YRYL You rage you lose

YRYL You rage you lose

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Fuck you nigger
every time

Fucking lost



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Attached: Arrested for Trolling.png (650x887, 224K)

Post rage material, fagits

Attached: Boycott Israel & you won't get aid donations.png (667x1957, 916K)

Attached: Stop False Rape Accusations.jpg (1302x1840, 317K)

Attached: Defending Yourself is Assault.png (555x2076, 418K)

Attached: Salon.jpg (762x1024, 201K)

a marxist dog. how fitting

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Attached: Not the Same Thing.png (653x715, 171K)

Attached: Men need not apply.png (500x576, 303K)

Attached: Ruin my Son's Life.png (630x885, 103K)


Attached: Kens5 News Report.png (788x1444, 76K)

This isn’t a ylyl thread

fucking shivers down my spine. imagine destroying your own son's life for no reason and then posting it on reddit for sympathy

Only retards would get mad at that. Thanks for broadcasting that information to everyone.

Lol @ you mark ass mf this is obvious fakeposting

Being american is a mental illness

this is your brain on liberalism

nigger in the background tho

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Karen has some unresolved issues with men. And her fake rape stories are just the cusp. Such an angry lesbian.

It's a fake story you naive conservacuck faggot.

bbq sauce sucks ass anyhow

stop advertising your shitty channel user

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>mad at facts
top kek

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This faggot has never tried pic related

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You're no better than the dumbasses that slather their food in ketchup

this shit mixed with some stubbs green is fucking glorious

285 mass shooting this year 99% white and who ever put this together had to go back years. KEK

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I don't slather it, but you can bet your ass I'm not eating dry fries, you weird fuck

Calm down bucko

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That meme should go into a YLYL thread not a rage thread. Unless youre a Brit and have to deal with sensitive internet pussies.

Hats off to the master troll

I hope it was a troll

The whole world is becoming a YLYL thread

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Hey, I was attending one of the colleges on there when their incident happened!

Depends on if it is in self-defense. Need more context.

How is that rage inducing you shithead. It just made me poop my pants a bit.

shit thread, wasn't mad once.

Someone said this and I said “the ‘hood would like a word with you.”

it really grinds my gears to watch a promising country being cucked this hard

it's because you are a moron

>man in the hoodie
So a nigger is blaming mass shootings on a "whiteboi's" mental illness?
At least whitebois need a mental illness to provoke violence, niggers can't use that excuse.

Both of those migrants (and all others) should be deported.
Europe doesn’t need more rape or more antisemites

From what I heard they were playing pool and after the game the white guy refused to shake the blacks hand so the black got all "disrespecting me' and shot the white guy.
