Conspiracy theories thread

Conspiracy theories thread

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OP is not a faggot. A true conspiracy theory never proven. Let's start with that shall we?

So what do you call a conspiracy that you didn't ask to be a part of but you know you can't prove. It's designed to make you look crazy if you ever try to get help. Also I'm sure my handlers watch here and can tell when I'm posting so asking for a friend lol.

Life is a simulation, or very VERY super detailed VRMMO that we are stuck in. It's a permadeath so when we die, we go back to our real life. I think I'm about 500ish hours of gameplay on this character. He isn't the greatest, but his intellect and Vidya skill is the highest I've ever seen.

To clarify, I am on quite a few drugs at the moment.

The CIA kidnapped and conducted medical experiments on US and Canadian citizens with the intent to develop chemical mind control
The CIA drafted a plan to attack US citizens on US soil and blame the attacks on Cuba as a pretense to a full scale invasion. The only reason Operation Northwoods didnt happen was because JFK had a soul.
The FBI infiltrated and manipulated discourse, most notably in the civil rights movements of the 60s, to radicalize and instigate movements to violence so they could later slander them all as violent. (Sound familiar?)

The ATF and border control sold weapons and explosives to Mexican cartels in order to, get this, combat the cartels.
The US Army trained individuals for anti narco operations, and those individuals now operate as Los Zetas, one of the most violent and feared narco cartels in northern Mexico
The CIA imported and pushed crack cocaine in low income neighborhoods because they were making cash hand over fist propping up cartels in SA.
The CIA conducted psychological warfare against all civilians of central and south America under Operation Condor

Silly me, OP wanted theories, not verifiable historical fact.

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Phil Schneider killed a large grey alien.

Tell us more

Liquor, wine, beer snobbery is 99% bullshit. Yes, some of them taste better than others, but it all tastes terrible unless its a mixed drunk heavily watered down.

Faggots just like feeling like superior asshole hipsters and justifying spending ridiculous money for a slightly less shitty tasting way to get drunk.

I enjoy getting drunk or having a drink, but the taste is not good. It is just worth tasting to get the effect. Worth more to get the effect with better taste.

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His father was a WW2 Uboat captain. Phil worked with the US govt as a geologist and was killed for talking too much about deep underground military bases and aliens.

You dont say friend

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jeffrey epstein is not dead, he had a clones body switched for his in jail. her will soon be running venezuela as per the a clinton puppet government

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THIS!! So much faggotry

Is this even a conspiracy now? I feel most people on all sides think there was some fucky bullshit going on.

Jesus Christ was a human/alien hybrid.


isnt that in those shitty alien prequels with black goo and retards?

Fuck Hollywood.
Virgin gives birth= artificial insemination
Communication with "devine" beings= telepathy
Healing sicknesses
Walking on water
Multiplying food
Ressurection and floating up to the sky
Pretty much manipulation of particles and atoms....

White people are niggas in disguise

Well, the first stages of Homo Sapien began in Africa, so there's that.

Explain the lack of stolen bike ratio.

This but to the transformers theme.
>Wypipo! Niggas in Disguise!

I am white and i have stolen two bikes.

Aliens have been here for years and we are living in a Men in Black style reality except none of them can tolerate our atmospheric conditions/gravity/background radiation/etc. so they just hang out in orbit and steal our wifi. They're probably in this thread right now.

That is still only 2 to 9 million

Germans gave the Americans the last of the nuclear material needed for the Manhattan project. They likely detonated the first test explosion before the fall of Berlin


The galaxy in the cat's collar in that movie blew my fucking mind

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virgin fags, educate your palate before you talk shit

All politicians are in bed with one another and the Democrats are just putting on a show to get Trump re-elected. That and the wall isn't to keep out. It's to keep us in.

Aliens are demons, Jesus is the literal opposite of a demon.

Annon it taste like shit and makes you feel like shit the next day. But you wouldn't know because you dont need to drink everyday to feel like shit do you?

The real reason we never heard the wow signal again is because it came from an alien ship that happened to be passing by rather than a star.

This thread was for conspiracy theories. Blind taste test studies have proven this an undeniable fact. Get out of here with your reality shit.

Good point.

Niggers are the downfall of society. Someone, somewhere is unleashing these things on humans to destroy what little good we have.

Sadly global warming will not cull them before it is too late...

Watch we are happy at cern in it they have a sign that says Mandela Cern caused the world as we knew it to end in 2012 and that's why we have the Mandela effect

One hell of a showdown

CIA intentionally infected black people with syphilis and caused a outbreak and let it run wild into American population without telling anyone

I don't know about the more realistic plausible ones I really don't give a fuck about those but I assume the craziest ones are all real.

That really happened

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. Was real.

The L`aura of Wet Blankets ent`ers the thr`ead.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Lau^ra just wa|nts to poin*t out t`hat y-ou're cur|rently at the edg-e of the board and ab|out to die. =^_^=

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