Why are people/you okay working 40+ hours a week...

Why are people/you okay working 40+ hours a week, barely making ends meet yet will happily watch a millionaire have a dream honeymoon while making even more money from your eyeballs?

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Personally, I don't watch him but don't think that much about what others make or do. I'm focusing on my own game and all that other stuff is just a distraction.

The only time I focus on other people's stuff is if I'm looking to them for ideas on new angles.

I don't consume garbage media like that

and you're right, nobody should have to work 40 a week. Villagers sustaining themselves is around 18-20hrs a week

the extra 20 that you put in is for your CEOs thicc whores

they dont know any different and probably never will, its been the same for thousands of years, the only thing thats changed is that the feudal lords have become the CEOs and the shareholders

not everyone can be equal

Because it's entertaining

who says I work 40 hours a week


far from it

I dont worship celebrities, specially not shitty youtube ones

I never understood watching other people play games. I never watch people just play, unless it's a guide or something helpful. I'd rather just play the game myself, that's the entertainment. Don't watch games, play them. Watch fucking TV or informational videos.

IDK who that guy is but I work my hands to the bone so I can pay off my house as fast as possible. So that I can rent it out and buy another. And even then I'll continue to work my ass off to pay for that house so that it is paid off as fast as possible aswell. Then I'll have 2 homes that i rent while I work and buy a third. It's not millionaire but in the next 10 years I'll own at least 3 rental properties and by the time I'm in my 50s I'll hopefully have ballooned that to 10 or more. Then for my golden years I'll never have to work besides maintenance on the homes that I rent and all the bookkeeping that goes with that. So IDK who that guy is but I also don't give a shit.

it's called coping

This is everything wrong with the world! I'm opposite, I own nothing,dont care what others are doing. I travel the world. Enjoy myself and make sure I'm healthy. Simples.

So youre a hobo that doesn't contribute to society? Yet we are what's wrong with the world?

I work 50 to 60 hours a week in zurich but I earn 350 k a year.
Im still jealous of pewdie, he is earning more than ermotti ffs.

I think people like to watch people who have more time to invest in games than themselves do cool content that they themselves cannot get to. I also think a lot of people watch streams on a second monitor to passively watch while playing. I also think some people like to have a stream on more as radio than to watch it. I also think that some people watch streams for games that they are interested in, but not $60+ interested in. I also think that some people watch streams for games they like to possibly learn gooder strategies. Lots of reasons people may be watching a stream.

pewdiepie fans are the lowest forms of life. I would love to see when the grow up and join the job market, how will they feel when they understand what they did making a parasite like him rich?

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Nice larp

>not being a trustfound baby of boomers
sucks to be you fag

larp harder, wagie

I thought the same thing last night. Part of it is because I want to see how it's like to have lots of money. The question is whether or not it motivates you to do better or you getting salty because you refuse to change your life and make decisions similar to Pewdiepie to make millions. You're obviously the latter.

WHO FUCKING CARES! He has a lot of fans who work and they probably think of him like twice a day, unlike you who jerks of to him all the time, using your tears as lube.

Because they can live vicariously through him, people who vlog make the viewer feel like they're a part of it

>watch a millionaire have a dream honeymoon
Why do people do this?

Pray you have good tenants.

its a clown world. Kids who grow watching a man playing a videogame instead of playing it themselves become adults who enjoy watching another man fuck their women.

>work 40 hour weeks
Acshually, I work 36 hours a week. Three 12 hour night shifts as a security guard. I literally just sit in my car all night watching a small office complex & play video games, listen to music. Been doing it for 5 years & it's a fuckin dream job.