Psyching myself up for suicide. Help me psych me up. Don't just call me a faggot...

Psyching myself up for suicide. Help me psych me up. Don't just call me a faggot, you have to help me and psych me up to go through with it.

I already deleted all my folders and history that I don't want people to see.
I need help because I have that sense of "I'm going to stay"

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if you need psyching up then it's not something that's an actual "only way".

call somebody or something.

Explain why you think suicide is the only viable option at this point? Not trying to be a “I’m here to help” fag, just genuinely curious why you think your life is so beyond fucked that you’re ready to throw in the towel.

Nah, the psyching up part is just I don't have any fast way to kill myself. Wish I had a gun to just do it.

I'm not here to turn back or to talk or to get attention, I just need a psych up.

I seriously thought this was the right place for the job.

Sauce before you leave?


This shit happens 20 times a day. It not that this is the place to do it. It’s just simply that no one gives a fuck

Then you should have experience. Come on, user.

If you need others to encourage your death you don't want to die.

Do Ketamine.It cured my depression. I was in your seat, then did it a few months back. 1 dose lasts 1-2 weeks. A meta review of the studies surrounding it found it to be the best treatment for depression ever found.

Do your research, if you need help obtaining it, hit me up, Ill guide you through the steps to getting well. Sure the hell beats pointlessly committing suicide.

Why the fuck does anyone have to "help" you do it? I think its pretty clear nobody gives a shit. That should be all the motivation you need.

How many girls have you banged op? What's your job and family situation like? Give us something to work with.

I would rather not
Have you made sure no one will get sad over it?
Have you made everyone you care about hate you?
You can't kill yourself before doing that

Now that's the thing I'm looking for. More of this.

Bro, You really wanna miss Cyberpunk and FF7 remaster?


Don't die unless you can't reasonably access help, for example im 30 miles away from the nearest place so im boned personally but you may not b

Ok, this thread isn't working like I expected and it's been dragging on for almost an hour.
Fuck it, I'll just do it. Let this thread die now.


Bro quitting life is like quiitin g a 0/4 league game, if your life sucked till now it wont get any better, If I had the same courage as you I would follow your steps

you should get a whole bunch of credit cards and buy us all games first

You people are worthless.
Ok OP, just think. No more pain, no more worry, no more stress, regret, anger, sadness. Everything is just off and done with.

I would recommend you don't commit suicide
But if your going to an hero at least do some cool shit before hand
>Go on a high speed car chase through the city with police before shooting yourself in the roof of the mouth
Go out in an epic way like the guy who stole a plane and had a joyride before crashing it because he didnt know how to land

((All posts I have made on this site are satire and not meant to be taken seriously.))

Lol faggot isn't gonna get to play gta 6, go ahead and anhero faggot

How suicidal can you even be then?
I've never had to "psyche myself up" to wanting to die, rather it's just a constant temptation I have to resist.
There are plenty of fast reliable ways to kys that don't need a gun and you don't need me to tell you about any of them, because you can easily think of half a dozen already, so stop using firearms as your excuse, just stop pretending you want to die when what you want is attention.


That sounds like a heavy projection

List them, asshole

I wont lie, i'm kinda interested. I myself take sertraline but that doesn't do shit, i have gotten much much better but it sure as hell wasn't because of the medicine