Birds you'd fuck

Birds you'd fuck

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nice beard

this noble critter

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the dodo

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I'd hit that so hard...

Cool looking bird.

Birds are disgustin

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i did it

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Some are bigger, some are small, I don't care I'd fuck them all

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your mom is


pickle pee ! pump-a-rum !

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fuck it I'll fap to this

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Interesting question.
Mammals look different. Reptiles look different. Insects look different.
But all birds are just like airplanes, all look nearly identical, if you ignore plumage.

bro you think a swan and a finch look the same?

Attached: Bird - Swan Mute Gillian Day Slimbridge Oct 2010.jpg (480x270, 115K)

If you mean all the same parts in roughly the same place then this is true of the other groups you mentioned also.

what a little whore

is that a bird orgy?

Close enough.

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*shits on you*
what do

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raped right in front of the kid

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continue thrusting, using it as lube

you fucking faggots, no bird is hotter than the secretarybird

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them sexy legs

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The ostrich is the only fuckable bird.

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not the only one I can fap to

Is it gay?

you can fuck an emu too. don't ask how I know

> don't ask how I know
How do you know?

not gay unless balls touch, and it has no balls so not gay

Only footfags into femdom want to fuck the secretary bid.
The rest us of just want to enjoy its majestic presence and watch it kill snakes.

don't act like you don't get a stiffy watching it kill a snake

They have internal balls, so it is not gay?

Fun fact: ducks have huge dicks

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that´s not an ostrich that´s a baboon

Watching THE phallic animal get destroyed should not give you a stiffy. fucking foot fags.

How can I befriend an eagle, or a vulture?

Finally a thread for me

Fun fact. The female ducks passage is counter to the that spiral and has false endings.

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For HUG not fugs

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fugging huggs :DDD

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There's only two birds of prey that can bond emotionally with humans: the harris hawk, and the bald eagle.

I recommend you raise him/her as a baby so the bond is as strong as possible.

You should also get a falconry license.

fuck birds eat chicken

>You should also get a falconry license.
Nonono, whole idea is to take a wild bird and befriend it. In case somebody complains, I didnunuffin, bird isn't mine.
>I recommend you raise him/her as a baby so the bond is as strong as possible.
Well, it would be pretty painful. If I do this, it would be first time I actually would use eye protection.
>There's only two birds of prey that can bond emotionally with humans: the harris hawk, and the bald eagle.
I'm 100% sure there are way more birds that can bond.

Birds of prey are mostly solitary so ones that bond effectively with humans are pretty limited. The two he listed are by far the easiest to bond with.

>Birds of prey are mostly solitary
Unfortunately yes.
This is why I also considered vultures. Some vulture hang in groups, which means I can exploit this.
Also I can piss neighbors off with increases shit coverage. I did this with seagulls, and it worked, they started to lock their tiny dog indoor. But those fuckers are not exactly bonding to me, but rather to french fries and other meal. Parrot way doesn't work with seagulls at all.

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>Well, it would be pretty painful. If I do this, it would be first time I actually would use eye protection.

You don't have to worry about your eye getting pecked out as long as you don't piss it off.

this thread is gold. so glad summer is finally over, and the kids are back in school


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With adult.
When you try to deal with baby - parents will probably kill you and rape you

Just wait till they leave the nest

Good idea. Though I'm not sure if they leave nestlings alone...

when their looking for food they do

I haven't seen raptor nests, but in other birds, one flies away for food, and another hangs nearby.


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Well luckily it's easier to earn their trust then raptors

faggot wolf
wingless creature shown who's boss

Slav crows are smarter than your american raven

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Yep. Condor is protecting food.

I think my parrot is the hardest animal to earn its trust

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Condor got my back

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You're all doing it wrong.

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But why do you need a slut, when you have a condor?

>Hands and wings
>Probably asshole and vagina instead of cloaca
0/10. ---

birds not furries, get that weak shit outta here

Hummingbird. Imagine that vibration...

Can you explain this pic?

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Shoebill id fuck the shit out of a shoebill


>literally just a human in a costume

Yes I can. That's nonconsensual, multiple partners and what looks like bondage. It's not at all what I'm referring to, I'm rather a romantic.

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I'd make this sexy emu chloecha quiver any day

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>she ra
i nostalgia'd. have fapped to before. more than once

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This is what I do.
I honestly don't understand pic though.
Doesn't explain a fuck.

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For your information, eagles are fucking huge and heavy.

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this happened to my dick once


I'd hit this

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post bird porn or gtfo

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Penguins, turkeys, emus...
Yeah...they all have the same form...
I'm sure there's a few more non-bird looking birds out there.
You just need to pay attention more.

> emus...
Those are odd fruits. Especially ostrich wings. And probably emus.
Bird form 100%.
All flying bird look somewhat similar.

I don't think birds of prey really have an emotional bond.
Unless you can call, "this thing gives me shelter and food I don't have to hunt for" emotional bonding.
If it decides to fuck off while you're out working with it, there's not much you can do about it.
And it's not going to feel anything as it flies further and further away.

Don't lump all of one thing together and then be like....
"weeeelllllllllll, there ARE exceptions...."
Doesn't work like that.
Should have not made a blanket statement to begin with.

>I don't think birds of prey really have an emotional bond.
Shit, you make me want to unironically get a falcon or some shit and find out if it works as parrot or no.
Owls are 100% dumb though.


A crow or raven will mimic you.
But ravens not simple birds to keep.
I watch this one dude on YouTube that has one named Sam.
He says they're like psychopaths.


If you're looking for that "parrot bond", then you should just get a parrot.

I can get behind this. Also >1230

Different parrots behave differently though. And I'm not sure if it is specie dependent, or individual birds are just different.
I'm just curious if raptors are capable of bonding like that, or they are more into "food source" bonding. I never dealt with them, and different people say different shit. Some say they don't want to have anything with you, while other say they are like parrots and such.
Except corvids are songbirds. Not raptors.
As for behavior, they remind me cockatoos.
And speaking of cockatoos, cockatoo owners have really strong stainless steel nerves.

Is that why women have assholes?
That must be their false passage...