How do you kill yourself quickly if you're Australian and can't get a gun?

How do you kill yourself quickly if you're Australian and can't get a gun?

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get a gun


go outside

You can't get guns in Australia.

Get out of your house barefoot, in Australia everything is deadly.

please don't kill yourself, talk to me about what's wrong and I promise I will listen

I said quickly, not slowly.

Punch a 'roo

hang yourself from the nearest bit of ground

No rope, no car, no shops selling rope near me. Don't know what I could hang myself on to do it.

Cut your dick off when you're hard and bleed out. Drink prior

oh yeah, they'll all be in space by now.
actually just let go of whatever you're holding on to and you should be good.

That doesn't sound quick and painless.

Are you feeling suicidal? Or is this the planning stage? Have you talked to anyone? If you are, this is planning, and you have not, maybe slow down a tad.

Why do you feel like you want to kill yourself? Are these genuine thought and feeling you have, or is this like a joke or something?

>Are you feeling suicidal?
For the past year.

>Or is this the planning stage?
Planning for a while now.

>Have you talked to anyone?

>Why do you feel like you want to kill yourself?
Personal reasons.

>Are these genuine thought and feeling you have, or is this like a joke or something?

Nerve gas

Edit to answer of the last question: yes to genuine thoughts and feelings, no this is not a joke.

Jump off a roof retard if you cant even figure that out idk how you're still even surviving at all

What if I live and become a potato?

I'm looking for a fast and painless suicide.

Go fight a kangaroo m8

Once you die you don’t have debt, go to the docs office and claim a problem that will get you pills, even if you can’t afford them in the future, the future won’t matter, proceed to chug bottle

100% of people who try regret it immediately. Usually by then it's too late. You need a near death experience to teach you how to live. You dont actually need too die.

Don’t hook up to your grounding point when you go outside. You will of course fall into sun. Very fast death.

I have 20 tablets of Valium or so, that wouldn't be enough to kill me. I heard dying from drugs isn't as peaceful as it seems. I'm looking for an assured way for me to die quickly and painlessly without anyone being able to revive me (e.g. pumping my stomach because of drugs).

take a short walk outside

I'd ask for stats, but I really don't care and I think this is just an opinion. Even so, I'm still planning and want a quick and painless way.

Helium and a cpap mask
Fall from something high
Head on a train track.

Threaten to release information about the Clintons you will suicide real quick after that.

If I can manage to buy a cylinder or a tank, what gas should it be? Because I believe they put oxygen in helium tanks now to prevent exit bags, I have looked up nitrogen but I can't afford it as they're mostly small cylinders that wouldn't last long enough for me to pass away and they're about $90 AUD. I wouldn't know where to get a CPAP mask and I don't live close to many stores that would sell stuff such as that.

As for something high, I live in a suburb and the highest house here wouldn't kill me if I jumped off of it.

The trains are in the city which is about an hour away from where I live, I don't have a car so that would be some trouble.

Do you really care if it hurts while you die?

Herion overdose. It's fast, painless and blissful

Tie a rope around your neck and jump off a roof.

Yeah, I want my last moment in life to be tranquil. I can't buy a gun, it's Australia.

OD on vegemite. I know for Americans, a single whiff of that shit can knock us out.

Most suicides, like the overwhelming majority, are males over 80.

Other than that the rural males do some really gruesome shit, and self destructive stuff like drink driving doesn't even get counted as suicidal. Fencing wire around your neck, secured to a tree, then floor it in your ute, pop, off goes your head and your ute's in the creek.Easy.

If you can't figure out how to kill yourself you're already a potato.

If I could get hold of some, how much would I need to OD? Also can methadone be used in this manner as well if I have some? How much methadone would I need for that? I could possibly get some methadone.

You can mate. It's pretty easy. Don't kill yourself though.

get abducted by some aliens

Like that fucking Polished Knob douchenugget?


And leave a note for family and friends.

That sounds cliche and I'm pretty sure the people who know me would know why I did it.

Don't kill yourself you fucking retard
At least get on to some LSD or DMT first, like what do you have to lose? Don't be a pussy faggot nigger.

You can't change my mind, I am here on suggestions for a way out of life.

Shut up you stupid nigger, I'm not asking you shit, I'm telling you to do LSD right the fuck now you fucking coward

You must be young, I don't care.

You think... they would probaly want to know anyways.

Do like that other guy sugest, go out murdering a high standing american female ex presidential candidate or something

I'm far older than you, coward.

I live in Australia.

Take a fucking loan out and go on a trip, holy shit I almost want you to you're so fucking stupid. You are the most retarded gorilla nigger I have ever conceived.

Take a loan, get a gun, take out politicians until ur kill.

You will become a blightful quake that loosens the scrabble of the mountainside. Don't let cowardice overtake you.

Bare fist box a kangaroo

Dude I live in Melbourne, join a pistol club, training goes for 6 weeks, enter competitions for shooting. BOOM quickest legal way to buy a gun.
But the cops also do a background check.

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That's easy, just take your harness off and float into space, ya wily cunt.

What Dreams May Come.

Do a flip faggot

Rolling. Fork in outlet.

Exit bag. Painless and easy.

Tie a baby to your face and head to dingo country.

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Snatch an Abo's petrol and call him a shitskinned wanker.

>I heard dying from drugs isn't as peaceful as it seems
please explain

haven't looked into into it myself but I've heard carbon monoxide poisoning (the car exhaust method) is painless, you just fall asleep.

Since at this point you have nothing to lose, have you considered trying psychedelics medicinally? might give you a diff perspective on life...

>The trains are in the city which is about an hour away from where I live, I don't have a car so that would be some trouble.

Bro seriously? You're making excuses

I've read that overdosing on drugs such as painkillers would cause you to go into abdominal pain, nausea, et cetera.

In the Australian state of Victoria, while suicide itself is no longer a crime, a survivor of a suicide pact can be charged with manslaughter. Also, it is a crime to counsel, incite, or aid and abet another in attempting to suicide, and the law explicitly allows any person to use "such force as may reasonably be necessary" to prevent another from dying by suicide.

Careful fuckers.

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what if you take something with it to counter those side effects?


Opiods od makes you sleep and stops your breathing.

Dont do regular painkillers coz that takes a shitton and probaly wont do the job.

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i would drink as much as you can handle without throwing up, then take the 20 valiums plus whatever other downers you can get, and a drug that will prevent you from barfing

Lmao we arent Australian. And will not be extradited for this bs. You fucking moron.

you can also combine that with any other method. Mix and match

actually the barfing might help you die if you choke on it so take something that will ease the stomach pain without preventing barfing.

such force as may reasonably be necessary

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