Do trannies wear diapers
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Because digits
Kill them all
>Babies are cute
>Babies wear diapers
>Wears diapers
If he has cut of his dick then
Fecal incontinence due to sodomy
Imagine the smell of their diaper.
The hole left by the operation is going to drain forever. It's an open wound trying to heal and the diaper is basically a giant bandage.
haha that just means shes always wet >.>
The diaper would grow quite a bit from the fluid.
> Be Mossad
> Get lower paid to subvert white identitarians
> Larp as a transexual
> Repeat how much you love Hitler
> "Hurd dur I'm tainting the image of Hitler and destroying white nationalism".
Heil Hitler
Gas all tranies
Thanks for the bump but jannies removed sage awhile back and it bumps now. Don't even try it you're wasting your time spic.
Discord trannies must be stopped. Spread the word. Burn them in the light of non-obscurity
Because it’s a weird fetish that all genders do. Stupid shillfag.
yea but its not a river. It probably takes all day to fill up.
>I'm a shill for genuinely being curious.
I want you to fucking delete that image
No I won't and fun fact you can pirate art off absolutely free. Suck my peeeeeen
they leak
why cover the names?
Are all trannies like this? They didnt thought that their bodies will try to heal their open wound?
There is nothing wrong with diaper.
Trannies on the other hand...
>starts slide thread
>discourages use of sage options
>claims to not be a shill
Absolutely disgusting. Drop link
>He doesn't know about
And no, it is no furries fucking each other
They were raped as toddlers and are trapped in that state
I really hate this stereotype
>swastika trans flag emoji
Because that's not a tranny discord, that's a Nazi trannie discord. Nazis have rather specific tastes.
Look into jews and diapers Tisha bav
It's science you literal and unironic retard
I want you to fucking delete that image
Dude that's disgusting.
Diaperfag here. Trannies are a major boon to my fetish because they dont have to show thier face for obvious reasons.
>t. Raped as a toddler and therefore now wears diapers
Okay now this is epic
I want you to fucking delete that image
>Imagine the smell of their diaper.
im trying to, user
One of the common hormone or testosterone blockers has a side effect of urinary incontinence.
Also they are mentally ill.