Being born in a small town is the worst thing that can happen to you

Being born in a small town is the worst thing that can happen to you

>be in small town
>everyone is depressed
>on meds

See people in big city
>they have friends
>glad to be alive
>parents have money
>have resources
>find careers
>look at you weird if you say youre depressed

I hate god

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On probation for being black?

God hates OP?


Fuck off you retarded porch monkey, you wouldn't be on probation if you hadn't have continued to drive after getting that DUI. Fuck off.

Poor OP, he doesn't stand a chance.

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So every morning at 6:40 you’re gonna post the same stupid shit? Okay cool.

Most people who do something with their lives move out to bigger cities, so, why are you still there?

God traps me here

People in small towns are depressed because all the faggots in the cities are destroying the world.

I'm disappointed that the "old Yea Forums" is basically dead and I am alone in my quest to locate OP's small town from the breadcrumbs he's dropped.

What we know:
>rural Alaska
>40+ miles from the "big city"
>10+ miles from the "small town" aka civilization
>there is a Walmart in the "big city"
>there is pizza joint in the "small town"
>far from the Canadian border
>extremely white

My best guess is: Chatanika, AK
Which OP of course denies.
When he replies at all which is almost never.

I mean OP no harm, I only want to get him help since he's unable to help himself.

its still Friday night in the dark night of OP's soul

What? Walmart in the big city?

It's 2:50am Saturday. My bad.

OP mentioned this before.
Unless OP was lying, or I misremembered.
Either possibility is about equal likelihood

I live in a rural place so ivsn understand this. There's no one here. I hate living in city also though. Too many niggers, spics and stupid ass faggots everywhere. It's a rat race there .there's pros and cons to everywhere you live. If you want those things you have work hard to get it .move away even if you're homeless get a job and work to get a shitty studio apartment . Most people on Instagram and Facebook perpetuate an image they are happy. It they aren't really it's just a popularity contest.make sure you're happy with personally not happy with everything at the moment but life moves on .

Nigga I’m op and never said that. There IS no big city near me

Hint: there is a famous sitcom director that went to college in my shit hole area

Yeah but my timezone is the only one that matters

OP is unfortunately not going to be able to get away from the "black people" problem, no matter where he goes.

Also literally half of what you said is entirely wrong. You are way way way off with almost everything.

LMAO are you saying that cause I’m black

Old Yea Forums died some time ago. It would be nice to meet our troubled friend and help him get well, he always seems to be not doin nuffin wrong. So let's help him. I'll check to see if his DUI conviction got him in the papers.

This crazy op may not be the same crazy op as the guy in Alaska on eternal probation from God for being black. He denies saying many of the things previous OP said. Or he might have multiple personalities. Hard to tell.

Bro... you’re wrong

Are you the guy from Alaska?

If so, you DID say there was a "big city" an hour or so drive away. Or ~40mi. But you also subsequently denied saying that. If you're not the guy from Alaska, n/m.

He once mentioned Arkansas and that his parents do actually have wealth. What are the odds there is two young black kids who dindu nuffin wrong, just trying to get their life back on track...

Where the fuck are you guys....what? Like what?

Okay yeah i live in alaska and Arkansas and my poor parents are rich

>Okay yeah i live in alaska and Arkansas and my poor parents are rich

You also dindu nuffin wrong, god just hates you right?

The odds of that are not long ones.
Yea Forums tends to attract the most degenerate sorts from all races, genders and proclivities.

But Arkansas is not Alaska. And it's possible this op is a different one. It's also possible that AK guy an heroed long ago and the guy who's been shitposting for the last 6 months is from AR and I'm just confusing the two.

Yes. I want to transfer it

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If you are not from Alaska I am possibly mistaking you for a different faggot, albeit one with an oddly similar story. If you ARE from Alaska, have no fear. We come in peace and mean you no harm.

I remember when he first started posting, he wanted a telemarketing job and wanted to work from home cos he a gud boy, dem cops just mad he's driving while blind...

Basically what we have going for us is the retarded porch monkey isn't very bright. Sit on the next thread a let it run it's course. Let the helpful anons help him and he usually tells us more about himself. I swear he told us where is parole office was in a thread. He will tell us where he is and we can help him :)

I am the probation for being black guy struck down by god and i am not in alaska