shaved pussies
Shaved pussies
that could be a 5year old on the pic
innies are so child-like so its gross when they shave. innies should have hair, outies shave
found the faggot
why is it that your first thought is "hmmm thats a childs vagina" that makes you the odd one out buster
No it couldn't. I have a daughter. I've cleaned enough shit out of her pussy to be intimately familiar with what a young girls vagina looks like. If hair is the only way you can tell a difference between a child and a grown woman, you're fucking retarded.
i have littlesisters who run around naked all the time.
a childpussy is bald with no colour or lips, its a fact. i like womenpussy with lips
a innie like emily bloom looks like a babypunani tho
She's underage, the rest of the pics in that set make it absolutely clear.
No, it doesn't.
OP is going to hell if true
Ur a faget
wha set?
enily bloom does not have a grownwomen pussy
Pics or it didn’t happen
The set that he just made up in order to get (You)'s
You need to get out more son. In my 46 years I’ve seen plenty of adult pussy that looks just like that when waxed. It comes in all sizes and shapes.
aw damn!
Ruh roh
grow up
describe a childpussy pls
>small/no clit
>no lips
i dont say it is something bad i just say that innies are childlike
Alexa, what is a vagina?
(((user))) why are you trying to inject pedophelliac discussion into the thread unwarranted?
now that's what I'd call a perfect shaved pussy!
Nice missed point... what he’s trying to tell you is that adult pussies can look the same
More of this and less talk
hairless pussy is best pussy
Got to love a smoothie
yes but its a fact i described cp
K dad, don't do weird things to your daughter
He should shave it tbh, looking like lex luthor is great for business
>I've cleaned enough shit out of her pussy to be intimately familiar with what a young girls vagina looks like.
found the pedophile dad
you (poorly) described a part of human anatomy of a child, but are the only one referring to it as porn. Why is that?
>She's underage, the rest of the pics in that set make it absolutely clear.
so you admit to looking at child porn to know theres a set of this and that shes underage?
fucking pedo
She's cute. sauce?
On chaturbate all night
Kati3 kat
Dollywinks on Reddit if you're wondering.
what a beauty
Found the person with no kids.
That's not shaved you dumbass, they're naturally hairless.
Heh, dickhead says this as if it would offend me.
Cry moar.
Holy shit he looks better bald
He's talking about literal shit. When they shit themselves it can sometimes get squished around in the diaper and go everywhere. You have to clean the shit out quickly or they risk an infection.
>outies shave
Yeah, let's expose the beef curtains even further.
Yeah, that hair of his does him no favors
Sorry I'm late, did I miss anything?
Attraction to hairy vaginas is a common theme in closeted males who haven't come to terms personally with being homosexual.
The hair hiding the vagina allows them subconscious plausible deniability, since the vagina cannot be seen. Another common one is the "shaved makes it look like a child," since they can hide their homosexuality by making the preference seem like a righteous stance against pedophilia instead of uneasiness at the sight of a sex organ that they know SHOULD arouse them but does not.
True heterosexual mind find vaginas visually appealing.
What does jacking it to this mean?
It means you're a veteran of Yea Forums
No kidding 'eh?
3 daughters. Innies trigger nothing for me. It becomes a boring chore and the love of large labia develops over time as the innie is removed from any arousal triggers because of the associated shit and piss smell hits you in the face at 3am.
That sucks. Makes me glad I never had daughters.
Yea. Now I need to warn them about Yea Forums... in a few years.
You fuckers stay away from my daughters.
Ass spread?
nigguh doesn't want to share
>I am intimately familiar with what a young girls vagina looks like
You're not helping your case.
Boy.. You need to get laid.
What kind of pussy do men usually like?
>little to no inner lips
>small vagina
>puffy lips
Are you seeing a pattern? Me neither.
0/10 made me reply
Pikachu birb
ex wife!!! you like?
Very nice! More? kik is markjackson652 and the pic above yours is mine...
Why are you inspecting your sisters puss.
You're a closet pedo no doubt.
i fucking despise shaving myself id never make a woman do it and as i get older its kind of a preference of mine to see hair down there
gf's pussy after i fucked her, came in her and then fucked her even more and made a foam
I swear by the seven gods if the next post does not tell their age I will post the IP address of every single one of you on here. I will not hesitate. I have it in my logs already and am ready for control-v
wow fucking nice, more plese ?
>fucked her, came in her and then fucked her even more and made a foam
I wanna lick that foam right out of her