I feel like I'm loosing my mind

I feel like I'm loosing my mind.

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you've got a good heart and a beautiful mind
I think you'll be fine

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"a good heart and a beautiful mind".
Why are you mocking me?

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What's that supposed to mean?
They burned down the Notre-Dame months ago.
There's no on there anymore.
No hunchback, no one.

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I don't think you had one to begin with


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My words were not insincere.
I have no desire to mock you.

Anyway, sorry if you're feeling unstable or unpleasant right now.
Whatever it is will probably pass and things always feel much worse in the moment.

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Why are you posting images I used in the past? Who are you?
You really are mocking me. What's your problem?

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I kept those images because I liked them and I know you like them also so I sometimes use them when I talk with you.
I don't remember all the specific gem pictures you've used in the past, though I do remember some.

Anyway, I like you, I wouldn't mock you!

If you would actually like me, you'd actually seek me out and talk to me.

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Thought so.

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You know what to do

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Make lunch.

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You're loosing your mind? Better tighten it back up then!

Where do I buy brain rubber bands?

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Yea, I'd like something like this please

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I lost my other monitor. It's gone.
Where did it go? I don't know.

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I live in Babylon so I don't get too upset if some minor trinket goes missing from time to time because I'm a man and not a little boy

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loose like your rectum
three times over

Triple divine abduction!! Whoooo!!

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Head hurty.


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that's okay. we'll all be mad soon enough


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real goth boys like it in the dark

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liek the goddamn dark ages

just lose yourself from here pls

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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shut the FUCK UP lol.

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and waste his time like everyone else that did something similar

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don't get so angryy

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do NOT post in my threads.
Oro is more entertaining than you are.

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do not post in my board
I'm not trying to entertain you or anybody else, just myself
back then you posted nicer images too, what happened?

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"your board" okay retard.

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Pretty much the majority of people browsing s4s wants you out of here too, and it's not a new thing.

It still doesn't make it "your board', you stupid jungle monkey.

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ok, then let me correct to "our board"
so, how's your life drama going? a new chapter already started?

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u falid lief, loelel

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love him or hate him ems is spitting straight facts

you are basically cancer in human form

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Onecant lose what one never had

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i know that feel
your brain is melting
your mind is rotting
a poison for which you know no cure
good luck

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Goodnight my sweetie.

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shut the fuck up yuji sakai

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gooddamn homessexuaks schizosx
justr killp uprselfs alredse

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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good night hebi!