Im fucking sick of all this tipping shit

im fucking sick of all this tipping shit.
people actively get pissed at me/give me shitty looks when I dont tip and it pisses me off.
im sorry but im not fucking responsible to pay for other peoples employees and thats final.
its either raise the prices of all the food on the menu by 15% and just pay the workers with that or give me exceptional service to the point I feel obliged to pay more
dont just give me my fucking food and act surprised when I gave you the money I owe
fucking americunts and canadicucks are super guilty of this shit and its retarded

inb4 "some restaurants cant afford to pay staff full wages so they need tips"
if you cant afford to pay your employees you shouldn't even be open for business you broke bitch.

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And you know this is expected from you, but you decide not to. If you can't afford to go out, don't.

i agree, but knowing how shitty serving is, i still always tip at least 15%, they only get paid 3.50 an hour in some places and most of them have kids

This is bait, DO NOT DEBATE
This is bait, DO NOT DEBATE
This is bait, DO NOT DEBATE
This is bait, DO NOT DEBATE

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15% i always only gave 10%

That is a misleading statement.
There is still a minimum wage even for servers. If they don't make at least the regular minimum wage with their tips then the owner of the restaurant has to pony up. You are literally paying their wages for bad owners.

OP is incredibly correct. I've worked in server jobs half my working life and I fucking hate the tipping system. Sometimes when people go to pay I enter in the amount they owe and skip over where they are allowed to input a tip.

Cheap fuck detected. I got my cock sucked once for leaving a $20 bill to a bartender that was stiffed by a cuck like op. Tippings great

>most of them have kids
and whose fault is that?

See There is no reason to tip beyond the 'social pressure' of doing so. Remember that a true chad doesn't give a fuck what others think of them. Let the owners of the restaurant pay their fucking employees a decent god damn wage and stop letting them shove the cost onto you.

Pay double for the food then, because thats whatll happen.
At least with a tip you get some comtrol over the amount the server makes for shitty or good service.
Restaurants operate on pretty small profit margins.

t. never worked or managed a restaurant before

That is ABSOLUTELY false. There are exactly three kinds of eateries:
1. The ones that fail within the first year because the owners are retarded and/or inexperienced and don't know how to run a restaraunt
2. The ones that survive past the first year and make a FUCKTON of money because of how badly they stiff their workers.
3. The ones run solely for money laundering by the mob/other organized crime groups.


bro the profit margin is like 9% or less
i don't think that even accounts for tax.
as a restaurant owner, you won't make any money back for 5-10 years

6 percent actually is the average

Is it your/our/whoever the fuck's fault that they have some offspring to feed? Is it your/our/whoever the fuck's fault that those guys have a shitty job? They're either students, a status which should teach ppl to live with limited amount of money, or poorfags that got kicked out of school. So fuck them. Btw, I also did that job for years when I was in university. Now I make manifolds because I fucking earned it. Serving coffee could also be done by a monkey, technicallly.

>he believes the jew reported "average"

>laughs in european

>he believes jews are out to get him

>he DOESN'T believe the jew is out to squeeze as much money as possible out of anything they do

>crying because people have an opinion and give nasty looks
>is really cold and unempathetic towards servers and expects them to deal with it and stop complaining

It’s cool if you don’t wanna tip, just don’t get sensitive when people think you’re a scumbag. If you want people to respect your opinion then respect theirs. Problem solved

Yeah bullshit bro. We get like $5 an hour minus tip out, and nowadays you have to claim most of your tips since the POS systems keep track of it all and everyone pays with credit cards nowadays. And you pay taxes on those tips. You can work 30-40 hour work weeks minus taxes you have like $100 paycheck every 2 weeks

He incorrect. The server just keeps getting their hours cut and eventually fired through no fault of their own. It wasn’t a performance issue bc no matter how well they did you would have stiffed them anyway. People that are generous tippers and aren’t socially stunted off balance this most of the time.

yeah im sure you have done years worth of youtube research

A true chad has witty conversation with the server and tips 25-30%, this a complete power move and let’s the woman know he’s a confident guy who can relate to other human beings. What described is a red flag

I watch bar rescue too

AS the customer, you are literally paying their wages.


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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shit? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying da price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, kiddo.

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It pisses me off, it use to be 15%, 18%, and 20% for great service, now when i go in, they ask 20%, 22%, then 25% for great service

>laughing intensifies

how is it being poor? stressful?

the fuck do you care what strangers think? are you retarded?

Average restaurant is lucky to post profit of 8-10%

I was a certified executive chef.
I went to the CIA acedemy in Joliet
I worked in some of the upper echelon
Restaurants in Chicago. I did it for 15 yrs and burned out.
I worked in project management for a construction company, made a lot more money, was good company...profits tended to be 40-48% occasionally better.
Good fuck yourself you dikklikking faggot.

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OP. Another shamelessly proud jew

I agree with pic related. If you don’t like the money you’re making, you’re free to get a different job. You’re doing your job when you bring me my food. Why would I pay more for that? I never tip. Don’t @ me because your shitty job sucks dicks.

I'm actually ok with tipping, I just wish people wouldn't be pussies when discussing it. Ask anyone you know what tipping is and they'll say it's an extra bonus you give for good service. Now tell anyone you know that you don't tip and they'll be like "They need that money to survive you jerk!" Oh, so it's not really extra in your mind then, is it? Just have the balls to be honest that you think it's an entitlement and not really a bonus.

This. With some exceptions:
1. I do not tip in cities that enforce a high minimum wage. If you're getting $15/hr for serving tables, you're getting a 0% tip from me. Unless you are somehow exceptional, then I might give you 5-10%.

2. If a restaurant is set up in a way to try to scam tips, I will not tip. Charging a fee for 6+ people, which is an automatic tip, then handing me a receipt with a tip line and no explanation. In this case, I ask the server if they want just the automatic tip, or if they want to waive it and get a tip that I calculate. They almost always think they'll get more from my tip, they waive it, and then I stiff them for trying to be deceptive.

3. Pre-calculated tip amounts that base the percentage on all taxes and fees, rather than the base food/drink amount. With this, I point out their error in calculations and give them the next lower bracket than I would have given otherwise. And suggest that they get their system fixed to calculate correctly.

4. Tips where table or delivery service isn't provided. I do not tip at Starbucks. I do not tip when picking up a fucking pizza. And I don't tip a percentage on delivery, I just tip based on the difficulty of delivery: if it's a far drive in shit weather, and my food is hot, you get $10. If it's down the block on a nice day, maybe $2.

You should never repeat visit a restaurant.
I guarantee you if the server that stiffed you
Last time recognizes you, your food is getting
Some spit in it.

Yea because that crackhead waitress is going to remember the face of one single person over the thousand they see on a daily basis. Now go fetch my meal, rat

They remember that shit. Ask a server faggot.

>server that stiffed you
You mean customer right?
>Bob Evans hostess detected

>Restaurants operate on pretty small profit margins.
No they fucking don't!! (had 4 restaurants in my lifetime) Food is always at least a 65-70% mark up.

>hey only get paid 3.50 an hour
I was a server back in the 90s, and even then I always made minimum wage. I had a shit-tier serving job where I made an average of $19.50/hr during my 9 months working there (not worth it for those shitty customers, one of which was MC Hammer... 0% tip asshole), then a good job where I made an average of almost $38/hr (good customers, served my senator once, but it was more work per person and I had to know my shit). It was always good money. I've never met a server that didn't make a base minimum wage, plus tips.

One person pays at a table...most places give a server 3-4 tables a night. 5 tops.
So thats around 900 faces they see a year.

Eat your spit and like it fuckface.

Its called gratuity for a reason you cockgobbling self-righteous prick. You gonna tell some 16 year old server to get a better job? You are the best example of an unappreciative faggot bro, you and your cheap jew tactics should realize you take away from the justification the same system that paus you uses to keep hourly rates low for employees being paid in tip income you dumb cunt hypocrite.
But you arent legally obliged to tip so to each their own

Lol. I visited US last month. Haven't tipped once. Wagies got a little mad I assume.

Food cast runs around 25-32% of operating cost unless you are serving swill.
The theres a liquor license that runs 250,000, if its a free standing building, lot and dumpster fees, taxes etc.

You have literally never owned anything. Boy.

One person does not always pay per table. Are you fucking stupid? Gtfo retard.

Thry have the system set now that if you make less in tips than you get hourly rate so, true. But minimum is $8.70 in my state, hows anyone going to live on that garbage?

When I started out, it was 10% for baseline, 15% for great, more very rarely happened. Now I see people giving 25% as the norm. It's insane.

Most of the time, servers do not get minimum wage. They get a much lower wage with the assumption that their tips will raise their take-home to a minimum wage equivalent.

It’s called inflation you fucking dumbshit

Except its illegal to pay less than minimum wage so if the server does not at least make that in a night they get whatever tips plus hourly minimum

Even assuming 50% of your tables are 4 tops split between 2 couples, youll remember the really good tippers and the definitely remember the cheap fucks incapable of tipping.

Your are literally terrible at this.

#2 Yes, stiff the server who has no input on how the recepits are designed and how auto-gratuity is calculated.

Your other points are fine, but the last clause of #2 is just dick-ish

I always leave one of those things that looks like a $50 bill but is actually one of those Jesus pamphlets.

>Most of the time, servers do not get minimum wage.
In cities that enforce high minimum wages, they specifically made it illegal to pay servers lower than minimum. Both SF and Seattle are incrementally moving servers up to $15/hr base pay. That, to me, means they don't need my tips.

>It’s called inflation you fucking dumbshit
Inflation of a percentage...? You are a special kind of retard.

Terrible at arguing with faggot cuck servers who can’t do basic math?


Move to the UK, they don’t tip at all and you can eat this every day for breakfast and not leave a tip and it is so much food and do gross you won’t be hungry the rest of the day

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>Your are

There’s dishes in the back for you to wash, Juan

What are those black puck looking things under the eggs?

No you are terrible at pretending to be anyone who has been anywhere or done anything.

Get sweatty little faggot!

What i seem fucking incredible as an European is Americans getting 'offended' when people don't tip
You entitled little shit if you're not happy with the money you make find another job

Oh. Ok.


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I hate the USA

look mommy I got to reply to someone using a reaction image I saved for this occasion

Black Pudding

>no input on how the recepits are designed
No, they do not design their POS. But they are absolutely supposed to inform me explicitly that they are charging me an automatic tip. Instead, some servers don't mention this in the hopes of getting the automatic tip as well as a written in tip.

If a server does not inform me that this tip is there, I ask and then do my best to stiff them. Because they are either being deceptive, or they are being negligent in a way that is financially harmful to their customers.

When I served tables at places that had automatic tips on large parties, I always did the following:
>I informed them of the policy at the beginning
>I told them I was waiving the automatic tip, that they could determine that on their own
>And I simply did not enter into the POS that the table was large enough to warrant an auto tip

And it costs 25 £ too idiot.
Same breakfast in the states costs 10-14

I used to work at a 'upper echellon' chandelier/lamp workshop (Some chandeliers up to 48k/u, ahem Saint Louis ahem)
When i went to install the fucking 2 grand lamp in their wall they didn't tip me
Cause i was doing the fucking job i was already paid for

Thats what I thought, stupid nigger.

>find another job
>just strap on your job helmet
>squeeze down into a job cannon
>and fire off into job land
>where jobs grow on jobbees

You got me, user! You win! What will you do with this victory!?

Stop raging, casual

>not knowing the difference between a contract job and a restaurant job
the absolute state

>Don't be retarded
>Try your best in school
>Don't get retarded College degrees
>Find a job that makes money

If you can't be more than basic replaceable labour to your company, don't complain to me that it's hard for you to find a job

Before it was just restaurants, now it’s literally everywhere I fucking go, smoothies, ice cream, sandwiches, literally everywhere I go and they point that stupid fucking iPad or computer back at you to sign and it’s like add a tip? I’m over here getting two sandwiches and instead of tipping a dollar every once in a while I legit have to tip like 3 dollars cause of that stupid percentage, EVERYWHERE I FUCKING GO, I work as a grocery buyer get up at 230 in the morning to work spend 6 grand of company money a day, separate put up 200 + boxes of food a day on top of making the store look nice and every other fucking admin thing that comes with the job, I give exceptional customer service all the time and I make 20 bucks an hour, there is no tipping system for a grocery bitch boy yet I have to tip the dude who hands me ice cream 3 dollars for doing his fucking job

What state are you in where your employer is allowed to pay you 5 bucks an hour?

You're so incoherent I can't tell if you're for, against, or just an idiot when it comes to tipping.

>laughing gentrifies
this is probably the best scene from friends.
fuck ross.

Bathe in your asschapped E-tears little nigger.


rip was supposed to link to 2:58

>be 1999
>food costs $10
>15% tip = $1.5
>total cost = $11.50
>wages for 10 tables/hr = $2.13/hr + $15 tips = $17.13

>be 2019
>food costs $20
>15% tip = $3
>total cost = $23
>wages for 10 tables/hr = $2.13/hr + $30 tips = $32.13

See how that works? Servers make more now because inflation drove up the cost of food/eating out. Increasing the tip percentage just artificially inflates the value of food service, independently of any other factors:

>be 2019
>food costs $20
>25% tip = $5
>total cost = $23
>wages for 10 tables/hr = $2.13/hr + $50 tips = $52.13

This is way more than the rate of inflation, which is just retarded.

Tipping is for table service or delivery. And some other rare instances, like hotel maids. It is not for retail service. Period. Everyone else can go suck a dick.

There are rules to clarify tipping culture so it makes it easier. At QSR restaurants, no tip. Ringing up a bill and handing you a sandwich? No tip. Taking it to go, no tip. So, if you go to a fine restaurant, and they sell you some fine wine, tip them for their knowledge and service. Tipping is for great service, not just standing there and running a cash register.

I would buy a $1 grilled cheese from anyone running this.
I appreciate hating the customer and not putting up with their bullshit.

Yeah dude I tip 20 percent everywhere I go because I’m a pussy who’s scared of what people think, I frequent retail places like you mentioned and calculated that I spent around 150 bucks on tips alone, I make 21 an hour and tips have essentially become a bill for me, if it was just at restaurants and delivery services it would probably only be like 50 bucks a month

That's a whole lot of shit storming just to say "I don't tip".

Its because they are mad that they work at a low tier job.

>don't complain to me that it's hard for you to find a job
...bcoz I CAN'T HEAR YOU

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I tip, usually 15-20%, with rare exceptions. The exceptions are what I laid out.

Ok. Got no problem with that range. I've had terrible service and didnt tip at all. Had great service and had to apologize because I didn't have the money to cover what I thought was a worthy tip. Have a friend that will tip outrageous amounts. Went out drinking with him one night, and he tipped the bartender $300. I know he was hoping she would go home with him, but still....

> be European
> be a waiter
> no tipping culture here
> get bankrupt after a week
> be homeless after two weeks
> by the end of the month I'm dead cuz we never invented tipping damn