Say hello to your new teacher

say hello to your new teacher

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Hello Taekwondoneesha.

Giving all those white boys jungle fever early I see

I'm ready to be distracted all year teach.

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Who is this? I would give my left nut to titfuck her

lol wtf?!

Free hugs teach

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I'm imagining her reading the notes on the board with that giant gap between her teeth

Carla Jusma


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I'm not in 4th grade though.

I probably have more education than that that nigger mammy.

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I had jungle fever at a young age lol

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>On Yea Forums
>"than that that nigger mammy"

She most likely has a masters and you can't even spell, nigger or not I highly doubt that user

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Did you have a sexy blacc teacher?

You ever consider a career in comedy?

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I'd like to give her a shiny red apple ;)

I fucked a lady that looks just like this. She was in Italy on her 50th birthday and we met on whisper. We chatted a bit, no photos were exchanged. So I agreed to meet her for a chat and a drink. We had a nice conversation, and at the end she levelled with me and asked if we could go back to her room to fuck for her b-day. It was actually pretty good, great cock sucking, she was very theatrical. She made all the classic black lady in porn noises. 8\10. Would smash again.

Found out later she did a handful of porn shoots in like the 90s. I think her stage name was like orphra or some play on Oprah. I only found a few photos on bing.

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Hatchi matchi wouldn’t be the first time I jerked off in a class

>tfw you'll never be a little white boi and titfuck your young, hot, big titty black teacher

Found it, her porn name was Ofra.

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>Do now on your desk
>When you are done look over your work
if you insist.

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No, I just liked the black girls usually

Das MIZZZZZ Taekwondoneesha, foo!

Ay yo...
White boys:
Let me holla at you a minute.
And relaaaaax. This ain't another nigga tryna stomp his sour grapes into black wine... bitchin' and moanin about the evil white men.
On the contrary! Where I'm from, we say "real recognizes real."
So allow me to be the first nigga in history to recognize - say "congratulations", you know - on the whole world domination thing.
This gets me to thinking, it's true what they say: "What goes 'round comes 'round." There's an ebb and a flow, you know? "You reap what you sow"?
So I'm wondering - and white boys, if you're smart you are too - what's the signs you're losing your dominance?
Or put another way, how you know if you're on your way up... or down?

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hello nigger

I feel like you’re as white as they come

So my question to you is this:
So you think I'm a white person who posted his own original work?
Or a white person who simply copied the words of a black person?
Consider your response carefully.

ayoo holla at me

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I think you’re a white person who likes drama and attention.

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>black girlxwhite guy thread
>white girlxblack guy thread
What did /pol/ mean by this?

fuck i want her and her big heavy black boobs

Her surname is Taekwondoneesha?

>at least I'm not black
Is not a point on which one can argue. You're retarded, plain and simple.

No way. She's hideous.

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Nice Jewish tricks there, SCHLOMO!

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i'm hot for teacher. tell us more about her

And that's a good thing

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I bet she nags a lot
Looks like a Nagger

racism is so boring


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She's handsome

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Your dodge had been noted. ;-)

>at least im not part of the racist sexist homophobic transphobic
>ageist ableist xenophobic islamophobic
>phobistic istaphobic
>orthodox death merchants of the capitalist military/industrial complex
>systemic intersectional shitlord boys club

That little shit needs to learn some fucking trigger discipline!

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she won't be able to teach she's black she's stupid

White kids shoot schools up early eh?

fail class bc i write in cursive

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She isn't ghetto, she can read cursive

What did you learn at school today dear?

I learned about my white privilege and how I need to stay silent when a POC is talking about something

Wat do?

I remember when the angry no ass having no lip having white people complained about this teachers choice in outfits. Stay mad whitey

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