So she tells Chester she’s fucking this dude, he kills himself, and now 2 years later she’s engaged to him.. what a slut
So she tells Chester she’s fucking this dude, he kills himself, and now 2 years later she’s engaged to him.. what a slut
Why should she give up her happiness because of her emo ex?
>her husband was a little bitch and offed himself so now she has to be single the rest of her life
Nah she should khs for being a thot
jesus christ you hate women's independence, don't you
Wow, a lot of white knights in here, EU must still be awake
salaam my brother.
2 years seems like a decent in between waiting period too me.
more than sufficient to me, especially in situations where your partner dies a person could use emotional support much sooner than that.
2 years and they’re engaged, means they’ve been fucking right after he kernit sudoku
Yeah sad pussy is the best pussy
have sex.
With men- EU
How long are you supposed to wait?
I thought the point of the post is that they were fucking before he drove a Subaru
>Giving a fuck about Linkin Park
Cute fox boi
haHAA faggotry
>thinks this is about LP
>and not just a plain female gender hate thread
A plain one
Women, OP. They don't really give a Fuck. She only waited a couple years so the fans wouldn't kill her. Ho be a ho, fo sho.
Ha ha !! My man !
There is a big difference between being a white knight and telling an incel to shut the fuck up.
A white knight EU soy boy basement dweller telling people to shut up, you’re on the wrong website my dude
What do you expect her to do? Put her life on hold for X amount of years?
It's clear you've got the emotional intelligence of a child.
If 2 years is long enough.. who is going to tribute her? Who???
>being on Yea Forums
>having emotions
>In the end, you fucked so it doesn't even matter
That's her? No wonder why he suicided. Bitch looks high maintenance
Add some more modifiers in there you might hit with one.
She got 8 million dollars after he died, so she good now
I swear ever since reddit banned you incel faggots you show up everywhere else. Can't you find someplace else for your kind?
Sad pregnant pussy
Ok I will, stop peeing in bottles and get up and go to the bathroom you lazy fuck
A shower with gas coming out would be my sugestion to the r/mgtow question
That's it? Kinda low especially with LPs success. Did he hide his money
I don't think you understand what a slut is, but it isn't this...
Sorry about your ex
Didn't know this was a YlYl cause I lost
lol OP don't you realise that his suicide was a marketing stunt to push the band's album sales? It was the same lame trick that Nirvana used.
Nothing pushes sales more than a suicide.
I think she should just show us her tits
If true, she did the music world a favor
Dude my best friend had a girlfriend, they split up and he died very soon after, 6 months later I was fucking her, shit happens.
i could've sworn this happened in late 2018 or this year, who've been fucking the timeline?
goddamn time-pirates
>So she tells Chester she’s fucking this dude, he kills himself,
I thought he offed himself because his name was "Chester".
8 million dollars in california is pleb tier lol you can't even buy a house in hollywood with that amount unless you're willing to live near some crack dens.
That aged pussy still looks like it can take a good beating