Have you heard this???? Why is no one talking about this?

Have you heard this???? Why is no one talking about this?

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Cause it's retarded humans didn't exist 2 million years ago

While its such an enormously powerful result that I too am doubtful. The journalist is an idiot and the researchers most likely meant earth life and not human life.

>yahoo News

Because there is nothing to discuss.

"All life in" Canada... No wonder they are such dolts. Imagine having Trudeau as the leader of your country lulz.

Yeh journo is a retard. The study is talking about microorganisms not advanced life

Imagine having Trump run your nation lul

>itt: two billion yeas ago microscopic life = 2 million years ago

Larry Niven's science fiction stories had aliens mention this, and those were written back in the 70s. I read about this in college back in the 80s, the Earth had a nitrogen atmosphere and was covered in bacteria. One bacteria mutated to create chlorophyl and began photosynthesis; it's waste was oxygen. It was so successful it spread across the globe; all pre-existing life was killed by the oxygen. All the free floating iron in the ocean turned to rust and settled on the seabed. Geologists called it the oxygen catastrophe. We wouldn't be here without it.

Imagine thinking your country isn't owned by the same people that own the US

It’s just like BSG predicted. All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again!!!!!!!


There’s been at least 5 if not more extinction level events in Earth’s past causing the deaths of 99% of all life that’s ever been here before.

You mean the brunnen g? That’s pretty fucking based.

this we really need to start colonies on other planets while we have the chance and stop dicking around

We’ll get there eventually. Moon and Mars is the safest bets to expand to. Once you get out past Jupiter all bets are off, plus we’d have to have some sort of FTL/warp system to get to other suitable planets that also have a gas giant with massive gravitational pull to shield the new settlement from meteor strikes like ol’ Jupe does for us, and the new home would have to be in the Goldilocks zone for us.

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Pretty sure we had a nuclear fallout in the past that stopped progress, just look at all the artifacts uncovered imbedded in rock and minerals from the past, there’s even a spark plug and a bolt

I think your off user, I think massive self sustaining space stations that can mine asteroids and the like are our best bet. Just need to be able to shield against cosmic radiation better.

“Human life” wasn’t around 2bn years ago faggot

Trump's literally making a space military Branch yet libtards think he's anti science.

"If we keep voting for these antiscience Republicans who only care about making the rich richer we'll never get the Mars landing!"

Republicans will get YOU taking vacations on Mars while Democrats try to tell you you're a bigot for not embracing men in dresses on HRT using the same restroom as women and you should accept every "refugee" from every shit hole culture in the world to shit on our streets.

Proven to be false.

Learn to read, dipshit

The fuck you talking about? That's exactly what the article says, dipshit.

You mean like the ISS that has cost many billions over budget, requires full support from land, can only temporarily house humans, and has generally been useless? You want to live on that permanently, and also mine resources in space? Lmao

My mom always tell me, "do not argue with an idiots cause they obviously an idiot"

Nigger nobody is ever going to permanently live on the moon or mars outside of a handful of explorers. Don’t say terraforming, faggot. Don’t even. Please.


>”...reveals that all human life was obliterated...”

Dipshit, kek

You mean you want to live in a house made of trees and rubble that requires hundreds of hours toiling to make when we have perfectly good caves? Lmao.

Well the ISS is tiny, either colonizing other planets or a massive space station is going to be incredibly expensive. Just one doesn’t require escaping gravity every time you want to leave. Also the human that live on the moon or planets will not be able to go to earth, where with a rotating space station you could ever so slightly increase gravity making each generation stronger than the last.

Nigger a house can be built for a trivial amount of money, the ISS has cost well over $120 billion, you’re retarded

My sides are in orbit, where you will never be

No you're retarded. Cavemen didnt have money.

Sorry user, we need to spend our money supporting developing countries and all of the immigrants we have in our own country now.

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We're creating a new catastrophe now.


Terraforming is actually a great idea.

It’s not, especially because there isn’t even enough captive CO2 on Mars in the first place, let alone the cost of creating and sending all the nukes there

Oh yeah, there’s also no fucking O3 on Mars either, so good luck going outside and not getting cancer even the shit did work

I don't even know what to say to this level of stupidity. Money is an invention of man and can be discarded whenever the hell it suits us.
I definitely don't think we'll escape our planet before it kills us, but if we ever do why the fuck would an abstract, arbitrary thing like money stop us?

>canada ≠ the entire world
Unless samples are taken from every corner of the planet that show the same thing, this doesn't mean anything except that IN THAT PART OF CANADA, all life was wiped out. Also, if "all life was wiped out", then how the fuck are we, and every other living thing here now?

Also, I don't care that it has s a clickbait title, it's still fucking stupid and I don't even have to read it to know that somewhere in the article it talks about muh climate change

Lmao kid, explain to me then how you’re going to get people living in space without money. Everybody’s going to agree to work for decades for free?


Yeah, because human life was around two billion years ago lol

Lmao, wtf did people do before money?

> not human life
> 2 billion years ago

How old do you think humans are exactly?

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i thionk you are retarded nigger the us white budget is 800billion a year that 6 ISS's every year . i doubt that money is actually being spent on bombs. its just way too much money . warp drives are real. ill bet we already are exploring and colonizing I mean "SPACE FORCE" prove me wrong.

I'd just like to jump in here and go "Lmao" like a tool before that other guy does.


Not go into space

the sgow you are talking about is called Dr. Stone, its good ~

Or do anthing apparently. Makes you wonder how we even survived without bits of shiney metal to exchange for services.

Reee Reee Everywhere I Reee

>the future of mankind in space is going to be left to the common idiot who can't see past his next meal, orgasm, or shiny new toy
If only there was some sort of example of humans working together to achieve a common goal and not for personal gain.

Turns out everything is ghosts and has been for so long we forgot and thought that we lived once more.

It's a terrible thing to see your own filled grave.

Name me one project of even remotely similar scale that was completed without cost

Fuck the jew loving john smith and this whole capitalistic experiment


Good point, unfortunately not for yourself. How many societies do you see around today with no concept of money that are thriving and building shit? How much are they getting done? Where’s the fucking jungle space program at?

Egyptian Pyramids and Stone Henge

Im a non denominational christian, why can't people believe in both?
Life began long ago evolution is God's way of activly changing a species. I mean time is irrelevent, God's perception of time could be vastly different then ours. 7 days could be billions of years for us.

Pyramids had steep cost, and neither of those are similar scale. Try again faggot

Stone henge lmao get lost bud

Cloraphil doesnt create oxygen, it separates existing oxygen from carbon.

Nitrogen would remain unaffected.

>Cause it's retarded humans didn't exist 2 BILLION years ago
Fixed. It's pretty sad to see the widespread lack of reading comprehension skills on Yea Forums. It's like the board is filled with dumbass 12 year olds... Hmmmm.

Welp cuck Trudeau cried like a bitch about how unfair it was to have tariffs leveled against him and then caved and Canada is paying them.

Also its a hate crime to talk negatively about Islam and to not call a mentally ill retard with 97 genders their preferred pronoun in Canada.

No they didn't, unless you're seriously about to try and tell me that the stone-cutters were charging their pharaohs for their tombs.
On the matter of scale I'd say it's "even remotely similar" seeing how we're talking about a feat that's never been done before.

Yeah, you know those big ass stones that were erected before we knew about levers and pulleys?

Pyramids were built by slave labor genius, there is a cost there in the form of humans. “Non-slaves” did indeed receive wages.

Stonehenge is what, a dozen stones arranged in the grass somewhere? You think that’s comparable to moving a significant portion of the world population into space?

This is so far into the weeds now, congratulations faggot for dodging every question and bringing us here

>before we knew about levers and pulleys
Go back to school and ask for a refund.

>Also its a hate crime to talk negatively about Islam
you clearly have never been to the northeast of calgary nigger

Doesn't Jupiter cause just as much shit to come our way as it makes things avoid us?

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Yawn...stuff that will never be proven by scientific method.

when has science not been wrong before? fuck the minerals

the only thing that matters is bitcoin and AI, not some pop-science jew science article written by a probable tranny

tranny jew detected

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Not really. It has such a massive gravity signature that a lot of items that get flung out of the Kepler belt towards us gets nabbed by Jupiter’s gravity and either pulled in completely or radically altered to fling it well out of the way. Every so often there is one that will get its course altered so it comes close to us, which is usually when Sol grabs it and eats it or alters it again. Jupiter really is a giant shield for us.

Kuniper* not Kepler belt.

~300k years mod other species of homos. I never even implied I thought homo sapiens were around more than 2 million years ago. I honestly don't know where you got that from or what you were even getting at. All I meant is that the journalist in the op is an idiot and that the researchers claim is so powerful I can't image there doesn't exist some bias in the method they used to reach their conclusion.

I saw it in a newspaper today

The 5 that we know of, have occurred in the last 500 million years. There were certainly more before that.

2 billion years ago, all life was single-celled.

At least the top headline is more or less accurate: 2 billion years ago Earth went through a snowball phase in which the oceans froze over all the way to the equator. All life wasn't wiped out, but very little life remained active for the duration.

We already have a space force. Trump is probably aware of it by now. Probably.

my sides

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>yet libtards think he's anti science.

He is anti-science because he adopt the beliefs of his worshippers. That, and there's no money to be made in pure research.

Canada is in america dumbass

All trolling aside, there was an instance of a naturally occurring nuclear reactor that caused worldwide fallout, when an extremely concentrated deposit of radioactive isotopes developed in Africa, 4 billion years ago or something like that.

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People who have a problem with capitalism are retarded for a multitude of reasons. Namely, capitalism reawrds the intelligent. There are more way of making money out there than you can even imagine. Youre just not intelligent enough to either see the opportunities, capitalize on those opportunities, or both.

Do you know ehat a henge is? Stone henge has 2 parts: the stones, and the henge. There are tons of henges in the Amazon, the majority of which are far more impressive that the Stone Henge. Stone Henge is, in theory, an observation post for observing the sun. In this regard, stone henge isnt impressive either.

Was their life more than 2,000,000,000 years ago? Last I heard Earth was ~3.5 billion years old and spent the best part of 500 million years a molten rock.

>uses newspeak to change scientific terms
>isn't anti-science.
I guess if you redefine what science is you can't be anti-science because it's been changed to fit your beliefs.

Technically, by the very nature of the philosophy of the scientific method, science is always wrong.

What are you talking about humans didn't exist 2000 years ago

>Bb.bb.b.ut immiagraion doesn't kill yrchnological progress and inovation

Are they talking about the Oxygen Catastrophe? Because that's old fucking news. Your parents learned about that in school.

“Oklo is the only known location for this in the world and consists of 16 sites at which self-sustaining nuclear fission reactions are thought to have taken place approximately 1.7 billion years ago, and ran for a few hundred thousand years, averaging probably less than 100 kW of thermal power during that time.”

We've been around for approximately 24 years.

>120 billion for a space station
>3 trillion for war funds
But that space station is too damned expensive!!!

Wouldn't this imply that mutation into same species happened twice on the same planet?

Stop asking hard questions ok? We don't need this.

Yes, the oldest traces of microbial life are in rocks that are almost as old as the oldest rocks that have been discovered. Far as we can tell, life basically started almost immediately after the Earth's crust formed. That's immediate in geological terms, it could have been a couple hundred million years, but no more. Alternate theories include life starting before the crust was finalized, or panspermia.

A space station doesnt defend our borders. Where do you think we'd pull funds for a space station?

>one is keeping us alive
>one is floating around providing very little research data
Cool story, faggot. The private sector has done nearly as much as any of the world governments.

What are you talking about, humans have only existed for about 7 days

From the Wall

You're forgetting about time travel

A single study is not enough.

Lesser of two evils, fam. We haven’t had a “good” president since Reagan.

You're forgetting that the Earth was created by God.

Checkmate Atheists.

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Hows your liberal arts degree at your local community college going?

You're forgetting that theists can't define theism.
Checkmate flying spaghetti monsters.

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Listen to this shill scrambling to protect Mammon's interests

Engineering school ,but other than being 100% wrong you're exactly right.

Why is it so hard for brainlets to know the differences between million, billion and trillion? Why do they use these words interchangeably?

>someone actually replied

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muh precious!

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Hey you. Quit that fag talk

Actually neither of those statements are keeping me alive or defending my borders because 'gasp' I'm not an American! You myopic retards. In fact your war efforts do much more then harm then peace. The USA is engaged in world terrorism and has been for several decades. Maybe you should focus on something positive for humanity rather then your imperalistic bullshit. Fucking American scum.

>Huuurrr durrr I am not amerifat
>You have to be an American to reap the benefits of the U.S. military across the world
Stay clueless, idiot.

Human civilization is most likely cyclical in nature. There are a number of "outliers" that are attributed to environmental effects with regard to carbon dating and such. What if, instead of being mistakes, those outliers were actually evidence of earlier civilizations that managed to largely wipe themselves out? It would explain the age of those "environmentally altered" remains as well as the existence of a cobalt cave system in china that had millions of engraved stone plaques stored in it that aren't in any known language

Your priorities are totally out of whack. Get off of Yea Forums and start paying taxes and Trump won't be so funny and edgy anymore.

the one that's fucking us over and taking all the money for them selves, then the will leave us behind