My gf just left me. we were together for a year, i helped her through her insecurities and we were pretty fucking happy...

my gf just left me. we were together for a year, i helped her through her insecurities and we were pretty fucking happy. 20 minutes ago she called me saying she didnt know who she was, she wanted to find herself, enjoy life and be young. and that she loves me and always will. she found someone else attractive and didnt wanna hurt me and she wasnt going to do anything with him. im heartbroken bros, how the hell do i get through this

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she's already fucking him dude, throw her shit out and move on

but how do i move on man, it fucking hurts

Throw her shit out, make yourself a grand meal that really perks you up and do something you like to lift your spirit, use the sadness and anger to get fit aka hit the gym and train away all the bad feelings, aim for self care and don't forget to drink plenty of water so you are hydrated.

Its okay to cry but you have to get over her and do what makes you happy.

have you tried running away from all your problems yet?

thanks user. it means a lot to me

It was only a year and she found someone else

i understand what you’re going through mine just broke up with me too for a similar reason and even said the “i love you and always will” bullshit. like you too, i helped her get past some insecurities and helped her be happier. all i can say is talk to friends. take care of yourself, and do stuff you like. it’s going to sting for a while, i know for me it still does since it was two days ago, but just focus on you and you’ll pull through i promise.youre not alone

Find new pussy and a passion project


thanks man. i wish you the best

Shit that sucks. But like a fart whatever you're feeling will be stinky for a bit and will disperse soon enough.

She's already fucked him. She doesn't love you. You'll be severely depressed for several months. Your days will crawl by.

Start smoking pot and explore new things. Or get a dog, or start working a ton 50-60hrs it will be easier to deal with shit later.


you're right man, cheers

Same situation bro. Just cut your losses and move on. Nothing of what she said is true.

She is riding this dude and has broken up with you months ago in her head. Don't be available to her. She doesn't love you. She won't love you again. She has no respect for you. Cut all fucking contact rn. Don't be there for a slut.

The purge. Us only November 4th staring at Keyne Wests house. Bring handgranades.

hows it going for you?

You are just teenage. It's not like you were going to marry. Don't take relationships at your age seriously, you are supposed to be fucking around anyway.

Anger is slowly going away. Workouts better than ever, lost weight, looking nice, slowly learning to look for new women. I'll have a period of drunk partying and fuck her out of my system

guess you're right user. ill get better. thank you

celibacy and mgtow is where it's at. check it out bro.

>she wanted to find herself, enjoy life and be young

This is female code for she's been cheating on you.


You have no idea how true this is OP. She has been cheating for a while and she just monkeybranched.

perhaps she has tbh, i dont know, and i dont want to. i just want to move on and be happy

I've been through it all. Being a whiney bitch about it will not bring her back nor will it make you feel any better or get anyone new. I've tried every approach to getting over a past relationship and the best, most effective one BY FAR is "cést la vie" (that's life). Accept it gracefully and move on. Wish your ex a happy and fruitful time, thank her for the time you had, and ask her to hook you up with any sluts she knows to help you get over it. It actually works.

Take a trip by your own. Find new hobbies. Find a passion. Try to not think about her to much. Life will go on eventually.

this obsession with "love" and having a gf is a scam for people to have sex. sex and long term relationships are a meme, a modern invention that has nothing to do with our true biology. men should release themselves from those shackles. that allows them to achieve ubermensch status.

Had a couple girls like this. Just wanted to start a life with someone at a younger age but it hurts cause you just want a relationship and they want to "find themselves" which is basically codeword for waste time traveling and fucking people.

Best thing to do is take those negative emotions and push yourself to better yourself bro. Like other anons are saying, workout, meet new people, and use this time to learn yourself so you can choose an appropriate partner for life down the road. Easier said than done but i guarantee if you take this advice, a year down the road you'll be feeling the best you have in life. Good luck and remember to shape your reaction to your enivroment, not be shaped by environment and react.

thank you both, i'll keep this in mind

This is your opportunity to be the best you can be.

Almost ALL growth in human history comes after something bad happening. My girl of 3 years leaving me made me want to kill myself. I can’t even say I didn’t give up. But I stayed alive. I kept seeing what the next day had. And one day I just.. started getting better. I started taking better care of myself. And I’m happier now than I have EVER been.

Pro tip: Don’t just look for girls and take what’s available.

Figure out what you want from life/ find someone who wants the same thing and boom! Not only do you have someone that will HELP you get where you want in life but on top of that You get to fuck them!

That’s the secret to a lasting relationship. If there isn’t a common thing for you two to do/work on something will always feel off, and that feeling can only get worse. not better.

As for getting over the pain that’s the beauty of it. You can’t. Time is the only thing that will ease it, meaning you also have to get stronger. You’re in pain but just know that once you’re out of it you’ll laugh at the idea that she was able to hurt you this much at all. Losing a girl means losing a girl. It hurts. But you also gain time.

Your life is so so so short.

If you realized JUST how much more there is to life, to YOUR life, you’d be excited that this is over.

I hope that helps. But from experience, you’re going to hurt for a minute. It’s going to be the first thing you think about when you wake up. And the last thing before you sleep. It will be like that day after day after day Until one day... it’s the second thing you think of. And that’s growth baby. If I can do it, you can.

yeah it sucks hard man. but thank you, honestly your words mean a lot

i feel you. I know. It hurts so much. I'm a grown man, but I cried this morning, because I still love her. It is the biggest pain, i cannot understand how can someone hurt so much without any physical damage. From where it comes this fucking feeling. But we will do it, somehow we will forget. Not now, now is the time when we suffer a lot.. a lot o depression and a stoppage of our lifes at this moment, learn lessons and grow a metal fucking shield on your heart. As strong as you are, you either hide this feeling deep inside or youre unable to feel. If you feel like this, it means you've experienced something amazing, thats why youre so sad. Thats why I am. We feel more, OP. fuck it hurts

thank you for writing this user. i cant tell you how much it will help, but i know it will help a lot

Phone a friend. Go drink a few beers or light up a joint, whatever your kick is, and go find some fun i your life. Right now it looks like the end, in a few days you'll be able to see that its the start of a new beginning.

when did she leave you

Sorry man, but girls stupid af. That's words what she said can be transcript like "I wanna broke up our relationship because I stupid bitch whore but i said you other words because i think you stupid". That's all kid. Sex never exist. Lesson of the life.

Fuck her, move on. The best way to get over a woman is to get under a new one.

thanks man, i will do

Thats woman code for she wants to go be a whore. Been cheating on you with at least the one guy I'd say. Take some time off from relationships and find something to keep you busy. Always trust your gut, I'm sure there were red flags.

this made me feel better too, thanks user

it happens. there is literally nothing you can do but let time pass and not let it consume you. never have idle time- keep yourself busy. after my last breakup i don't even know if relationships are worth it tbh

it's been 4 months. I'm sorry, my last post was a little bit hard to understand. I'm not an English native and when i feel depressed connectedness of my toughts goes away.. its been 4 months, but the hope was being kept alive.. i tried partying, drugs, i started working out even before that, started doing mma to let the anger out.. i went partying, talking with other girls, tinder dates etc. i work, study and train. I work until 2 am, found a job at the bar. But nothing stops me from dreaming her when i sleep, or thinking about her at night or in the morning when im alone. I asked her to block me today. She told me she had a great time with me and she will only mention me in a great word. Like its my fucking funeral. I cried so much when i asked her to block me because her facebook and every contact is like a photo album for me, which brings memories. She agreed to that. It was so pathetic. But I know im not alone, like OP. Like all the other guys who can only talk about this through anonimity. As much as i am a pussy, I dont care, I need to let this out to someone, and I choose you. I choose those who are the most honest of all, anonymous, you guys, you OP, someone, noone, myself



"Girls are like busses. Miss one, next 15 one coming. Brr."

-Gucci Mane

you will learn to love again, i’m sorry you’re going through this user. everything will be okay in the end.


its all good man. you'll get through it, as i will

good point haha you made me laugh there

>didnt know who she was, she wanted to find herself, enjoy life and be young.

That's femspeak for "I want to be a filthy whore but might come back in let you take care of me when I'm finished."

Don't fall for it. Ghost her and never look back.

i'll do that. thanks user

your words means a lot to me, even when i don't know you. ofcourse we will

Kek what is this dramatic bullshit. You won't care about her in a few months-- even less if you find another girl.

user, she's going to go be a whore for at LEAST a year, then possibly come crawling back to you for "security". Get the fuck out of this as quickly and cleanly as possible. Cut her out completely, block, delete contacts, do something productive or find a better woman. I'm sorry this happened but don't let yourself become a pathetic cuck because of some girl who clearly isn't worth your time. Here for you bro.

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not op, but some of us had girls that we know since highschool.. that we grew up together with.. shared our deepest thoughts and greatest experiences.. the most amazing times in our lives we had with.. its a little bit harder when its like this, you know..

Where are you from?

you're right man. thanks. it's really hard, but i'll do it

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lol no

I believe in you

We need a broken hearted men club. Where we would get around and go cougar hunting


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She used you
Fucking absolute bitch