EXPOSED - Girls exposed for the sluts they truly are. Top tier only
EXPOSED - Girls exposed for the sluts they truly are. Top tier only
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I want to be forced to be a slave boy on kik by being shown pictures of girls to be made weak and submissive.
The reason im looking for this is because a few weeks ago I messaged a guy to see pics of girls, and what he did was he sent me like a spam of pictures and then he forced me to strip my shirt, and i did as i got horny cause of the pics.. anyway he continued sending a spam of pics and every so many pictures he demanded more and more of me, like my pants to be stripped and he kept going on and on... even when i resisted he would send another few pics and demand i do it... next thing i knew i was exposed and naked, my balls and dick tied, a toothbrush in my ass and i was gagged cummjng hands free for this stranger guy... in the moment it felt somewhat good, i still dont understand how he took my control from me like that. But after the incident i was feeling so humilated and degraded, and during obviously but more so after... anyway my horny self now wants that to happen again for some reason but im trying to still fight the urges...
Anyways thats why im looking here now, not sure if this is a good idea or not, but lets see what happens
My kik is: ryanlowsss
GD, moar!
Also, nice quads
Send me vids of your sluts and ill expose my 19 yr old fuck toy. cucks welcome, i wanna degrade/breed a slut. pic related
kik - kinkycouplebdsmx
Nope sorry
top tier?
More yes more
Fuck fuck, god tier. More
Getting tattoos maeks me interesting!
Needs nudes
interested, is there with less clothing
She gets cuter and cuter the more naked she becomes
Nudes posted above
Want Nora?
Take her clothes off please
Only have this
More full frontals please
I posted my GF in one of these threads the other day just for a quick thrill but then someone made an on/off and I just saw it reposted again with her fist name and it's been posted a few times, how do I get it taken down?
What’s she look like?
Post it so I can see what to look out for
Post so i can take down, admin here
she's a little chubbier, dark hair, why?
sorry not falling for that
obviously I can't post or her stuff will keep getting spread but her pic is up on Yea Forums right now which I am obviously very uncomfortable with
It won't the admins need the >> so they can trace the image and delete from the servers.
confirmed, am also admin.
not gonna post it too much personal info it's an on/off, just want to figure out how to get it down and stop it from going further
For sure
What's her name
I don't think that's a good idea, why?
thats some good shit
so do I have any options?
Expose whatever slut you want to me kik is jbrody357
more OP
well that's shitty
post her so we can report the image when it comes up
wish I could find newer stuff or her
Not the pic that's being reposted cause I don't want to have nudes spread anymore than they are. Can you detect images from this or get stuff taken down? I reported the other image but it hasn't worked and doesn't get removed
How will this help? Really just want all this stuff down and to stop being posted
Initials for more
The toppest.
oh hey, i work with her
Love Casey - post ones that haven’t been posted please
fuck off you 12 year old sperg. play stupid games win stupid prizes
Nigg Lovr?
She isnt
One more
I don't think so haha
I know it was stupid, that's why I want to fix it
Repost link
shes hot wish i knew her
I know her and I know who you are. This is fucking gold.
There's no way the chances are astronomical but on the off chance, what's her initials?
Also can anyone help? Still unclear what the steps are
reverse search the image
I wish someone recognized her at some point.
But how do I get it down and prevent it from being posted in the future?
Dump em
or let it fade into eternity
How? Want to nip this quickly, also she can't know
idk man im no professional
So can someone post this on off or what?
Second this motion. Can someone please repost?
Isn't this the one that doesnt have any nudes
Full frontal?
bloody nora illav a bight m8
I’ll send sluts their own nudes to them and their boyfriends if you give me pics and their info. Kik jillykill08
Lucy Marsh
Lindsay Marsh was hotter, but that was back in like 2009.
I always wanted to register to post these but don't want it to be traceable.
Over 100 pics kik swaa27
Please dump everything
need more
Pretty sure I know her where are you from user .?
Anyone have more?
enjoy her
go to therapy
looks like a girl i know named heather
Not Heather but does start with an h
Top tier milf?
hell yeah
yes keep going
Strip her, now
hoooot. any in heels?
no interest?
only this one
you're fucked dude, really that simple. Once you send a picture to anyone, dick pic, her pic to someone else, whatever, consider it the entire internet's. I see girls that have posted on here for over 5 years still, shit won't change.
More of her?
Keep going, minus the clothes
more any fingering?
she´s a dirty slut
i have this
any bj or fucking?
Goddamn. Moar!
I think that is a better question for you.
how about my girl...?
damn moar
Also have her in the recognize thread.
Fuck me. There must be more. Or a video?
be more of a faggot
Danita is a good bitch
thats hot more
Shit. I need everything!
Still there? Initial guess?
My girlfriend
on the level
what would you do to her?
would love to get her down on her knees and make her take my cock as deep as she can
flip her over, pull her hair, and fuck the shit out of her from behind
so hot
What a nice little slut. Have any more?
Love her face and tiny tits. I would facefuck her and cum all over that pretty little face of hers
wish there was a vid of this, know there isnt
Here's some videos of this stuck up milf bitch getting fucked and taking loads to her face.
Arrogant bitch would be so fucking ashamed and embarrassed that you are seeing her like this. I'm at sunnymanner on kik if anyone wants more of this bitch
nice tits
You can't. It's on the internet now and forever. Just search it's for sure on there. Next time think before you post.
Crack whore face
go on
Hard af
Nty. Nasty little beanstalk
Monika lee