ITT where we pretend we are liberal late night comedians

ITT where we pretend we are liberal late night comedians
I’ll start
>so, President Trump
>*audience laughs*
>he’s like a house of chipmunks on six xanax got access to a tractor
>he’s also orange
>he is the color of the pumpkin spice latte i drank this morning
>*picture of donald trump comes on the tv, superimposed into a latte cup*
>starbucks is now offering the trump latte, which is actually just a kkk outfit blended and poured into a cup
>*audience of entirely old white liberal women pees itself and then begins patting each other on the back for being so progressive*
>i am on the right side of history

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Other urls found in this thread:


I am getting cancer from that jews jew face

>a band comes out, formed just for the occasion
>made up entirely of female NYU interns, it is called the Menstruating Kavanaughs
>they play a short set in which a trump impersonator comes out and attempts (but most importantly fails) to scream a tweet over the music
>i am on the right side of history

Further proof that cons have no sense of humor.

looking it up was shameful enough

>President Trump
>audience laughs
>i know, I know. But really, president Trump
>audience laughs harder
>guys, guys, guys. Ad lib... president trump
>audience on the verge of tears laughing
>on a serious note, the only thing more dangerous than (most recent natural disaster) to the United States... is president Trump
>one lady in the front row dies of aneurism fron laughing so hard
>audience gives a standing ovation

If you think that shit is funny there’s a helicopter outside

>audience uses free menstrual pads from the men’s restroom to mop up their tears

on a more serious note drumpf bad

No lie if they didn’t waste their time doing shit like this late night hosts to skew the elections irreparably. If they hired anyone with an ounce of talent Trump wouldn’t have a chance, just due to how many people they could reach.

>*does bad Trump impression*
>*audience shits self in laughter
>”In recent news Trump [does literally anything]”
>*audience boos hysterically*
>*exclusively bitches about Trump non-stop for 4 years straight*
>*audience roars with cheers*


audience sucks itself off for four years straight
The left is enjoying trump more than the right

any cons ever stop and think that maybe, just maybe, trump is actually really shitty at his job?

are you actually a writer for john oliver op?

"government is not the answer; government is the problem."

the shittier a job Trump does, the easier it will be to get the left to agree to privatize government services so they will be out of Trump's hands.

the aristocrats.

please come back, Jon. We are tired of knock-off British you.

He’s doing all right in reality. He’s the first person to have neither been a general or an officer holder before being president, but that’s half the point. It’s hard to pin point where he really lacks in his performance as president, and maybe it would be easier to tell if the media didn’t attack him on everything he does regardless if it’s bad or not.

Pretty cringeworthy attempt at parody here. You have either never actually watched John Oliver, or the content of his show has simply gone over your head.

Oliver pretty consistently offers informed and intelligent criticism.

yeah he is, sure, but holy shit are liberal comedians worse at theirs

Holy shit, how did you end up being so painfully uninformed, user? Do you live under a rock?

Trump is a fucking train wreck. It's obvious to anyone with half a brain.

But does he do the cummies in your tummy?

Do I sound like a horse trying to descend an elevator with its head in the door user

why are you on Yea Forums

nigger are you here to teach us the wrongness of our ways

He's "doing all right" but "he really lacks in his performance as president". I know it's hard to accept that he's just another politician that lied to you about everything.

when's Mexico paying for that wall again?

Now now, they can't all be as hilarious as Jeff Dunham.

Tomorrow, bigly. Believe me folks.

Jews own you goyim. Get used to it.

Yea, but he's there's my argument!

>furious sounds of liberal user sucking his own wet cock as he owns the cons on Yea Forums

Green text so you win. When you're old enough to vote we'll have a conversation.

In the meantime, take a lap junior.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand John Oliver. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of political theory most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Oliver’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his humor- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Hegel’s dialectic , for instance.
>this is how you sound

>take a lap junior
Someone take screencaps

He corrected the shitty NAFTA deal, and the wall was really never that expensive to begin with, so he certainly held his end of the bargain for the wall. Democrats purposely blocked any expenditures for a physical wall despite supporting the idea of a wall and border security before Trump promised it. When Trump gets reelected, the wall will go through since the DNC will have less of a reason to bitch about it.

Not if liberal user has anything to say about it

Nice Bait.

Again with the green text.

Look, when AOL first came out I was excited too. I could be "smarter" than other people online. Just know that this is a phase. You'll move on.

You do understand that John Oliver doesn't really talk about trump that much?
Are you actually retarded?


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>corrected the shitty NAFTA deal
with the same deal under a new name, he's a great negotiator that Trump

>wall was really never that expensive
and so that's why he had to say that Mexico would pay for it. oh wait, no, everyone asked where that money would come from, especially after that tax cut for businesses and the 1%

>the wall will go through
yes, because Trump will keep stealing money from the military budgets to do it and claim it's a victory. meanwhile, our service members get screwed even more by republicans who won't stand up to trump.

i look forward to a Democratic president stealing military money to fund abortions.

trumpians only hear things related to trump. if they don't hear trumps name, they assume it's referencing trump anyway.

trump is why the Patriots signed Antonio Brown.

Speaking of Late Night Talk Shows, Trevor Noah seems a bit salty about how Trump just got his wish.

>Menstruating Kavanaughs

>Still believes republicans and democrats are fundamentally different.
>Still believes Trump will "make America great again"
>Still a retard
>Still absolutely 100% unfunny

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>Everyone breaks out in uncontrollable laughter, tears running down the cheeks
>Clapping ensures

Lol enjoy paying out the ass to use public transit, the highway system, law enforcement, or any of the services designed to assist the elderly or disabled if that actually happens (it won't).

Jeff aint even funny bruh, thats why his career pretty much died a decade ago


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>of entirely old white liberal women
Im gonna go ahead and guess his audience is closer to the '20-39 male' range. I really dont think theres anything on hbo targeted at the elderly. The rest of it hits the mark pretty well. Though i dont understand what your point is. Is he wrong? Do you not agree teump is delusional and an unnatural color of orange?

>Be comedian
>career going down hill
>say “orang man bad”
> +100 comedy points
>MFM I’m jimmy Fallon or whatever that dude is

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He's actually really popular in the Middle East, especially in Dubai. Apparently Achmed the Dead Terrorist really resonates with that audience.

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You know I'm fucking around, right? Please know I think he's a hack.

this is not funny.. try again, the left cant meme

>service members get screwed
In 2017, the military budget, or more appropriately named the world police budget, was increased from $600 billion to $660 billion per year. No one is getting screwed, but if the military does suffer the loss of a few of their billion dollar stealth bombers, it will be because the democrats blocked funds for the wall the originally agreed upon way.
Also, Trump abolished NAFTA. The deals aren’t even remotely similar hence the tariffs.
Honesty, this wall is going to save money in the end since illegals are fiscal leeches.

Fucking niggers can't even take a joke in a thread dedicated to being funny. fags like you ruin everything, this is why no one wants to be around you

>agree to privatize government services
Why would you want to?

So... drumpf am I right?
>laugh track
Tobald Krumvp!
>laugh track
Literally Dobald Grump!
>laugh track
(it was in fact the live audience actually laughing without being signalled to do so)

Military spending on the billion dollar bombers isn't being moved for the wall. It's spending on school classrooms and similar quality-of-life items for service members that is being "deferred" to free up the money.

While the Military clearly has a ton of surplus that could be used for this, they have explicitly chosen things that actually impact the enlistees instead of the billion dollar broken development projects.

I mean, most liberal/lefty people know that the solutions to migrant crises are more complex and nuanced than 'build a wall'. What should outrage everyone is that Trump is looking to dig his grubby fat fingers into any source of funding possible for his wall even though one of his KEY campaign promises was that Mexico would pay for the wall; further, he doesn't seem to have any plan whatsoever for how to make that happen after he fleeces the rest of the budget for his project.

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Lol at anyone who thinks the military would EVER actually choose NOT to buy expensive new toys in order to insure better standards of living for troops. This is the same fucking institution that will literally junk an entire order of new bombers that they already paid for a few years ago because they ordered even newer ones last year.

back to facebook boomer

Trump is a good man and does so much for our country and the media just attacks him over everything. Ugh. In a few years, these children will look back fondly on the man. Easily the best president we've had in the last 100 years.


Lit major here, the best writers make their work accessable. His work being " too smart" is just an excuse for not be accessable, so in other words, you're saying he's a moron that can't communicate well.

ask mommy for more tendies child

>Trump is a good man
he may be a male, certainly NOT a man.

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ITT: Retards argue about nothing.

>Still very, very mad

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>you're saying he's a moron that can't communicate well
sounds EXACTLY like you are describing trump

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>The Wall
Expensive bullshit project that the taxpayers will foot the bill for even though Trump promised otherwise

>Tax Cuts
Will drive the country further into debt over the next decade or so.

>Climate Change
Denies the science, stifles solutions, and allows other nations to take the lead on a global issue the US was uniquely poised to take charge on.

Pretty cringeworthy attempt at a critique here. You either watch too much John Oliver and not enough real current events, or the content makes you feel warm and fuzzy knowing someone in the movie box is validating your opinions.

Oliver pretty consistently says things that will get him higher ratings

Yang Gang

>>Tax Cuts
>Will drive the country further into debt over the next decade or so.
It already has

>Resorts to the "boomer meme"
>Doesn't know boomers are all republicans
>Is a boomer himself

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You seem mad... did the man on fox news say something? Did you hear something that triggered you snowflake?

when did this become fucking /pol/?

homes i came to this country for opportunity. and what do i get? A RACIST PRESIDENT. Mang, I can’t even get an ABORTION
*crowd cheers and begins to throw two liter bottles of pepsi onto the stage*

By that logic, "Everybody Poops" is the greatest literary masterpiece of all time: simple, well-stated thesis supported by examples in just a few sentences.

Irony, complexity and nuance have no place in art. Hey, remember how the point of 'Fight Club' was how cool fighting is?

>It already has
...Which is why I qualified the point by saying 'further'.

Fuck you. Single mothers *ARE* the reason for poverty and the breakdown of society. The Republican agenda would put them back in the home where they belong.
But noooooo
Get fucked and cucked.
See you in the wasteland.

The wall
Must be built to stop illegals from coming here and further burning the US. They cost more in 1 year than the wall would.

Tax cuts
Good idea but needs work but thats most things political

Climate change
Thats a fucking con. In the 80s we was headed for an ice age, 90s global warming, now climate change so we can cry about everything and get money. Wake up learn to read, research, and think on your own. But you have been brain washed.

Trump is doing great. If he had the obama support we would be beyond anything we can imagine. Dude is doing an 8/10. Cant agree with everything he does but thats for everyone. Obama was an easy 1/10 only cause he could BS. Bush is my fav other than Reagan both easy 9/10. Bush got fucked with 911.

>stupid debates about trump

i was agreeing with you, not trying to split hairs

wow, people like you actually exist

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>Trump is doing great. If he had the obama support we would be beyond anything we can imagine. Dude is doing an 8/10.

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Omfg why is this every comedy show since his election?
Whenever my mom watches them, at first I was pissed but now it's a bit better because at least the shows are more than just Trump recently but still, this is spot on
I'm a senior in high school btw not a manchild

>Single mothers *ARE* the reason for poverty and the breakdown of society.

God I hope you get raped by a rusty metal trowel.

wow you totally owned that strawman

I love you /b

>I'm a senior in high school btw not a manchild
>not a manchild
nope, just a child

>starts crying because orange man is so bad

Late night shows in general, being very generous, died in the early 2000s. If you stretch it, maybe a couple years post-9/11.

Tax cuts are good...reduced spending is great.

>Private citizen: Hmm, that car is really expensive, and since I can't afford it I won't buy it.

>Government: We'll buy the car and make future generations pay for it

>Illegals: I like my new free expensive car and I can't wait to vote Democrat again to get more

>They cost more in 1 year than the wall would.
Every cost/benefit analysis ever on the effects of immigration demonstrates that immigrants benefit the economy of the host country significantly more

>Good idea but needs work but thats most things political
Terrible idea that has NEVER worked out in practice.

>Climate change is a fucking con.
So your argument is that the specific predictions about climate change made when the technology and modeling were far less sophisticated therefore invalidate the whole body of research being worked on by climatologists? Do you know how many idiots have used that same logic in other fields and were later proven hilariously wrong? (Aeronautics, sports science, overpopulation, computer tech, to name a few.)

>I'm a senior in high school btw not a manchild
Thank you for this.

>tfw 34 of the 41 posters in this thread were born after 9/11

So in your mind, a thing that happens on a fairly routine basis is the government buys expensive cars... and gives them to illegal aliens? You think that that scenario is a real thing that happens?

>Lit major

You're both fucking faggots. Go put your heads in a fucking fan belt.

The utter lack of self awareness in this thread is delicious.

Aight, we cool.

Hmmm let’s see. Less proxy waring. Actually getting Mexico to help with illegal crossings. Renegotiating trade deals to promote fair trade. All the while being obstructed by Dems, Rhinos, Hollywood, & the MSM.

checked and keked

>less proxy warring
Yeah, that arms deal with the Saudis DEFINITELY isn't fueling any proxy wars

>illegal crossings
Were never the major issue Trump made them out to be, the Obama administration had already been utilizing a cheaper, more effective system of reducing migration that did not require harmful tariffs.

>Renegotiating trade deals to promote fair trade
Most economists and trade experts have pointed out that the new terms of these trade deals aren't very different from terms set by NAFTA, and that the Trump admin. has walked away from these negotiations with far less than they had promised.

>All the while being obstructed by Dems, Rhinos, Hollywood, & the MSM.
So Mr. Art of the Deal couldn't get his key agenda items passed when his OWN PARTY controlled every branch of government for two solid years? And please explain how private media companies managed to obstruct his policies? Does Rachel Maddow have some sort of veto power? Does Chris Hayes get to cast a vote in Congressional decisions? Is Seth Meyers secretly a SCOTUS judge?

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why do you insist on proving his point

>fedora tip
>"hehe....whoever wins....we ALL lose!
you sound like the type of faggot who listens to tool and brags about how watching and reading fight club completely changed your life.

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>menstrual pads from the mens' restroom

Jesus Christ, youre so fucking stupid, you literally have no idea how treaties work do you? Trump didn't withdraw from NAFTA, he threatened to withdraw from and signed some piece of paper called the USMCA which is meaningless until congress ratifies it and congress will never ratify it. NAFTA is still the binding trade agreement between in north america. You literally just read his twitter feed and watch fox news and believe everything he tells you dont you?

John Oliver is not liberal. He supports a regime-change war in Venezuela.

Ass anus crack booty nigger jew cock fuck cunt dickhole cumwhore shit jewface ballsack dildo in mouth.

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>So, Trump made the news....again
*Audience laughing lightly*
>He was ranting on Twitter about immigration policies and claiming they don't work
*Audience Oooooing*
>Yeah, you know what else doesn't work? That ridiculous comb over!
*Audience laughing uncontrollably, the laughter sign that tells the audience when to laugh comes alive and says "guess my job here is done"*

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>Donald Trump, yeah our... president
>*Audience already giggling*
>*Audience laughs harder*
>*Zooms in on 23 smirking dyke streching a smile over her greasy T infested face*
>He is going to have his own show with kids worshiping him, and they bully latino kids all day and dress like kkk.
>Trump indeed likes Epstein
>*Fat boomer women laughing*
>Yeah, his son is like, in it and stuff
>*Shows tall person in kkk uniform beside trump*
>*Fat boomer women laughing*
>But seriously this guy is bad for children
>He made my daughter cry yesterday with his tweet
>*Raspy boomer and millenitard booing*
>*Fat tattooed millenial woman visibly shaking hands in the air*
>This guy is like, a really stupid version of of orange Voldemort.
>*Camera swoops over revealing smirking soyboys and retarded boomers laughing in perfect sync*
We will resist!
>*Entire room goes batshit with soyboys airpunching next to their mommies*

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I'm kinda horny. Strange feel.

Feb 16 2016

>Doonal Trump maaai seem appealin til' yu tayk uh closer loook
*audience laughs*
>much loik a lunch buffet at a strip club
*audience laughs*
>oar nfl
>*audience laughs*
>oar havin uh pet chimpanzee
>*audience laughs*
>it mai be great but one dai coco gonna tair your limbs off
>*audience laughs*
>Blumpf website has 71 false things
>*audience laughs*
>Trump also lies about not attacking Jon Stewart
>*audience laughs*

You're right man, this guy is way over our head.
I really want to be able to digest this exquisite bundle of political philosophy and masterful rhetoric. What literature would you recommend before listening to him? Is there anyone like him but a bit more understandable?


oh no, is trumptard angryyyy? bawwww

>be trumptard
>see a thread on Yea Forums mocking liberals
>jump in and say something that's funny in your down head
>job well done, gonna go fuck my cousin now and shoot some guns

you're trying to win an argument with a trumptard with some facts? You must be new here.

imagine coping with politics in 2019

This is what fascists really believe.

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Oliver isn't that funny but his reporting and research is always dead on. there's been actual laws changed as he's exposed fraud and abuse of power with his reporting. hats off to john oliver.

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this. Don't bother arguing. Trumptards and their great leader are always right about everything forever. even when they contradict themselves. their capacity for double think is astonishing.

Military hasn't built a stealth bomber in 20 years. Almost everything else you've said here is also wrong.

But it won't be out of trumps hands. trump IS the privet sector, he IS corporate america.

boomers are republicans dumbass. They're the ones that elected trump.

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I read this in his voice, and sounds like something he would say. Still loled

you're too young to know this, but John Oliver made fun of Obama when he was president. He makes fun of whoever is in power. Trump is just a lot easier to make fun of on account of him being so fucked up.

kek this It's fucking 10x more hilarious in olivers voice. God i love that show. gonna torrent tonights show first thing tomorrow.

When did you realize you won't have a job after college?

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When did you realize that upper middle class people pursue their interests in college?

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Those two links on immigration cited no sources and just simply said good things happened. Pretty much the same from the pdf, worse even. It showed cream of the crop situations with immigrants at the end and didnt state if they were legal or illegal in said examples.

This raises a question, if the illegals are so smart and great when it comes to making money and fixing problems. Why are they coming to the U.S. instead of staying in their home countries? If they really bring in lots of money wouldn't they want to help their home countries?

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Chiba ninu kawanii
My last wet dream was of DREAMY TAURUS, Stephen Colbert

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the only way to make money in central america is by being a ruthless gangster, or working for one. You wouldn't stay there either if you were born there.

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Most punchable face ever

Jew... lmfao nigga they live in your head. For free. Stay woke tho superfag.