Why does donald trump want to kill mexicans?

Why does donald trump want to kill mexicans?

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he is trying to use Hitler's plan. The Mexicans are his Jews. A scapegoat he blames for all the county's problems and to keep his stupid followers distracted and angry while his cronies pillage and try to take control of the nation.

shut up libcuck
why should Mexicans be able to come here illegally? are colored people exempt from the law? should whites be able to illegally immigrate to Mexico with no consequences?

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They keep bring in their shitty candy

We have enough poor and unskilled labor in America.

These people need to stay the fuck in their own country and hold their own government accountable for not providing them saftey and an economy they can thrive in, instead of coming here and holding us responsible

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He doesn't you inbred fuck

wowow mexicans are shit tier but dont compare them to the fucking devil spawn kikes thats way over the line.

struck a nerve? white immigrate to america illegally as well. such as the skank that trump is married to. But that is beside the point op's question was why did he want to kill mexicans and anyone who is paying attention it is pretty obvious. Problem is trump supports don't understand facts and only want info that already confirms their preexisting bias.


Fake news

You have to go back to dumbfuckistan

Whites immigrate legally. That's the difference

Because you're lying

Trump 2020

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some do. whats your point?

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melania trump was an illegal immigrant.

Why do you fall for delusional journalism?

You took two words and called it dumbfuckistan.

Please explain I'll wait

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>dumbfuck wants people to explain what he can't understand

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Why wouldnt he?

Lügenpresse aka lying press, also part of Hitler's strategy. It is sad that trump followers are too blind to realize they are falling for the Nazi strategy.

Everyone do they just don't say it.

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Nice troll.

who doesn't

be part of our cult

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Prove to me he does.

This is what liberals actually think

Why do you want to kill Caucasians?

This is how they talk

Prove it.

because he's very old and old people are racist. We all will be racist when we are in our 80's too.

Here's a daily reminder for all newfags

Yea Forums put the god emporer into office
The wall is up
You have a small computer in your pocket capable of searching for facts outside of false media

would a racist vote for Hillary or would he vote for Trump.

He sucks so much more than her

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Thinking is for fags

they stink?

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be quiet stupid.

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no u

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Hillary Clinton would receive the vote from the racist.

> pic related

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He doesn't. He want's the best for everyone. Don't be thick, AL.

bigly MIGA presiden

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They are a distraction to make people forget about real social issues.

Don't pay attention too the problems people have. Don't think about how we are cutting your healthcare. Don't think about how bad your job fucks you over.
Care about the dirt Mexicans. Care about racism. Watch more tv. Buy more things.

>wants whats best for Israel

fixed that for you

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Sorry to spoil you're troll

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We are Israel.

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you mean the real issue nigger the kikes

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White immigrants are objectively better for the group than Mexican or central american immigrants.
Mexicans and central Americans have no right to demand anything of the US. Certainly not citizenship or benefits of any kind. Go demand citizenship and benefits from Japan.

then who was phone faggot

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What a gem thanks

That's the cover of a really hot porno right there.

we're gonna build a wall, a big beautiful wall. To separate Palestine from Israel. And we're sending billions of dollars of American tax payer money to pay for it.

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No shit and people say how did trump won

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> picking israel over mudslimes is bad or something
> yay mudslimes

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Penis envy

mudslimes are not that bad m8 they can get in the gas chamber in after the root of all evil the jews

For those who think they don't get money from the government they don't pay into....


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The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that from 2012 to 2016 there were “39 million instances where names and Social Security numbers on W-2 tax forms did not match the corresponding Social Security records.”

The group said that there is a “thriving black market” used by illegal immigrants to get Social Security numbers needed to get a job.

And they are making an assumption that they are using them to get a job.
You can use it to file a tax return and apply for welfare.