Mostly from vilages and small countryside cities along Transsiberian railway.
Mostly from vilages and small countryside cities along Transsiberian railway.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, thank you
Post this in /int/ also. They love that shit.
Truck on the first picture is UAZ-3303, favorite minitruck in rural Russia with perfect cross-country capabilities.
Post more god damn it Yea Forums sucks today
Rural Russia can look cool and pretty aesthetic, those ghetto style buildings though in the more populated areas are depressing to look at.
Most of those wooden houses was built by our grandfathers in the begin of 20th century.
Wish we had trucks like that in the USA. Small, fuel efficient and fun to drive. I really miss my old Ford Bronco.
is gay
is bump
At last! A thread that is not just Loli or traps.
>ITT angsty young Americans wishing they were peasant Russian dirt farmers
is true
Fuck Russia looks awful.
ameriturd spotted
What did you expect? It’s russia.
This thread is incredible quality for Yea Forums.
is pic is related
sadly accurate
The look on the pigs face is priceless
Golden ratio window lol russians really are an odd bunch
Ooo babes
I've never understood this. Russia isn't some mystical wonder land full of riches and happy times.
Delta class sub still operational?
i'll be damn
Russia boasts it has the largest sub fleet in the world. The reality is they still have non operational subs and wrecks still on the inventory, most of their fleet isn't sea worthy.
]Now they don't even have an aircraft carrier.
Triggering Boomers since 1946.
Even Gen X is beyond this.
Tы oтcтaeшь oт Бopиca
you america torpedoed the Kursk because its silent operation.
Putin took advantage of accident and replaced unfaithful generals.
now Putin rules with faithful generals.
Russia have stealth silent subs and slightly subsonic torpedoes.
also old but efficient Sukhoi 29 more stealth than dumpster fire F-35.
take this animalists
Not Russia
They're actually called "vegans"
Chernobyl = Russia
I expected some tasteful pictures of lovingly harvested beets and potatoes.
Also more pics of shirtless Putin
Not often you see a russian nationalist these days.
Russia is space pioneer
I’d fuck it.
you are in the left part of this pic:
= Ukraine
In Russia everything is too big
Nice thread
Great thread OP - keep posting
they think every country with гóпник = Russia.
This always pisses me off. Putin killed those lads and lied to the families of them sailors for weeks. He refused help from the international community knowing full well they could have being saved. He even went on holiday instead of addressing the issue. I remember watching this moment on TV.
>What sub? We don't have issues with our subs
>Erm, well actually the sub has an issue, but your lads are coming home soon
>Really soon, just keep waiting for them we are rescuing them
>Erm, well there have being casualties but we have them
>Totally, it's okay
>Erm the sub went down and all hands were lost
>Help NATO! Help save those lads
>The evil NATO killed our lads.
There are no Russians in this thread, just American teenagers playing make believe.
is this pic pre 1990's?
everything is so fucking gray.
Post the rocket that exploded
There is Trashy Russia as well.
All of Russia looks trashy. Reminds me of Africa with a bunch of broken shit no one takes care of
lol The recent liveleak wedding fight.
I hope these zoomers leave and become slaves to the hierarchy of Russian Capitalist System Leaders... i mean completely working socialist paradise.
i guess you never visited southern italy i last couple of decades - looks much worse than that pic
These look like they may be soviet-era cut and paste housing but I don't know anything.
Have you been to Russia recently? Plenty of it is beautiful these days. Still lots of shitty bits but some parts are very nice.
welcome to communism.
we have stock built plans for every purpose!
I have family that still lives in old soviet buildings. They basically need to replace every original part because they were so badly built.
Great thread op.
I'm out of webm
Please post something
Know any nice single Russian women that would like to immigrate to the U.S.?
Clearly you only read neocon propaganda.
The K141 Kursk was actually testing a number of outstanding technologies (including the silent drive Hollywood depicted in The Hunt for Red October movie ten years before). Its existence was proof that the USSR collapse was not enough to destroy the military research facilities. In the already too cramped Barents Sea it was somewhat easy to sink, as noone expected such an attack. Also, 19 years ago Russia didn't have a true leadership - and blaming the US ain't good long term tactics, especially when Western mainstream media can't way to tell (again and again) the Russia attacks America tale.
The rise of Putin started with the Kursk sinking. He was able to transform a lost battle into strategic advantage - yes, mostly getting rid of men who didn't follow his orders. Russian submarine warfare capabilities didn't end with the Kursk. Russia survived the Gorbachev/Eltsin era.
The Kursk was eventually dismantled. During the operations, a tarp covering a torpedo-sized hole accidentally flew away and someone took a pic - definite proof K-141 was sunk. There are currently no political reasons to stick with a different story about the Kursk. Just like the official account about "Twin Towers"...
I'm learning Russian. I know the literal translation, but what's it mean?
my russian is rusty but its says
>a place for ur ambitions
yeah, its pretty depressing
You are right, but you can also enjoy these pictures if you're not a reactionary romantic. I enjoy them because they are a window to a different world. I have a collection of old LIFE magazines for the same reason.
3.6 Röntgen
It's a joke, your dreams belong in the garbage
kek as fuck
oh ok
Russia is interesting
I own a bronco and it's not fuel efficient lol
>no Russian shotas
Gay thread