Is it true she's dead?

Is it true she's dead?

Attached: 1564343268_15745.jpg (2048x1536, 263K)

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I wish her spamming OP were dead

If that’s Robert Mugabe then yes it’s true.

this that mythbuster bitch jessie?

Jessi Combs is dead, back in August, crashed trying to break some gay "first woman" race record no one gives a fuck about....but this ain't her.

Too bad, she seemed nice and fun without the usual sjw pile of shit. Guess some shithead convinced her that she could do anything to promote their gay campaign and she dies from believing the bullshit.

I liked her, sad loss.

Have you even watched myth busters or are you just a fucking idiot?

I watched most of the early to mid seasons. Anything 2012+ i probably missed. I am a fucking idiot though.

I mean, he'd only be an idiot if he did watch Mythbusters and didn't recognize her, because if he's never watched it then it would be expected that he doesn't know who was on it. So your question doesn't really make sense.

Is there actually any footage of her and the vehicle transforming into human-metal lasagna, or is that clickbait TMZ shit (showing a totally different attempt) all there is?

Apparently you’re also an idiot. My question was if he has even watched myth busters, if he hasn’t it would be acceptable to not know she’s not from the show. If he has then that makes him the idiot. Go be a dumbass somewhere else

looks dead to me
who dis?

Attached: come.jpg (300x300, 14K)

Oh, I see, apparently the problem is you don't know how English works.

Says the prentetious dumbass



Lol you clearly understood what I was saying, you even repeated it in your first comment back. Again, go be a dumbass somehwhere else

Says the guy who evidently can't even spell.

Says the fucking English teacher on Yea Forums lol yuo iz a fukn lozer

So you don't know how English works and you're underageb&, great.

More like my last care in the world is spell checking on Yea Forums so I don’t run into dweebs like you. Go back to jacking off to your Webster’s dictionary

Go to bed, you've got a big day at school tomorrow.

Good one, you really got me there. Obviously you don’t need sleep because you live a worthless life with no point or meaning, let me stop interrupting that for you

Did you study for the test tomorrow? You don't want to get held back again, do you?

Yep, studied very hard for my “not how to be a faggot like you” test. Think I’ll pass because I’ve got plenty of pointers from you tonight

What about the English exam? Have you learned how to spell pretentious yet?

Sure have, it’s spelled “youreavirgin” and everyone knows how to spell that

Oops, you got it wrong again, you better study harder or you'll be in 8th grade until you're 37 like your deadbeat brother.

Awww, so sad, you’re running out of insults and looking even more like the virgin you are. Go to bed so you can wake up at a (somewhat) reasonable time tomorrow to continue your worthless existence

It's okay your inability to spell or punctuate wont matter to your manager at McDonalds as long as you clean the toilets nice.

Says another anonfag wtf

>grammar nazi who doesn't use correct grammar

I have no idea who she is
>If that’s Robert Mugabe
Holy shit, Mugabe's dead. This guy...fuck him. But to his credit, he held on to power for almost 40 years. He was a king. Dat's his wife respecting him in the pic.

good night sweet prince

Attached: zimbabwe-power-couple.jpg (410x230, 20K)

Wow, still trying? This is just beyond embarrassing for you at this point. I’m just gunna leave now to try and help you save face a bit lol

>not knowing what grammar means

Says yet another anonfag, very what da fuq?

Alrighty sweetheart, make sure to study for that test so you don't fail again.

Mythbusters chick really did die, she was trying to break land speed record. She achieved it but died.

Will do! Make sure you get laid before you pass. I know you’re 90 and it’s coming soon, but you’ll lose your virginity eventually

Make sure you eat a big breakfast, your retard brain is going to need all the assistance it can get.

>She achieved it
nope, it don't count if you ded doing it.
she achieved nothing.

Hmmmm stupid or virgin? Hmmmm yeah I know which I’d rather be lol at least I’m not you

Don't forget to tie your shoes this time, either, we don't need a repeat of last week.

tmz com /2019/09/04/jessi-combs-dead-died-jet-car-video-crash-photos-land-speed-record/

