Should I feel bad, Yea Forums?

Should I feel bad, Yea Forums?

I was hugging a 13 year old girl and she was teasing me about how short I was.She was actually a bit taller than me that she was able to kiss my nose (maybe half an inch or an inch taller than me).. according to her most her friends are around my height, do you think this is true, Yea Forums?

I'm a manlet that's only 5'3" and I'm in my late 20's ... should I feel bad, Yea Forums? What should I do?

Attached: 1444344912050.jpg (640x640, 69K)


You should feel bad about being a manlet pedophile. You should be a real Chad and find the tallest bitch you can and fuck her.

Are you a midget or a woman?

you're definitely shorter than the average girl. But fuck her.

>Manlets, when will they learn?

Attached: DKCpWqz.png (915x678, 527K)


She is not 13

You should stomp a tranny to death

194 cm high is consider manlet now?
i know this is bait image but damn this is going into retardation field


Shhh, the more comfortable and confident people become with themselves, the try-harder the bait has to be

You make a good point

well i give you that

End your life niglet
Also stop talking to 13 year olds

Attached: oiyk9j7fh5511.jpg (750x738, 39K)

Dude what’s your dick size? Gotta be 3 inches hard

Why u talking to 13 year old girls op?

Lol right? I'm a 6'4" manlet apparently

Don't feel bad OP

At least you won't look like a pedo

Jesus. Can you dress yourself? How do you even find clothes without paw patrol characters on them?

in prison, manlet pedophiles are very welcome

>I'm a manlet that's only 5'3" and I'm in my late 20's ... should I feel bad, Yea Forums?
For being a manlet.

I think I only know 3 or 4 females who are over 6'2" and they are all (except one) ugly, lanky giants.

Let’s see more of her

check these dubs niggqs