If socialism fails every single time it's implemented in history, what does that make socialists?

If socialism fails every single time it's implemented in history, what does that make socialists?

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Name one place socialism has failed.
I'll wait.

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If only that will could be put towards other, more crucial, more approachable goals.

>Update] [Auto] 1 new post
Soviet Union
Maoist China
North Korea
Literally the entire Warsaw Pact.

Germany. 1940s. You lost so hard you won't even be able to leave this thread.

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Cuba is a better place to live than anywhere else in the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico. That’s with decades of near constant CIA sabotage

>Cuba so good
That's why they flew across ocean territory on car doors kek

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Germany and France are well and prosperous (effectively) socialist countries and also fueling the rest of Europe with resources though.

In comparison, America and Little Britain are struggling and just able to keep their own shit together.

Even China, which is hard-core communist, is doing way better than the Yankees+Tommys ever have/would/could. And buying Africa in the mean time.

I am not going to force the conclusion on you.

And the US is proof capitalism failed.

Literally no form of government has lasted more than a thousand years other than monarchy.

>11 replies
>1 poster

Because they are fuxking morons who had never had to work a hard day in their life

Lol, meanwhile, in reality....


Fake News how do you believe this shit

Its not a capatalist country its a mixed one dumb fuck

The USA is corporatist.

Neither are socialist at all.
>muh libraries
Lol fucking libs are such idiots

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the dudella in the picture is voting for trump btw.

Also, I think we all agree that your own creative definitions of socialism don't add much value to the debate.

> incels are everywhere this summer

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What do you call the Nordic countries? And the effective (when funded) social safety net in the US? Aaaand, internal failure (say Mao) is different from being defeated in economic/terrorist war with the most well funded and belligerent opponent history has ever seen, the US (which goes for every other socialist attempt). Then there are the ones that don't fail, like Cuba, which has succeeded in eliminating starvation and illiteracy and regularly exports doctors around the world. Meanwhile, the US has people choosing to expose themselves to the risk of death rather than the certainty of medial bankruptcy. Neat. Sure, they're shit to journalists, but you guys hate journalists anyway, right?

aaaand now it is obvious that you are a troll...on b? what the hell was anyone thinking...

Pic in OP isn’t a socialist. Neither is Bernie. They are for a market economy the same what Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Sweden have. China, USSRand the rest of the Soviet bloc were all Communist. Why is almost everyone in this board completely retarded?

China is the largest economy in the world and currently kicks America's ass in a trade war. Cuba is still around with universal health care and education. Things the US can't do.

Vietnam is doing very well under Chinese-style Socialism (there are a lot of flavors of Socialism). They've turned rice paddies into shrimp farms.

Social Democrats are taking more control of production in the capitalist societies of Europe and Scandinavia. The nations of Scandinavia have high taxes and great government programs. You don't see any large numbers Europeans and Scandinavians trying to immigrate.

Who are trying to immigrate to anywhere: capitalists in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Why has capitalism failed so miserably in those areas as well as the US.

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>"the third reich will reign for a thousand years"
>collapses after 12

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North Korea is still around. Maoist China has grown into the largest economy in the world and is the world's leader in production.

Venezuela fell to US forces in a very one-sided war/conflict.

As to the Soviet Union, tyranny, not Socialism killed it. On the brighter side, Socialism took Russia from a primitive feudal state to leading the space race in only 50 years.

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I have Cuban email pals and they seem to do okay. It amazes me how hurricane resistant they are. Second best boxing program in the world. I only say second best because I boxed in the US Navy and everyone knows the Navy is #1.

It's also worth noting for this thread that Cuba practices the hardest core Communism on earth today.

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Yes. Capitalists fail on a regular basis and get bailed out by the people. It's Socialism on Wall Street and capitalism on Main Street. That's changing quickly.

The golden era of the US economy was during the 50s and 60s when labor unions were strong and FDR's policies were firmly in place.

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Just to be contrarian, an argument can be made that primitive people had little to no government other than the law of the jungle. That probably covers the bulk of human history.

A thought experiment. Imagine a planet with just two people trying to implement a pure capitalist "society".
What would happen if one side is going to dominate the other financially? The side with less money would just stop playing by the rules.
So what would the side that is better of have to do to prevent this and to keep the system going?

And this is why socialism is the answer.

Trumptard detected. Supports the nation's top liar, but complains of fake news.

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Both France and Germany are controlled by Social Democrats, which do allow for private ownership of stuff. They control production by taxing and regulation instead of out-and-out owning it as in Cuba.

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Full blown retards
The only people its ever worked for are now dictators

Of course Trump Chumps hate journalists. They're the ones making up all the fake news.

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And if "capitalism" has always failed without government intervention, what does that make "capitalists"?

Both are Democratic Socialists, not Social Democrats. The difference is in who owns the means of production. Democratic Socialists believe the people, through democratic government, should own the means of production.

Social Democrats believe in controlling the means of production through regulation and taxes. The facilities themselves can still be privately owned.

Yes, it's confusing as hell. This video is a big help:


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So if the USA is not a capitalist country, name one "successful" country that is.

Capitalists are dead weight. Those who feel they have a right to others' labor and very lives.

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socialisms appeal is to the lazy stupid masses. It brings the hard working produces down to their level of misery, because if they're useless piles of shit who never want to work hard or have a job and suffer because of it, everyone should have to suffer.

Again, just to be a contrarian asshole. Money would make no difference to two people. The big one would enslave the little one. This is the heart of feudalism, which is the true nature of American capitalism.

This is why America builds prisons (private but paid for by taxpayers) instead of schools; and pays uneducated feral policemen as much as educated teachers.

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Nice bait

Don't all governments fail eventually? So couldnt you be reductive and say it doesn't matter, in the end humanity will find a way to destroy to social contracts that bind us together and descend into chaos? Its the sociological anticipation of the heat death of the universe in a way.

U mean after Castro, Che Guevara and their friends caused a bloodbath?

>Im German and u are talking out of your ass.

No, with two peopel, there would be no reason to enslave the other since this would either cost more resources than doing the work by one's own (if the other is only slightly weaker) or it would just not pay off if the enslaved person is a total useless weakling.
In both cases the slave has to produce the resources for two with the other just being the master.

Slavery makes only sense with three (or more) people as long the third one stays free. So the slave itself becomes a good and we can trade its labor.

Trips.dubs of sage truth.
People are never content with what they have.
Someone always has to bitch and ruin it for everyone else.

Me again. If I were the weaker one, I'd take off. The options are endless.

You don't know shit. You never lived in a socialistic society and you never ever can predict the future you fucking idiot.

Che Guevara tried to do the same thing in Guatemala, the bloodbath was done my US backed right wing Contra's. They turned out to a horror thanks Reagan.

Tryhards but not tryhardenoughs.


They banned labor unions. That’s not socialism...

>doing way better than the Yankees+Tommys ever have/would/could

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Lazy like factory workers? Electricians? Plumbers? Mechanics? Nurses? Workers are the backbone of Socialism. Socialism is not like American race-and gender-based welfare.

It's time the people making America run have the right to join a union without losing their job.

How dare you compare these people to the trash on Wall Street. Work? They wouldn't know how. Hucksterism is their only talent.

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choose one

What is that pic? Because I have these other ones that are similar. Are they spoofs of something?

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you piece of shit have no idea of what Socialism is. You're the type of retard who thinks Comunism, Socialism and Liberalism is the same thing. If if didn't work, Europe wouldn't be ages ahead of us, moron

>have a right to others' labor
I think you're confused