Why don't Americans protest corruption like the people of Hong Kong have?

Why don't Americans protest corruption like the people of Hong Kong have?

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Why bother nothing changes just people looking to be lazy and not contribute to society.

Can someone give me the short version of this hong kong thing? Why are there protests? Do they want to go back to british rule or something?

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read a book nigga

So, Hong Kong was a British territory for a long time since the Opium Wars, they only stopped being fully British very recently. Until now, individuals living in Hong Kong lived with the common protection of British law to back them. That is, every person owns their own liberty, and has certain rights and freedoms which the state cannot inhibit. This is very different from the totalitarian atheist government of Beijing, which sees humans as existing primarily to serve the state and individuals owning very few rights. Freedom of speech is discouraged through both soft power and hard power with a combination of "social credit scores," internet censorship, and police crackdowns. After the UK agreed to withdraw from the city, there was a condition that for 50 years they would be allowed to retain their way of life and stay capitalist like they had always been. Then after the 50 year transition period the territory would belong fully to the Beijing government. Why people are protesting is because Beijing has basically full control of Hong Kong politics today, and individuals are losing personal liberty at a rapid rate, especially with the surveillance state of CCTV coverage combined with chinese facial recognition technology. And then they wanted the authority to extradite these activists and spirit them away to unknown prisons in mainland China to be tried by a judge there? It's not wonder people decided to say enough is enough and stand up for their right to a democratic voice.

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What is Google?

Its a condom

Cause they still think the 2 party system gives them a say

A fair election between two candidates is always better than a sham election between all the candidates chosen by the central committee

Because Americans are fat, stupid, lazy and they hate their own country.

communism was never an option in america

>It's not wonder people decided to say enough is enough and stand up for their right to a democratic voice.
They're going to be squashed like bugs

Because the usa's controllers give the population just enough economic freedom to fool them into thinking they are in control of their own lives.

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You mean a sham election between the candidates chosen by two central committees

>They're going to be squashed like bugs

Probably, yeah. That may end up working in favour of the people though, in the long run. But who knows.

Because in the US any symbol of freedom is quickly labeled a symbol of hate, and suppressed

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what a fat gringo pos you must be

Because half the country supports the corruption

thats the sad truth

I pray that it doesn't come to that, and I pray that all men and women on Earth receive the liberties which are owed to them, such as the right to free expression and free worship.

the right to defend oneself and your country against totalitarianism

Amendment #1
Amendment #2