Any medfags on Yea Forums?

Any medfags on Yea Forums?
Need help, on a 95unit syringe, how much do I draw to get 250ui?

Attached: 90A94161-2416-4E35-9F98-E00ED9652A16.jpg (1193x3548, 580K)

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Try jerking off into the syringe and chasing your coworkers while loudly threatening to artificially inseminate them

About tree fiddy

About 3 nigger

OP here, I’ll do that let me know where you work so I can inject my sperm in your tight little ass

755 moot grams

OP here, 3? Please explain. My understanding was on the 25 mark

why not google it?

Put it on foil and smoke it. Chase that dragon Yea Forumsruh

I’ve tried. It only shows on a 30unit not a 95unit

depends upon the insulin strength you are using.

Yep, milligrams per cc. Takes a bit oh math.

Don't be givin that lockness monster no tree fiddy..

Attached: 20568456_1495417374.3947.png (800x533, 337K)

1 unit = 0.01ml
0.01ml = 10UL

Its usually insulim 100 and 100 unit syringes, I've literally never seen a 95 unit syringe before.

25 units

your picture shows a U-100 syringe, so each number is the number of units drawn, PROVIDED you are drawing U-100 insulin. if you are drawing U-500, i would get syringes with the correct scale for that strength.

250 units is a large dose, are you sure that's what you need? or is this a suicide attempt?

He doesnt want 250 units, he wants 250 micro liters or ml IU. Cant tell because ui is nothing.

Hes obviously not taking insulin with it.

it's a 100 unit syringe. 95 is the last number printed on the scale, but the scale has five more lines after that... this person should probably not be playing around with insulin, basic diabetes education covers all this in depth.

Those needles are almost exclusively used by heroin users. Hes not taking insulin naive user.

100 unit syringe holds 1 ml, so
is correct.

i know, i'm just playing along...

Who cares what hes taking.


It’s a 100iu insulin syringe which is basically a 1cc /1mL. 250 iu* as u state would be 2.5mL or 2 and a half syringes. You’re clearly not taking insulin as IU is a measurement of a specific insulin strength designed for that syringe only. But the math equates to 1mL equals 100IU marker so .10mL per 10IU hash.

Op here thank u user(s)

I love you

Oh and seeing as you come here for the math instead of reading for 5 mins I’d advise against not doing whatever you’re doing as you may kill yourself. Maths important with meds/IV injections who knew. Med user

ignore this loser, shoot that brown man.

so fucking cringe. Are you seriously reading out memes? Kys