How to get a girlfriend? I am 28 years old, white/intelligent/handsome/overweight...

How to get a girlfriend? I am 28 years old, white/intelligent/handsome/overweight, and a bit weird/eccentric and "out there" mentally, I have delayed emotions and I fall in love easily, and I'm not always capable of handling my spaghetti. I'm paranoid about meeting new people and I don't get out much, I don't want to get married or have children, and I will settle for a fat girl and I wouldn't really mind. I remember signing up for a dating site, can't remember which one, and I filled in my profile info as honestly as I could and didn't get ONE match, as in there were literally no matches at all. I think that discouraged me for a while. I am very wise for my age, I don't play video games, and I'm a good listener.

Attached: girl.png (938x1200, 672K)

Alright, read the 20 first words
Lose fucking fat you retard
That's the most important
Retarded and good looking? You smash
Intelligent and good looking? You smash
Itelligent and bad looking? Hookers at best
Retarded and bad looking? Die a virgin

Pick one.

was about to post literally exactly this

You asked this yesterday, stop posting here and go outside

> I'm intelligent
> asking Yea Forums for advice
How sure are you that you're intelligent?

> get a girlfriend
Just keep jerking off and you will stumble upon a girl eventually. 'Finding' is not how it works. There needs to be chemistry between you and that's not something you can just choose like a pair of new shoes.
Think of a relationship as a diarrhea. You don't plan it but when it comes you know exactly what's happening and what to do.

Go for fat girls. Ugly ones to make it sure. Loose weight to improve quality.

Are you looking for a girlfriend or a fuck piece?

Because you sound like you just want some pussy instead of a girlfriend.

Try your nearest playground

pics? Here's a pic of me to start, 50% italian, 43% greek

Attached: 12-13-2018WWP0039.png (960x960, 856K)

>very wise
>can’t even into a fat chick

Ya you’re a fucking dumb loser.

"I will settle for a fat girl" You're overweight yourself, so wouldn't girls of any other weight be settling for you?
Anyway, guys have a harder time on dating sites than girls anyway. Btw I wouldn't add "intelligent" to the dating profile because it makes you seem pretentious, like maybe find something about you that implies that like "well-read" or "loves philosophy" or "loves to debate"

Also post a timestamped selfie so we can be brutally honest

Alright OP you need to put a lot of care into your appearance if your ugly (fat) you need to be working on that shit all the time don't be a tard and sit on Yea Forums all day if you put alot of work into your body and appearance then someone will eventually someone will be willing to date your ass (also make an effort to be places where grills will be)

Honestly, take a step back and get unbiased opinions about yourself. From how you’re typing, you come off a bit full of yourself.

Girls love confidence, not cockiness, there’s a fine line but a huge difference. I’m fat and mediocre looking and I’ve bagged 8’s with barely having an actual personality

Wait how

I'm like, probably (at the very least hopefully) a 4 or 5 myself and I've told myself "These girls would never fuck or even kiss you, they're so out of your league stop thinking you'll ever have a one-night stand"



Step 1: get off of Yea Forums

Visit /fit/

2018 I was 233, couldn't do a pull up, looked like shit, jerked off and was sad

2019 I am 193, can do multiple pull ups, get regular complements that I look better than I used to (I cleaned up well), I still jerk off (it's /fit/, it might give you gay) but I feel way better about myself and physically feel healthier.

Visit /fit/ and change your ways.

How what? How do I snag those girls? I act confident, I believe in myself that I can fuck them, and I do what’s necessary(but legal and moral, also) to get them in bed with me.

It’s actually not hard, just don’t stutter and make yourself out to be a sperg about it. Just be like fuck it, let’s try, and see what happens.

Hopefully if I ever decide to be a thot after all I can pull that off

>does not compute

Clear autist. Foreveralone.exe

One other tip, don’t get mad if you get turned down. Everybody gets rejected a lot more than they get to smash, even Chads, swear to god.

The biggest difference is chads accept it and move on, uncles/spergs/autists get angry. One in 3.5 billion girls didn’t let you fuck? Ok so move onto the next one

Thank you, this is that very important. Ideally I want to abstain until marriage but sometimes I wonder if I'll fail

Well, my friends have me advice and said to not make his mistakes and to instead abstain, so that's really why

But sometimes imagining touching boobs doesn't cut it