Life is like a video game and as you get older it's like you're getting closer to the end...

Life is like a video game and as you get older it's like you're getting closer to the end. Makes you think the percentage you have left and how far into the game you are. What percentage are you in this game we call life?

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30-45% I reckon. Not sure how long I'll live coz I'm retarded.

Don’t concentrate on the imaginary percentage you have left. Concentrate on exploration. Humans have always been built to explore. Everyday (and yes, I literally mean every single fucking day), seek new experiences while working hard to improve the previous experiences/skills.

You are a small dot in a big world and even bigger universe. There are still so many new things to explore and understand. Never stop searching. Always improve. Help others around you. Life is the most amazing video game there is.

says the cunt who lurks on Yea Forums. where only pedos gays incels and other loosers hang out.
thinks he's focking Budha with his wise words.

You're excellent, brother user. But you still suck donkey dicks.

Think about like this. Say you were 30 and your expect to live to 100. So you're 30% through life. What if tomorrow you were hit by a bus and didnt know on 99% you were responding to my post

Yes I feel about 40% who knows I could die before then. Like when you get to the last level of them game or close and you know it's getting close to ending cinematic.

If life is a video game
Then im an NPC
>Same shit everyday
>People only talk to me when they need it
Theres probably more but npc brain cant think more than 10 lines of dialogue

Bro .you can't come back with anything smart so you say I suck donkey dick? lol
I do but that's not the point. say something about you hanging out on a looser website where the average IQ is 80 and being so smart yourself.
where did your life go wrong user? please green text your story.

Yes shits crazy bro. Maybe the next game will be better.

You're a faggot. Go to a rektthread

Im stuck in the tutorial kek

Doesn't matter who he is, he has a point. Your look seems pretty fed up with life. You one of the zoomers?
Exactly. You could die everyday, think of it or not, it would happen regardless. So do as you wish, as you have little time left
You're looking it from the wrong side. Life is what you dictate, not what others tell you/wish you to do. You do whatever you want, reflecting on yourself, not others

What percentage?

I'd like to imagine I've been stuck at 99% for a while. There's that one damn unlockable I can't find, so I'm stuck exploring the same areas over and over never finding anything new.

This dude's deep

No because you probably haven't experienced key parts of life . Playing the game to end cutscenes lol

Theres no fuckin percentage in the tutorial.. But if so it would be the the intro and 0.7 percent tutorial progress.

You're not in the tutorial. Your probably 40%

You're fag


Are you bout to commit suicide?

yes, this thread made me want to kill myself.

49 years old

You get it. Could die tomorrow you never know when you're on past level or scene.

Yes didn't mean to do that. Just makes you think.

Im on new game +.