..so China built this giant ring they call the ring of life. How long before it breaks free and rolls across the Earth?

..so China built this giant ring they call the ring of life. How long before it breaks free and rolls across the Earth?

Attached: ring of life.jpg (1600x900, 546K)

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It’s a stargate

well o.k....doesn't matter.. it was built by asians so it won't work

the stargate uses hieroglyphics not ching chongs

Everything I own was built by Asians. It all works.

damn chinamen getting ahead of us on portal technology while we're over here figuring out how to get smartphones to fit in our asses

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>living rent free
enjoy the next 5 years, faggot

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It looks like they built one of those dyson fans to blow all their smog and pollution to a different country

Mmm, you know what I just tasted? Fresh, clean air. Boy that is nice. They have that over in China? I hear you guys need masks to walk outside and you can buy canned air in the market.

incredible retard.

>post was written on something built by Asians

so THAT'S where i left my cock ring...


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they are good with small electronics but they have a shit track record building structures

they are higher IQ than whites. their shit failing is not due to their incompetence

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no i am farthest thing from a commie, but trying to imply that asians are stupid third worlders is just silly

shut up cracker

>stupid third worlders
but they are in so many ways

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implying they all are geniuses is just as silly. implying even a vast majority, is silly.

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rural does not equal stupid.

tell that to libs in america lmao

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anal celebration

if the earth isn't flat, how come it didn't roll off it?

logic - 1, science - 0

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>Ring of Life
>in a nation with an exceedingly high workplace mortality rate
>in a nation with an exceedingly high overall mortality rate

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Lmao I’m way more concerned about what it does when operational

Actual retard in the house

American air isnt clean either tard. Just a little better but its not good.

>in a nation who’s leading cause of death is escalators and elevators

That's to replenish the life of the giant Sonic that is running around the Earth