Uhm, why not?

because fuck you, that's why

We exist just to suffer, but through the suffering can we truly live. -Nate Higgers

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We exist to r0lle.
Checkem , user.

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To pay taxes and Vote for Trump, our beloved King.

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As the seasoned philosopher Techno Destructo once said, "We were all put on this earth to suffer,
We each have our own private pain.
We must pass this pain onto our brother,
The never ending cycle starts again."

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Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!


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there is no "why" because every "why" implies another "why". the chain of causality is infinite. they can't be anything outside the infinite because everything (space, matter) can just be inside the infinite.
the question "why" is a mentall illness created by a flawed way of thinking.

Just go on YouTube and watch exurb1a's videos, thank jack off and sleep

oh, look. a faggot trying to sound deep, but coming off sounding like a dumbass

oh, look. a name-calling guy trying to sound intelligent, but coming at me without arguments.

oh look, an unoriginal fag being a faggot

can you explain to me what was wrong about my post about infinity and casuality being an infinite chain that has no origin?

a why leading to another question of why to another why sounds exactly like a three year old.
any reasonable person would reach a point where they have a satisfactory answer or realize there asking the wrong question, if what you're saying is true, which it is not.

>we don't exist


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To annoy others.

To debate about it in 4chins and wear fedora while identifying as transgender atheist non-white vegan "woke as fuck" neo-liberal marxist leftist jew anarchist for as long as it fits our narrative and enables us to get free art degree.

Why are you even asking this, isn't it obvious to you?

why did you write this answer? explain the causality behind it!
each of your answers will lead to another "why".
we call it butterfly effect.

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and the faggot shows his true colors/stupidity

>replies to everything with name-calling
ok then we wont have a conversation. wont reply anymore.

To serve God.

what do you expect on Yea Forums, civility?
if so, you came to the wrong place, bro

to pay me rent

to kill minorities

Because a dick evacuated in a pussy at some point in the past.
Next question?