Should I do it

Should I do it

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hang that sponge

No you shouldn't you selfish piece of shit.

just to be sure


No, it's pathetic and there's always a way for things to get better.

Doesn't seem like that noose is very high up user. Are you a midget? If so then I wouldn't be against it.

I mean you can always do some whack shit like become a buddhist monk and abandon all your posessions, try to live in the Alaskan wilderness by yourself etc. Maybe you can find peace outside of society in nature, besides if it doesnt work you'll still have the rope option. You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

>>the day the rope came for SpongeBob

Exactly. I've always had the philosophy that if you're genuinely ready to kill yourself, why not put it off by getting the most amount of credit you can and blowing it on once last great holiday.

Chances are you'll think, no, that's stupid and irresponsible. Which just goes to show you don't really want to kill yourself at all, you're just upset, angry etc.. at that particular moment in time and making a rash call.

Do what? What the fuck you gonna hang with that rope? Your dick?

ok, not today Yea Forumsros
I will hang sponge bob instead.

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The day of the rope has come

The day of the rope has come for spongebob

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The day of the rope will come for spongebobs worldwide.

As Clint Eastwood said in a film, "If you're gonna hang a man, hang him high." So no, don't do it faggot.

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How old are you?

if youre willing to make a drastic change like suicide you should be willing to actually change your life drastically by getting another job, going to a nother school, leaving your home, finding your own way, dont fucking know mate but you dont need to kill urself

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No. I won't give you bullshit advice like life gets better because I don't know you circumstance but the power a human being has to sustain pain and suffering is immense. You will come out with scratches and bruises, potentially worse but you will be stronger than ever. Keep holding on OP, you got this, I am cheering for you!

Stream it. I want to watch your legs kick and then stop when your life leaves your body

LOL not even an actual noose.

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You h`ave be~en vi^sited by Laur`a Dyatlov.

This thread is currently rea|ding 27 replies (no*t great, not terrib`le).

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That has got to be the shittiest noose I have ever seen.

Do it OP! Death is inevitable anyway!

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sooo um you fuck that right.

life is a dream it will end anyway just sit back relax grab a beer and a joint.