
Why the fuck can't everyone just die already and let the world redevelop into a prosperous planet once more? This extinction even better happen soon.

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If there's no people then what does prosperous mean for a planet? Just be a load of animals and trees and shit, what's the point of that

What would you rather happen?
>12 asteroids hit earth.
>we live in a dual solar system, so our second sun is sling shotting a giant planet our way to fuck with us big time.
>scientists fuck up and make a black hole that implodes earth.
Those are the big 3 i’d Be fine with. Anything else like nukes just doesn’t sound fun.

Prosperous meaning bountiful with life. Just not human life. We're a disease to this planet really.

Rather the black hole. Things would go a lot quicker and more painlessly.

your mom black hole

Lmao nice one

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Every animal species on earth would consume the planet's resources just the same if it could.
We're the only species we know of that is conscientious about our effect on the environment.
There's no meaning or value in keeping the planet going without people, because there's no meaning without people to attribute it. Whales won't thank us for saving the planet. They don't know what the fuck is going on.

Meant to reply to sorry.
In closing, humanity should eat the planet to death in order to colonize space. Fug the earth, humanity is great.

The next logical step is to expand into space and have a few less densely populated planets, but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen in time before we kill ourselves. The great filter I think it's called, if you don't expland before you fuck things up then you go extinct, like easter island

I see your point, I guess I'm just the odd ball out here. I don't want to see what happens when we succeed the planet and go to void of space in search of new planets to conquer

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It's immoral and unethical, but so is killing something to eat it to survive and that's also intrinsic to life on this planet.

Then again, the universe doesn't care too much about ethics. Unless they're are these beings out there that speak for the universe and say otherwise lmao

all misanthropes are massive hypocrites if they do not commit suicide

if thats what you think then stop being a fag and kill yourself

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Exactly. Morality dies with humanity. We'd be martyrs for a cause only we care about.

No sir not one of those fucks, I'm actually just tired of the way we treat this rock. If I came off as one of those types of people that wasn't my intention. Honestly I just wanted a little bit of interaction with others and to see other peoples opinion on this topic

It would certainly be a point of pride to leave this planet better than we found it, but It will be surprising to leave it at all, considering the direction we're going.

Okay, another question. If a theoretical environmentalist revolution were to occur and major leaders were replaced scientist who were experts on our environment. What would be the first course of action?

**with scientists

nice thread OP.
it only means as much as a sentient being gives it.
you sound like someone with a distaste for their own society/state of the world. why aren't you on /pol/?
one could cherish the beauty that is nature and wish to preserve the earth even knowing that animals aren't sentient beings.
if we get our shit together, we might be able to expand to planets within our solar system and, maybe our galaxy if we find a way to travel faster than light speed. otherwise, the rest of the universe is unreachable.
the earth can still be preserved and it should.
the natural world does not have ethics.

you are one of those fucks. you have the exact same beliefs as any othr misanthropist retard, so that makes you one. the only difference is that you are completely spineless, so you are terrified of actually being associated with those scumbags, so we see you backpedalling as hard as possible in your post there. wow dude. whats worse is that you and your fellow ideologues lack any and all awareness, as you would have realized how your literal own existence stands in massive contradiction to your philosophies.

you have stated you genuinely believe that humanity's existence is a sin, more or less, and that its continued existence will only bring harm to its surroundings. so not killing yourself shows how shallow of a person you are and that you only want to virtue signalling in the most edgy way possible. absolute cancer

tl;dr: you need to unironically kill yourself

Lmao, this shit is just a bunch of bait. Not anything to be taken seriously at all. It's Yea Forums after all

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checking these baited trips

mm so now ur trying to play it off as if u were trolling

wow thats fucking pathetic

a real troll would have kept on pushing me and to try to make me rage more, but nah, you only want to throw out whatever nonsense you can think of to try and avoid being criticized for your toxic, diseased mindset

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trolling was a art, but now it is an farte

>you have stated you genuinely believe that humanity's existence is a sin, more or less, and that its continued existence will only bring harm to its surroundings.
here we go.
>so not killing yourself shows how shallow of a person you are and that you only want to virtue signalling in the most edgy way possible.
ending ones own life in an attempt to understand strangers opinions on a topic.
>absolute cancer
nope. that'strips literally btfo's froggie hahahaha. what a faggot.

this thread kind of ultimately proves that humans should not be in charge of this planet

you wanted my opinion on the topic so i told you, its not my fault your own opinions mean that killing yourself would make the world a better place

says the neet living comfortable in his home built with modern architecture invented by humans, using a computer and the internet, invented by humans. if you dont like humans being in charge, then go back and live in the woods

this goes back to what i was saying about misanthropes having absolutely no self awareness

the funny thing is, i'm not even the same person you were flaming at earlier. i hopped in here because the topic was interesting to me and you sound like a retard. i felt like having a go hahahaha.

none of that really matters to what im saying. sides, if you feel personally attacked by what im saying, then ur probably a misanthrope as well, so my post more or less applies to you as well

And I eat ass

Hmm, OP is retarded and should kill themselves

try a steak instead

also gay and ugly
formerly chuck's

This is solid advice. A properly prepared steak will have fewer health risks than ass 16 kbsteven pinker

you are incorrect. i share no similarities with misanthropes. in fact, i would like to see humanity live on. i wouldn't feel personally attacked by what anyone says here. people say stupid shit here just to get laughs or post with a trip because they are lonely/self-defeated retards.
this person (which is myself) makes the most sense. please respond to these.
give me more to talk about if you are bored though.i'm bored too. after all, isnt that why we are here?

i'm here to find answers

answers can't be given without questions.


There are most likely no questions to be answered. I started this to get a lil kek but it turned to shit show. Maybe an educated user could provide help?

then ask some questions knocker user.

Mmm idk about ugly, at least in others opinions. And I don't find males quite as attractive as the gals. Thank you sir for your contribution to thread

Yesh, ask questions

I'm highly edumacated, and all I can tell you is that we have to save the Amazon right away
What's the best way to scheme the government out of enough money to live on for the rest of my life

Fake disability, get welfare and make less than 40,000/year so u can get cheaper healthcare

nice dubs
lole knockers

What kind of disability would you recommend, keep in mind I technically have several disabilities that make working difficult

Mmm list your disabilities and we'll go from there

dubsabled? more like doublently abled

this is prob best bet for NEET bucks.then use those retard.
where did tommyboi go? was very persistent until now. probably READING and not being a fucking faggot.

arthritis, i can't convince my brain that money means anything, crummy anus, weird bumps in my legs, and i have a lazy eye

i cant really respond to this post properly since i cant really know which user this is, but this post feels like its more of hiding behind anonymity to avoid debunking criticism. whatever, you throw bile around almost as much as me yet u pretend ur above it all, smell u later u hypocritical snake

Sssssssee ya later ssssssmooth skin

what do u want from me its not like you were trying to have a conversation with me

Which one do u think would be more believable if you decided to make it a "disability"?

fine whatefver bye bye

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i told you the truth. go on tommyboi and leave if you'd like.
i am though.

probably the arthritis but i'm not sure that qualifies. maybe the thing about not being able to believe in money. does that count as autism?

i am doing it esfores style because no frenly anymore...:(

Autism is usually linked with social behaviors but it's not limited to that. Not too sure user. Whatever you choose make sure it qualifies, make it believable and then sell it.

the "don't believ in money" thing would be a much harder road and you'd probably need to get a psychiatrist to give you a mental diagnosis.

Thanks, I'll work on it

I'm thankful for these dubs

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So what if I just go to a doctor and start flopping around on the floor and screaming about chicken nuggets attacking my neural pathways

do I seriously need to use a trip to have a fucking conversation with anons on this fucking board? this is pathetic...

What if you went to a doctor and started pretending your back was injured to get painkillers?

I guess I'll just start playing the lottery

it's called: "fools tax." the term has meaning.

Life is suffering


You're alright

If this thread is still alive by the time I wake up I'll be thoroughly impressed. Sleep well anons

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tommyboy, you've forced me to physical violence again (which i abhor). answer me, or, imma punch ya

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life is: *enter subjective feels here.*

Oooh, baby baby them subjective feels

yep everyone has them. glad i turned you on i guess?

Oh i'm sorry you misinterpreted my post

expound upon: "Oooh, baby baby them subjective feels."
sounds pretty hot to me.

It's more exasperation than horniness

what did you dislike? my use of terms or your denial of wanting tobe a big fucking faggot?

i'm not sure how you were offended by what i said but i assure you i had no intention of offending you

i wasn't offended. you said: "exasperation" which is what led to my previous post. now that i know you don't even know what you are talking about, i think you are an even bigger fag .

are you okay, this conversation took a sudden left turn

im feeling good. how are you? the conversation hasnt gone leftrightupordown. but, how are you new friend?

can someone please explain to me how this board even has a place? as far as i knew, it was a fucking april fools joke long long ago and mootykins was behind it.
it's low volume Yea Forums with a plethora of desperate tripfags. hiro doesn't give a fuck about this board or the site itself.
man this place is such a waste of space. you all pine for attention really really hard and it's pathetic. just use facebook or twitter or some stupid shit like that. join your fucking abysmally shitty discord or whatever it is you retards use.
joke board will forever be joke board.

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I'm waiting for may of 2013 to roll around again here.

Its basically Yea Forums without all the porn and attention seeking with nudes so i guess its a bit better than digging through all that

basically started off as a joke, then was an unlisted board with a small community of people that used the board for fun, then it got listed and people that didn't quite understand the humor started taking it seriously, and eventually the minority became the majority
it's been the most interesting thing i've ever witnessed in my life. i keep coming back because i need to see where it's going to end up

don't hold your breath, unless, you want to die.
yeah, it's attention seeking without nudes. who wants that? all I see is people jerking themselves off and threads that die often without meaning to "the culture" or any meaning at all. this place fucking sucks. if any mods are here, please, be creative and give this empty shit hole something to do again. make it pertain to fortunes, or get the "community" involved again.

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Most people are just here to kill time not to sit and convert into Yea Forums culture

they need to remove the thread creation limit and reduce the cooldown timers to almost nothing
all the limitations did nothing for the creativity of this board

hey, Shitlord. you a mod or what? listen closely: everyone is here to kill time, shoot the shit, or whatever. no one is here to "convert", but you don't even know what the culture is. fuck you. what is esfores if not Yea Forums culture? get fucked you stupid fucking retard.
i want this board to be interesting and spice things up. i gave suggestions. you gave nothing. fuck off faggot.

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Im not intimidated by your anime reaction images

A wise local fagot has declared:

"you cannot expect that good do all the job"

You wana purge? Just do it.

i'm trying fuck face. use your brain DUMBASS. what too hard? loser.

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I figured you would pussy out chump

Now, I call upon the mods of this fucking shitty board here and now. I have a few questions for you.
What do you do on a daily basis?
Why do you maintain this board?
What do (you) think will make the board a better place?
Why is this board shit?
Why is mod feedback towards or facing the community so far and few in between?

STOP being fucking COWARDS. explain why you suck so much fucking cock you limp dick, faggoty ass, shit stain loving dolts.


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gamer fact: esfores took a plummet in 2016 when yosho and the spikeman were introduced

oh, look! i pinned a thread! DO SOMETHING dipshits.

i will slowly bump until someone reaches out.

also also wik should be pinned

that same year saw numerous unfortunate happenings
new mot stole the 30M GET from r9k which caused them to flood in here
taco kid started posting
2016 election

let's not even talk about 2017 tbh

esfores was fun for a while but then it devolved into shizoposting, p*rnposting, and depressedposting. do you think it’s pleasant to hear someone’s sob story, mentally lel ramblings, and p*rn devoid of any kind of humor usually serving as that poster’s fetish? (If you’re posting p*rn, post something like that nip p*rn video where there’s a bunch of gril’s butts sticking out of the walls, that one was funny lol.)

also namefigging and blogposting became synonymous at one point in like the past two years. blogposting was usually detached from being a namefig and I wonder wtf happened to trigger this kind of event....

2016 esfores was still tolerable. But yeah, that year was the point when degradation was getting apparent. 2017 was when shit was really hitting the fan.

>I wonder wtf happened to trigger this kind of event
i blame discord

I used to be one of those hypersexual blogposting depressed namefigs btw sorry lol

Learned the error of my ways when I was noticing my quality of life was severely degrading by spending hours upon hours here posting things probably like three people at most cared about and the rest despised. Most of my posts weren’t meaningful at all, at that point they were a form that was even lower than sh*tposting. I wasted so much le time that could’ve been put into something productive LOLE!!!!!!!!!!!

If you learned from it then the time wasn't wasted

esfores was just a fad at best, the state it’s in right now looks to be irreversible and I’m glad I moved on. The discord mob won, pack it up dude.........

>Btw sorry lol
Literally donut care lol

when I said I was [s4s] 4 lyfe I meant it, no amount of discord trannies is going to change that

good way to look at it. something was definitely learned but I wish I stopped sooner. I’m still struggling with le life but I’m taking small steps to better myself (good nutrition, regular exercise, partaking in hobbies, getting a le job, etc.)

now excuse me while I take a hiatus from here after this conversation for a couple of weeks before I come back just to peak my curiosity on the state of le board.

This, also this seems like a natural defense against said discord cabals. Only the real posters are going to endure past this

ok lol

and thanks for reading my blogpost

Just leave

You'll grow out of your phase of taking this website too seriously once you get to like 16 or 17


also if cuteposter is here plz don’t fall into the neet living with your mom meme

->I wasted so much le time that could’ve been put into something productive LOLE!!!!!!!!!!!

LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!
LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!
LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!
LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!
LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!! LOLE!!!! LOLE!!!!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

imagine getting dubs

thx 4 le check

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i said nice dubs

oh shit new Tool leaked

double doubles

u ladyes jus taek intrneet stubb uuay tto criouslely
loge off 4 a bitt frens

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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shut the fuck up retard

OP here, gonna let this thread die. Will start a new one

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dond bully my fren pls!
goo checkys fren!

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