Do black people in America hate white people?

>do black people in America hate white people?
>so if they can hate us (whites) for being white I can hate them equally right?

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Other urls found in this thread: Pages/Anthony Griffin/My Blog/standardizedtestsdiscriminateagainstminorityandlowerincomestudents.pdf

I can apply this theory to all other races right?

I dont hate white people... stop letting social media brainwash you, sheep.

I don't think most black people hate most white people.

Similarly, I don't believe most white people hate most black people.

I think black people DO hate that whites are generally ignorant of the institutions that continue to disproportionately disadvantage black people, institutions that were created during a point in history where most white people DID hate most black people and are today propped up in part by the minority of white people that do hate most black people in the present day. I also think that black people notice that most white people do not feel incentivized to challenge these institutions in any meaningful sense or even listen to black people when they try to talk about their experiences as blacks living under these institutions.

Cuck libtard detected

Thank you for your contribution.

Most? Probably not. Where I live it’s pretty split. Race is still a major thing in terms of disputes. But on a 1:1 basis I’d say most people are pretty chill. I think it’s mostly just group a vs group b and race is the first most obvious point to call out

Then blacks should stop voting for the Democrats. Dems are the ones that are buying votes with the free shit promises that are keeping blacks stuck in their lives as they are now.

Cultural enrichment.

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I don’t think that most blacks hate whites. I do think that those who do feel like they can out of sense of vengeance, and the media is too scared to call them out on it. Ya know, “White people hating black people is wrong, but black people can do it because of the horrible things white people did, and the struggles we still go through!” Somebody, idk who, once said. “Equality doesn’t take turns.” Just because one group was really bad in the past, doesn’t mean you get to be bad to them a hundred years later.

This is now an interracial gay sex thread.

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Yeah I don’t understand the democrat stance on race. To them race matters. That doesn’t make sense to me, shouldn’t race not matter? It shouldn’t matter that your black, or white.

I don't think so faggot, I already made it a black girl shit thread.

I'm curious to know how Democrats keep blacks actively impoverished after they're elected. I hear this "Dems promise black people free shit" line a lot and it's never backed up by any actual examples of how this works in practice and usually comes off as just some bullshit polemic nonsense spouted by a red-faced, overweight, balding white conservative talk radio host.

I don't hate you, whiteboi

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Why are you greentexting that you fucking faggot

They like to claim it doesn't but it does. The poor and minorities is how they stay in power. Look at fucking Detroit if you want a perfect example of what happens when Dems stay in power too long. San Francisco and LA are heading that way, and their policies have turned Chicago into a warzone

Black people in America hate themselves and take it out on everyone else.

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It’s mostly based on the premise that giving people free shit just lets them wallow in a cycle of underachieving. If you don’t have to advance yourself to be somewhat comfortable then you’ll stagnate. Plus it doesn’t instill a understanding of long term financial goals.

I am here to educate these crackers on race relations.

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Yeah, which is why black people aren't enslaving white people today, and also why black politicians aren't passing laws that deal harsher sentences to whites killing blacks.

I live in dc, if Congress didn’t control our budget we’d be like that too

This. The media makes things out to be worse than they actually are.

All people who make unjustified generalizations like this are assholes! Think about it!

Not user though I’m sure any type of enslavement attempt today would be met with quite a lot of resistance in the form of a civil war. Most people don’t feel like dying for some free labor.

Enslaving a more intelligent race with a 6th of the people. It hasn't happened because it can't.

Harsher laws for particular races is stupid and inherently racist. Besides, white on black murder makes up a tiny percentage of the murder in this country.

Well Dems mostly run on a platform that approves of single motherhood, abortion and they are a victim because of their skin. 70% of black youth are raised by a single mother. Which is not the case a black man or woman has more of a chance to get into a good college than a white male does if they have the same test scores.

White boys need to learn their place in this world

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Well, here’s one if you asked for a simple answer

I understand that angle but I think there are actual systemic forces that hold back black people from achievement more than they psychological impact of being told that you'll get free shit for doing something. For example, Baltimore's housing policies were designed to segregate blacks into shitty, asbestos and mold-riddled buildings that were poorly maintained by the city. There's a black/Hispanic neighborhood in Chicago I've visited where the residents have been fighting for years against the city to have a local chemical plant regulated because the emissions from the plant have been linked to a spike in child asthma and lung disease but the city won't budge because of the money the plant brings in. You've got multiple municipalities in southern states that keep passing increasingly-restrictive voter ID laws aimed at stopping black citizens from voting and therefore having a voice in governing their own communities. Charter schools divert tax dollars away from struggling inner-city public schools with outdated books and technology. Banks refuse to provide loans to historically black neighborhoods for commercial/small business development... None of these things are the result of blacks being told they'll get 'free stuff', and most can be traced back to some kind of racism.


I remember taking an AP exam, and someone asked the proctor why they’re was stand alone question about whether you were Hispanic or not. She said “well it’s to allow the college identify whether your score may have some nuance to it” or sometime like that. I was sorta appalled, what could she mean by nuance. Did she mean being Hispanic could explain a worse score, and that the college board would need to compensate for that? It’s not only unfair for non Hispanics, it’s insulting to Hispanics.

Man, people who don't live in Chicago or know the insane history of the city's politics sure do love to talk shit about Chicago.

The "Democrats" who have ruled Chicago are NOT Democrats in the sense that most people know them. The Daley's were basically corporatists, and used budget issues in the state to create a financial structure that would funnel more money into the pockets of their backers and cronies without state oversight. That system has infected the city's politics for years and the effects have always been disproportionately negative for black communities.

This. Quit listening to the harbinger of doom. My gf is black Pages/Anthony Griffin/My Blog/standardizedtestsdiscriminateagainstminorityandlowerincomestudents.pdf


I think black people are more racist than whites. I think almost every minority is more racist than the majority wherever you are.

Wow this actually explains a lot. Good to known the world is somewhat wholesome :)

I feel like a lot of those issues are less targeted at black folk today and often just seem like the remnants of a once racist society that have become increasingly difficult to resolve as the red tape has been rolled out more than ever. Regulating a chemical plant would be a nightmare politically and financially. Inner city schools reside in hard to maintain areas with less than average income to support them. My school for example was not free and we had to bring our own supplies and purchase our own books. There was no race thing about it, simply finances. Voter ID laws I never understood the issue with. Getting your ID is less than $20 if not free. A history of race isn’t a banks concern, rather a history of prosperity. They need the money back and at interest, if the last 10 businesses on that corner failed and the prospective loaner has a bad credit from missed payments then why would they want to risk their money? I don’t obviously think everything boils down to “free stuff” nor do I believe it comes down to “race”. You can see different people who have become successful in this country through hard work and generational success. My neighbors barely have and decorations in their home, they grow a lot of their food, they have basic cars, and they made sure their kids did well. They were immigrants with not much and now both their kids have 6 figure jobs. My parents grew up in poverty on one of the worst streets in my city. They made sacrifices throughout their life so we could have a better one. I feel like a lot of people today are unwilling to make those sacrifices since they personally won’t see the benefits for themselves.

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