I'm curious what you think...

I'm curious what you think. If someone was a indigenous person and they neevr heard of God or Jesus would they go to hell? They didn't even stand a chance because they never knew better.I think religion is bullshit and when you die it's over. An animals life means just as much as ours .. why wouldn't it ? We're all blood,guts,and brains. We're all a result of science. Life's pretty scary in that sense . What do you think about this?

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No, because god is a myth.

Yea that's what i think .I think people had to create God to cope with their inevitable demise.

no, if one did never heard about God, he'll have salvation. at least that's what priest told me long time ago.

Hi /brother. Well for me as a christian. This was the biggest problem for me, and also the view of my "fellow" christians. They would claim that if you dont know Jesus, you are screwed, and that is why missionary work is so important.

This question litteraly gave me panic attack disorder. and it took me a very long time to recover. I badly didn't want to believe in God, but it was impossible and remains impossible for me, because I have personaly been witnessing miracles and miracles happened in my life. I have also seen some bad shit regarding demons possessing people. Jesus Christ, nothing is as horrifying.

Well I started to read alot as I mentioned. And what is says is basicly that God wants us to believe in Jesus, and he loves his creation. If you believe in Jesus and God, he will change your life to suit your purpose in life and to conquer your fleshly desires which is the main reason for earths downfall. Regarding some people that never heard about Jesus, or lived before him. There will be a massive trial.In this trial God will sort people out (this is after the last day on earth). Those people that behave good, is welcome into heaven (Because of Jesus Christ sacrifce, otherwise not a single person on earth ever would be able, sin is something deep and attaches itself to the soul somehow, it is not just something that you do as a deed. it is somehow disrupting the your soul).

They're full of shit. That's like saying god gave us free will but miracles exist.i wouldn't say I'm atheist but agnostic.I just think we are result of evolution and we have to believe our lives mean more than a dogs or a chimpanzee because it's more comfortable than believing there's nothing after life. Sorry to be a downer just seeing animals slaughtered and thinking about my own existence.

Free will exists, and miracles exist. People use their free will to call on God and sometimes he answers with a miracle.

So what about an animal that has conscience of death and their existence?? Why do you feel your life is anymore valuable than theirs? Because you can comprehend your existence? I feel people need to believe in God because they are scared and it's a coping mechanism. Who knows.

Then why would he let people starve to death and have their heads cut off? Why doesn't he intervene?? Christians don't believe in magic but do you think GoD is just sitting on a cloud micromanaging miracles? No he's not . It's a good fantasy he intervenes but everything just happens .people take comfort in thinking God will save them . People prayer for their dying kids and they still die .what's the reason? If you have faith I'm glad you do I just can't see it realistically.

God gave humans a soul. I don't know why. And in the early days of earth, we would live extremely long. but after seeing that we always strive towards evil, he cut our lifespan to 125 years.

I don't feel more valuble, it isn't about value. Humans assign value to stuff regarding how rare and how hard it is to obtain something. in that case, they would have more value. also in the eyes of humans, this life on earth is much more valuble, since it is so short.

I also believe it is a coping mechanism, but most religions dont have a heaven or hell.

I'll put it this way, OP:
If there was a Christian God and everyone was meant to worship him/her, wouldn't that religion exist all over the World prior to it's introduction by Christians?
Christianity is like all other religions/beliefs all across the World.
It is merely an understandable process to prepare us for the afterlife.
There is no Hell, btw.
If there is a Hell, we're living in it.

hi, catholic here
in my view, 2 important concepts apply here:
first “to whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48), when you say this, obviously the opposite applies too, to those who have received little, little will be required. If knowledge of God and his rules have not been given to you, how can a fair and just God ask you to recognize him by name or to know what He wants you to do specifically? If the God we worship is fair and just, He probably didn't create a bunch of people just to condemn them for things they can't control or they're unaware of, so the judgment won't include that for them probably.
The second thing is our belief that God is all knowing and His judgement is not based on any scale for everyone else, but for each one, meaning that if these people were evil for the sake of being evil they'll be judged like evil people, even if what they know as "being evil" is not even defined by the religion's rules, and if they were good with their neighbors and were fair in their lives they'll be judged as so, even if they were, say, cannibals or they fought in wars or whatever traditions they follow

that's at least how i understand it and that's basically the reason why i believe in Catholicism rather than any other, because being "part of the club" helps you get to heaven, but it's not a requirement and also puts your bar higher than everybody else's

this is another thing i had a huge problem with. I learned about the fall of constantinople. where the christians would run into the Haga sofia (biggest church of all time) and would cry and pray. muslims came in and butchered everyone.

This is where i started to think that God is lying to us. And I read about many times where he would use deception. Like in Egypt, the pharao had a spirit of some sort that would trick him into keeping the jews as slaves. I thought that this was extremely unfair.

The suffering here is endless, it doesn't take much to figure that out. however i read in a bible in an old monastry which had the apocryf text (which is not in a protestant bible) and in it was a text where it talks about our perspective. The human perspective is that of around 100 years. If you experience suffering during that entire time, from day one to your last. It is nothing compared to eternity. This is just a grain of sand in the ocean. Now switch perspective to that of an insect, that lives for a day, if it suffers all day and dies, it is in it's perspective 100% suffering.
We would laugh about it because we all have shitty days.

When dogs die, where do they go?

There is no God. No need to overthink it any further than that.

there was... a very very long time ago, and throughout the time, we do the same misstake of ignoreing and moving on about our own business. and we spread to all over the world, until we lost all connection with him.

If they never heard the good news they'll be judged "the old way", the Old Testament way.

unfortunately they die and don't go anywhere. but if you liked your dog very much. God knows, and you may ask him in the afterlife to get your dog back.

Exactly. They need so many little rules and edge cases to make any of their fairytales make sense.
Sorry, guys, but there's no good evidence that you get to live forever. This shitty life appears to be all we get.

No where. They cease to exist. Just like us. I love my dog and dread the day we say goodbye but why would my life be anymore valuable than his? He has blood ,guts,brains. It's nice to imagine my dog will be waiting for me when I die but it's not fathomable. Billions and billions of people there? What about cows ? Any animal. They all consist of same things we are just a better version . It's sad to think about but that's why we should enjoy the present if we can.who knows who am I to say what I can't conceptualize. I just can't wrap my mind around it . Where do dolphins go? They are smarter than dogs . Just doesn't make sense to me.

>we're all a result of science
Lab clone go and stay go.

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Stupidest answer ever . Fucking moronic

>I learned about the fall of constantinople. where the christians would run into the Haga sofia (biggest church of all time) and would cry and pray. muslims came in and butchered everyone.
Same thing happened in 1204, except it was catholics butchering orthodox christians, taking anything that looked to be of any value, fucking whores on the altar, raping nuns, the whole nine yards. Fourth crusade was a tourist joyride for entire Europe.

Ok our universe isnvasy and sy there were aliens. Does god govern their lives? Do these aliens go to our heaven? You seem like someone who believe dinosaurs were on Noah's ark and the earth is 6000 years old.

what is wrong with it?

yeah it was horrible.

Ignorance is not an excuse.

There is just one such passage in the bible, it is very mysterious and it talks about a second fold. (God usualy describes himself as the good shepheard and that we are his sheep that he loves). Claiming humanity is his fold, but then talks about another.

Why is that dog any less important than a human? They mourn their dead and understand death .why would they cease to exist and we continue to live on unless we request from God they return to us like property. Maybe it just doesn't make sense to me . We are all flesh and blood why do you life even means more than a rats?

what is that supposed to mean?

Ignorance is not an excuse. Say someone who lived in Amazon forest and knows nothing and has never been told about Jesus ?? They will burn in hell for being oblivious? It's all bullshit religion is a joke .

They won't go to heaven or hell because those places are made up; they don't exist.

it is not about importance, There are plenty of animals that do that. not just dogs.

It is about if you have a soul or not. He made all these fantastic animals. They were all the same, but in the end he made the human and gave it a soul, maybe God wanted us to live forever because he love us. He says very clearly that he loves his animals too. When sodom and gomorra was erradicated, he was extremely sad, and he also mentions all the innocent animals in the cities

but remember this is my speculation, I don't know. Im a human just like you. but I do believe in God, and I do believe we have a soul.

I know I just don't how people can't see through the illusion. They need to comfort themselves which I don't blame then. Life's scary and people cope with things differently

Then why debate it, if you don't believe? You call it bullshit, but again, ignorance is not an excuse. I don't write the rules. I'll see you in hell though, then maybe we can find a common ground.

please read the whole thread.

Animals have all the same components as us... why wouldn't they have a soul?
Why do humans feel special. Because we wrote stories. If chimpanzees could write in sure they would make up fables and guidelines to live your life by. So gay people are like dogs?

You're a dumb fuck. There's no debating with someone as retarded as you.

No, righteous people who didn't hear about Jesus were saved by Christ, the Lamb without Blemish, from Hell. Before his sacrifice and resurrection, all men were subject to either the grave or hell. Now, the gates of hell and death are broken asunder. However, it's still always preferable to receive baptism in the Holy Spirit so that righteous living can be confirmed and reinforced.

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If you believe in the Bible, that God created the universe. Then God says that he gave us a soul, his last creation. That is the reason, it doesn't tell us why. We are just humans, we don't know this.

>If someone was a indigenous person and they neevr heard of God or Jesus would they go to hell?
You’ve exposed one of the many flaws in the whole religious argument. That, and the “mine is the one true god and yours isn’t” retardation.

There is no god and there is no hell, so no consequences to be the same

Who wrote the Bible? Why do Christians think they are right. What about Islam, Buddhist, Hinduism? So they are just fairy tales. It's all bullshit honestly. Religion is a way to make people live in far and control them.

Hell is literally right underneath us and we're so half-asleep most of the time that none of us ever look to see if its there, but it is there, and it is very near.

God is infallible. God is love. God is the Almighty I AM, the Beginning and the End. On these three axioms rest the whole of existence.

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How is the insect suffering?

So we have just dug around hell? We have drilled pretty deep into the Earth but no Hell reported? Why is that?

Soopo....what's the question?

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Christianity. The mentally ill(Jesus) leading the mentally ill

Wake! Up! I'm not talking about a geographic location on the planet earth, I'm talking about Hell. We live in a little bubble of paradise in the first world and we forget that Death, Disease, War, and Famine are even something to be worried about. Our paradise can fall into the worst sort of anarchy, barbarism, or debauchery if we stray from the guidance of our true religion. If nothing else, the history of atheist communist governments in Asia in the 20th century proved that hell is a very real place and it can creep into our lives unnoticed until the whole world is hell on earth. Christ calls us to live with him in the Kingdom of Heaven, and to build it with him to glorify the Father.

Well that person either :
a- believes in their own god so they go in the afterlife as the others
b- gets stuck in limbo as Dante says in his book
c- gets judged by whatever God exists whether he deserves heaven or hell.
That is if God is real

You sound mentally ill. If you have faith go ahead I'm not one to judge but you sound crazy .

Coming from someone whose triggered on /b. Kek

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What kind of argument is that? You're not going to even discuss the possibility that you could be wrong without first dismissing me as a lunatic?

Triggered?? Lol

I could be wrong and god could smite me for even posting this thread but would I go to hell because I am oblivious and have doubts?

Most probably there was god of some kind.

Its rather impossible for life to create itself.

Prolly some lazy ass 8 dimensinal being.

It's impossible for life to create itself?
Do you believe in science or is that fictional to you ? Do you understand the big bang and evolution? This is just our planet . You really believe we are the only living beings in the universe?

You're not wrong for asking questions. I was an atheist for a long time, and I asked the same questions as you. I don't think God will smite me for the impious things I said back then because I'm truly repentant and I've been baptized in the Holy Spirit. That option is always open to you, too, even unto the day of your death. Religion has really helped me, user. Going to church and learning the ancient verses has power for a lot of people. My advice to you is that if you think the Bible is confusing, that's because it is. Study it further and the answers will become clearer. Dwell in the Word to find the path to eternal life.

Reason no 2003243 that religion is bs.
Am i meant to believe some fucking crony turns up in jerusalem amd is like
And some fucking dudes in the Amazon aint heard about him 2000 years later

Wtf has he been doing since?

What has he been doing in the meantime? Oh, I don't know, guiding and redeeming billions of souls from the pit, ruling in heaven at the right hand of the Father. Oh, is that not enough for you?

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I don't know man. To each their own. If you feel your life is better with religion more power to you. There's are so many religions I don't know why one would be right.

Stop thinking about it from a purely analytical standpoint. Think about it more like just as the body needs food and water to be healthy, the human soul needs spiritual food and water. Spiritual food is manna from heaven, embodied in the Holy Word. The spirit can be fed by dwelling in the Word. Spiritual water is something that takes a while to achieve. The Dalai Lama described it as though each major religion corresponded to a spot in the human soul where a well could be dug, to access the water of the spirit. If you spend your life digging one foot down in each hole, you'll never taste a drop, but if you pick one spot and dig deep, you will achieve spiritual fulfillment in an everspring of joy and felicity. If you don't eat any spiritual food and never spend a day of your life digging your spiritual wellspring, your soul will be withered and weak when it leaves this world.


It sounds like you've spent a grand total of 1 week thinking about this.

Never aspire to be this hapless.

>the human soul needs spiritual food and water
I have not fed my soul spiritual food and water because they do not exist. You dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb zealot.

We can have a conversation without name calling, you know, even if we disagree with each other.

We can, but as you can see, I've chosen to insult you.

Great way to persuade people, that.

Death makes life an absurd.

Haha. Bro this is 4cham
The devil's playground

Oh? Do you operate under the assumption that every and all interactions are an attempt to persuade someone?

Im going to assume the "god" youre talking is jahova. God and Jesus are just part of middle eastern myths and legends...and have are of no consequence to anyone not of the time and place of relevance (2000 approx years ,middle east)
...the fact that this and other religions have flourished and spread worldwide is true evidence of human stupidity. FFS.

Are you then operating with the mere goal of causing frustration in your opponent?

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Is it not obvious?

You pretty much nailed the way I came about leaving religion. I consider myself an apatheist now

>they neevr heard of God
Chances are, you yourself have no idea what you are refering to when you use that Word.
You already used it in a Biblical Monotheistic way as if it was the only way to aquire an adequate understanding of what God is.

The idea of a "creator" "maker" "architect" are not exclusive to Christianity and are part of a certain Mode of View on the world.

>Life's pretty scary in that sense
And scared people can do stupid things, hence religion.
It's probably well described as an attempt to re unite oneself with the blissful ignorance and the accompanied sense of eternity that came before self realization and realization of ones inevitable death. That is the very idea of hell, all torture springs from this realization and it's resulting fears, doubts, ect.

Not everyone out there has the same point of view on life.
Can't really compare indigenous people with socialized western people.
They too have their ways of getting by.

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And far be it from some feckless zealot to know anything more than mere goals, precluding everything to some cherry-picked pony show.

Where is your head?

Why this even a question?

So the fact that there's been how many gods in the ancient Greek and Roman societies, didn't tell you anything that would suggest the concept of God was man-made?

I know it's man made. Was just wondering why people that have never heard of Jesus would burn in hell for being oblivious.

Because they can use the excuse of spreading their faith by sword to other parts of the world.

While at the same time pillaging cities and stealing all the money, but shhh we don't talk about that.

Thank you for all your input

They go to purgatory, read the fucking bible you stupid ass