Romulans = Romans

Romulans = Romans
Klingon = Feudal Japan
Ferengi = ?

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ferengi are juden


Space Kikes, from beyond!

I thought klingon were just violent niggers

Klingons are VIKINGS damn-it!

no. if you saw that one episode of Niggerspace 9, the niggers killed off the white Klingons and took their shit.

Only later on the next generation. The original series Klingons are based on the far East

in TOS, Klingons represented the Russians and Romulans represented the Chinese. Ferengi are the space Trump race

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Yo back in the day she was a dime piece

Oh come on now you know...

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Cardassians = Nazis
Federation = Communists
Changelings = Jews
Bajorans = Christians
Ferengi = Capitalists
Klingons = Imperialists

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Vulcans = ?

The Ferengi are Americans

I'm on my first watch of DS9, about 4 episodes in to season 2. I'm so sick of everything being about bajorans, prophets, or shady bajoran factions. Please tell me it gets better.

They joined the Federation.


The Borg =

The Ferengi are Capitalists and StarTrek became pro-communist sometime during the next generation.

it does

becomes all about the dominion round s3.


Rob Riener

The Dominion is the International bankers controlled by the Jews.

>look ma, a weeb.
The klingons are clearly a nod to vikings.

Not entirely accurate

Cardassians: Space Nazis
Bajorans: Space Jews
Ferengi: Space Murica
Romulans: Space Soviets
Klingons: Space Imperial Japanese
Federation: Space Communist China
The Dominion: Space Sand Niggers

>YFW you realize the federation is the axis

The Changelings are definitely the Jews.


She's aged well with that English weather

The Klingons are the most hardcore Imperialists, but they are NOTHING like the Japanese.

The Bajorans are literally Space Israel.

Watch ds9 again, the occupation of bajor is a direct analogue to the holocaust

>death camps, forced labor, exterminations

Nothing about the changelings is jew like

Granny fanny no hair

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All the Klingons care about is honor, all the dirty japs care about is honor. Klingon culture is based on Japanese except for the loli shit

Has Sisko get his facial hair? That's when it starts to get good.

Is that shoshe agaloo the Iranian actress?

the Russians and Romulans were originally bad guys, and we thought of Russians and Chinese as bad guys. science fiction borrows villains from other sources, real world (Klingons and Romulans) or other literature (the Borg are the Cybermen from Doctor Who).

I'm waiting for every franchise to do an Endgame/Time Heist movie. in two summers we'll probably see Star Trek: Endgame and Fast and Furious: Endgame and Debbie Does Dallas: Endgame

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Changlings are the representation of the Jewish bankers that left the Rhine earlier, Bajorans are the fictional representation of the fictional 6 million

Disney just bought the IP for Debbie does Dallas whilst also purchasing the Aids Vaccine

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Hyposprays probably cause most diseases that happen in ST like vaccines do irl.

that's too bad. rumor has it Tom Cruise tried to buy the rights to DDD while he was between marriages, it would be fun to see him direct Debbie Does Dallas 8 under a fake name

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Star Trek is for nerds.

I use to beat this kid up for watching it kek.

- Deep Space 9 -

Federation = Global Communism
Cardassians = Global Nazism
Klingons = Global Imperialism
Firangi = Global Capitalism
Bajorans = Global Christian Theocracy
Changelings = Jewish State

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CBS = ?

Star Trek Discovery = ?

Naw clean shaven

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Yeah, that's it.

Then what are the Changelings???

Are you forgetting about Christian oppression under the Communists?

Its hard to believe it unless you've seen them all but DS9 is the best series


Jolene Blaylock gives me raging hardons.

Andorians: N Korea
Bajorans: Arabs/Muslims
Borg: Chinese
Cardassians: British Empire
Dominion: Drug gangsters
Federation: United Nations
Ferengi: USA
Klingons: Japan
Romulans: Russia

Hirogen = ?

Whaa? Deep Sleep 9?
It's a soap opera.

DS9 didn't get good until season 3, but that could be said about TNG and Voyager.

Those could be Nazis

What about the Kazon?
