Hey user, what would you like at Mcdonalds today?

Hey user, what would you like at Mcdonalds today?

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a large helping of fren and qt hug, with some fruity soda. sprite i guess

May I have the Clinton burger
>Fucking dies



Ill have the neet burger with a cup of wagecuck tears

your heart

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I would like the 10 piece chicken nuggets with a medium fry and water. I would like BBQ sauce too, please.

Wow this was my first Yea Forums post I was expecting ppl to be mean, thnx anons

(actually happened while I worked at mcdicks in highschool)
>"can i get uhhhhhhhhh........ 37 mcChickens, 3 fish fillets, and 12 cheeseburgers? By the way I wan't all my food fresh or HR will hear about how old and freezing cold your food was"

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I fucking hate how people order "fresh" food and bitch about how long it took to get their fucking food in their fat-assed mouths.

>Serves food directly from the freezer

"Here you go user"

I'll have two #9s, a #9 large, a #6 with extra dip, two #45s, and a large soda.

25 mins, because you can only do 6 mcChickens at a time (we only were supposed to drop 4 per thing but we had to squeeze 2 more in there) the reg meat took a minute at most, and we just gave the fat fuck 3 fillets out of the cabinet to see if he would actually notice

I want YOU to have great day user. I’ll slip you a 10 when the manager isn’t looking just because you always make my order right

"T-t-Thanks user I had a really hard time at school and life hasn't been the best for me this makes it all better."

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It’s alright user, we can be friends and you can tell me all about it. Why don’t I pick you up tonight and we can talk about it at my place while we sip on some adult grape juice. You Have to take off your shoes and pants before coming in bc of all the static electricity it will make on the carpet, its dangerous and don’t wanna risk an injury.

I used to get the 2-cheeseburger meal with Coke & fries, then add a hot fudge sundae. In the 90’s that was my “go to.” If I eat that now, I have IBS and explosive diarrhea for 2-3 days.

"Okay user, let me just text mommy first."

Can i get a McGangbang

I used to only eat a plain mac chicken (Nothing but the meat in the inside) or chicken nuggets as a kid. I was a picky eater.

What is this Mcgangback you speak of

OP here. It’s when I nut in your burger and serve it to your gf you stupid fucking Kike. You’re an asshole.

Oh yeah user, you think you're funny? Well let me tell you. You're black.

For me, it's the McChicken


>north America 2030 year B.C

Yes, mmm... sir I... want a Double AR15, enough bullet to kill my whole high sch-h.. sorry 200 bullets.. yes.. thats enough and.. a Black McMask and a Oreo Cyanide pill

A mcdouble with a coke

"Hey bobby. We got a special customer for you"
>Bobby: Tell him to come out back retard
"Go out back"

"Here you go user"

Subst leaf lettuce and it's the best value on the menu.

I'd like a ham and cheese Whamlette, an order of Wham fries.

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>Sorry sir, that would be against store policy as we stop serving breakfast at 11:30. Also this fast food chain is known as Mcdonalds, we do not server what you are calling as a "Whamburger", I would ask you to please go to another fast food establishment or to order something off of our delicious menu, we also currently have a sale on apple pie would you like to try one along with a coke for just one extra dolla?


I'll have uuuhhh a large fry uuuuhhhh a coke and uhhhhh a cheeseburger

Have you ever heard the expression "the customer is always right"? Well here I am, the customer.

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>Terribly sorry once more sir however we are not allowed to serve that as it is against store policy and is not physically possible for us to do so at the moment.

A Coke
> What size ma'am
Oh just a gram

//I tried really hard to make this funny it didn't work. I'd still love a gram of coke tho.

To not be a retard and know how to speak and order a meal.
T.McDonalds employee.

It's okay user you tried your best. Here you go.

Why did she leave me
Barbara I'm sorry please I miss the children

user, they are your sperm. Go get em.

I don't want lunch. I want breakfast.

i want a cheeseburger with no buns just the meat and no cheese. also I want just a cup of ice, and 30 packets of ketchup ASAP wagie

Yeah, I'll have a quarter pounder with cheese and fries.

>Sir, I am at the age of 18 and I am very offended by the term "Wagie" would you mind not being so rude next time, and frankly your order is quite idiotic.

Here you are user.