Fucking Stacey retard get's impregnated, hides it, Gives birth, and buries it in the backyard at 18 years old
>any stories about stacey cunts you know would do this shit?
Fucking Stacey retard get's impregnated, hides it, Gives birth, and buries it in the backyard at 18 years old
>any stories about stacey cunts you know would do this shit?
How about rallying against religious zealots bombing early termination clinics and the number one cause of bankruptcy -healthcare, and sexual education rather than abstanance only, instead of the end result. A dumb kid made a dumb mistake and got pregnant.
That's not a dumb mistake, that's fucking murder, and pills and condoms are easy to use fella. Even so abstinence is not that hard to accomplish.
>on b
>attacking an 18yr old blonde beauty for getting rid of nigger baby from the result of being raped
you in the wrong place libtard
>pills and condoms are easy to use fella
There's about a 99% chance she doesn't know about them because her parents were religious.
this, definitely this, way to many fuckin babies
they aren't, obviously she's just a whore
What no, the dad is white and didn't rape her, he testified at her trial
check'd the father
She's a whore.
You have to be a literal retard in order to not know what condoms or pills are in the current year. I know plenty of "religious" families who have whore daughters who know very well what a condom is. When I was I. Highschool they taught us about this shit like twice a year, it's impossible to miss it.
And there is still the abstinence thing, is it really that hard?
In any case, it doesn't justify literal murder ffs.
>termination clinics
This is about the stupidest thing ive ever read...
Found the stacey cunt
How the fuck can you murder your own newborn? Why did she not get an abortion as soon as she found out that she was pregnant? Also over protective parents are retarded. The reason why that daughter is a slut is because she is rebelling against her parents.
Actually more humane killing than traditional abortion.
Buried greater than Hacked to death
You're justifying murder. Poverty is not a fucking factor here.
You know what it doesn't justify? Dropping your panties in the first place.
Don't men catch shit for any and every small sexual misconduct?
okay i'm done, time to end the white race
Dude. There's no difference between killing it yourself or having a professional kill it.
Don't worry, she'll just figure out a way to blame the father and get off the hook.
So you're a child when it's convenient for you. Even against a baby.
The prolonged childhood even after you're 40 is nothing it is just a given right
the difference is you don't get charged with. aggravated murder, involuntary manslaughter, gross abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence and child endangerment with abortion
>imagine being tried for killing tyrone's kid
I'm from a third world shithole, don't try to pull the "poverty card" on me you cunt, you don't know what poverty is.
My point still stands, this girls either was a literal retard for not knowing what condoms are or was so horny that the idea of using one didn't even cross her mind. If everything else fails, abstinence is very easy to practice.
Are you all fucking retarded? She didn't kill the baby it was a Stillborn that she burried in the back yard
of coarse it was
If what she said is true of course. Her internet history suggests the contrary. Let's say she was not lying, she still hid the corpse and shit, that's what a murderous crazy bitch does, especially the text to her mom about fucking irrelevant clothes.
Did you read the OP?
>But Richardson’s defense attorneys argued that the baby was stillborn and didn’t meet the legal criteria to be considered a child.
>get charged with.
charged != guilty
It was her body and it's her right to kill her kid.
"omg lol got my beach booddyyyy back uWu"
go back to Saudi Arabia
Women have rights in America
>The case began to unfold in July 2017, when a doctor told police that Richardson may have delivered a stillborn baby. Police searched the family’s property where they said they found the remains of a newborn girl in Richardson’s backyard — then arrested the teen on multiple charges.
for aggravated murder then burying her baby in her backyard?????/
Pffff hahahaha, I'm not a sand nigger. You people disgust me.
It was her body, then it was a human being retard
There is a difference between killing a fully developed human and an ant sized embryo. I'm not talking about late term abortion.
>it was a human
No. She is the human and has the right to control HER body
Size don't matter user.
If it's connected to the host, it can be killed at the request of the host.
How about you get a shred of fucking conscience of the consequences of your actions. Sex is a mechanism that is made to result in reproduction. When you disconnect the concept of reproduction from sex, that's when you go full retard and start wondering how could you possible have sex and end up pregnant. Have some fucking responsibility for your fucking actions and stop wanting to kill your child out of convenience. And don't even fucking come to me with that adoption bullshit, you're so incompetent that you can't even deal with the OBVIOUS consequences of your actions so you gotta either kill your child or someone else will have to raise them. Besides that, you imbecile animal, the more sex education, contraceptive methods and abortion clinics in a society, the higher the numbers of STD's and early pregnancies because people will fuck around.
Yup, he intimated her and she felt threatened or some shit
yep, it's called bein' a stacey whore
i confide, very true
Its entire fucking DNA conde is different from the host's because it's an entire new body that has been formed from the DNA of two different people. It is its own creature, retard.
Or I just continue to keep pumping sluts and if they get pregnant then it’s abortion time
>fuck you I’m not a cuck
>redneck father pumps shotgun behind your head
>shotgun wedding time
A-a-at least I'm not a cuck... For now
So what if a condom and the pill is used but they still get pregnant?
They did everything that they could to be safe but it still happened so abortion is okay then by your standards right?
Nah faggot I’d rather have sex lol
i agree, but they can't kill the baby chemically or like with a pill or shot.
Bc that shit is gruesome
>So what if a condom and the pill is used but they still get pregnant?
It's basically a literal miracle at this point, let the messiah be born
Foot thing I don’t live in the south or even America as a whole lol
it's the parents fault
every mom gives her fertile daughter the "when will you give me grandchildren" talk, but when she says she's preggers it's trouble
>he thinks this will protect him
Nah sorry but that lil nigga interferes with my life plans so it’s either professional abortion, stairs or coat hanger
The odds of that shit happening are almost zero. And in any case if you reduce sexual intercourse to a minimum or zero then it's just simply impossible to get pregnant.
In any case I'm not against abortion before 4 months, but only if it's done if absolutely necessary, not every fucking time you get horny.
>Buries a nigglet baby
>Still a coal burner no matter what
Somebody through this bitch away.
So fuckin cute and yummi.
Wasted all for trying to be a queen of spades. smh
>yeah but did the whore do everything she could do, no the whore did not
Well the chance of someone in Australia ralia having a handgun let along a shotgun I think makes it pretty believable
Yeah abstinence funnily enough is the best option but that involves never having sex until marriage and nah I’m good aye
>interferes with my life plans
Stop fucking. There you go you whore.
I mean aside from abstinence but fuck that shit
>fucking DNA
Weak argument.
The DNA never changes.
The host can kill it during any stage of growth.
It's her right
>Bc that shit is gruesome
Nah I’m good my guy
You’re more then welcome to save yourself for marriage it just means there more girls out there for the ones who aren’t cucks
>enjoy eating my cum out of your future wife
> somebody did something bad
> how can I use it to make a political statement?
Drink bleach, faggot.
>The most cucked anglo country there is
Check your laws, in Canada if you live with your gf for 6 months bitch can ask for alimony, no bullshit, and Australia is some of the most cucked countries in the universe
An entirely new code that’s literally 50% mum and 50% dad
>entirely new
>"Who's the father?"
>"some guy... I think his name was Mepstein or Sepstein?"
Good thing I don’t live in Canada then retard
i can't understand this one bit, you just made a giant ball out of trumpey and newsey things
That's the most bitchy statement ever.
Sex is biologically intended for reproduction, as long as you keep using condoms and shit like that, the odds of you getting pregnant are lower than a fucking cow falling over your house. Unless of course you are an absolute whore and increase your sexual exposure to thousands of mates per year, in Wich case the odds of you getting pregnant could increase.
I did lose my erection
I’m a guy retard
Forget it.
He's a retarded troll religiousfag, don't waste your breath.
>save yourself for marriage
>Implying that I will ever marry someone
I'm not a religious idiot, but it's obvious that if you don't want kids, you simply don't fuck.
no i just meant the picture is gruesome and i just don't want to see it. abortion is fine as long as it's second trimester
>no kids don’t fuck
No one that has has sex would say that
Maybe for a fuckface face like you who doesnt get any attention but for normal teenagers, its pretty hard to abstain from sex.
So now people are not human, even after birth.
This "anything goes if it might advance my political cause" shit needs to stop. It's disturbing that dehumanizing literal babies isn't crossing the line.
Just invert every "you getting pregnant" for a "your partner getting pregnant"
You cunt.
>Weak argument.
Yea, it just proves that it's literally not part of your body, its own living organism and that it is basically a human being in early development, but do kill out of convenience, case in point, might makes right, kill whatever you like.
>doesn't know shit about genetics and proud of it
Because that means your country doesn't have any alimony laws at all. Get a bitch pregnant and she decides not to abort, and you're every sort of fucked at the same time.
Wow, the genius detective has figured it out!
>yea man religious be stupid with their 2000 years of philosophical tradition and strong morals, just be a degenerate cumbrain and fuck a lot, if someone ends up pregnant just kill the baby out of convenience and pretend you're not a fucking psychopath
It's obvious for you, but some of us have the option of fucking
Except I’m actually quite versed in genetics retard, you do know that every single person shares about 99.9% of the same DNA code
>completely new
i literally want to kill bezos's wife. THE BITCH GOT HALF
I avoid these situations like the plague, but yet still a girl tried to fuck me just some months ago, she was whore and ugly for my taste anyways, and I don't like drama, so I told her to fuck off.
Well I guess that god is looking down upon me then because my pull out game is atrocious
actually, even if the baby was an exact clone of her, it's still a different person, and murder.
I have the option too, I simply don't go for it.
The point is, retard, that your shit, your spit and your piss have your entire dna, but a fetus has a very much different but derivative dna, being its own body and NOT part of yours
Or just bust the nut and scratch another notch into the belt retard
>99.9% identical DNA
Fucking conservative shit
some people just fucking hate themselves
LOL at all the white knights who think this cheezy slit will give them some when she gets out of the slammer.
Let’s see how the legal system will “judge” this
>very much different DNA
>99.9% identical
Pick one
>Me rejecting the possibility of catching an STD and fucking an ugly whore
>Me being retarded
Pick one you intellectually challenged individual.
i cannot wait for the verdict
>its own body
Yet it seems to struggle outside of the womb before a certain age.
Ownership ethics don't really serve you well here
Boo hoo retard STD’s are an honour
Ahh fuck I just wanted to see some slutty Stacey's in this thread
.9% identical
When did I say this blatantly wrong and ass-pulled bullshit?
so does a kangaroo when it's just born and it's its own animal just the same, illiterate
not how meiosis works but alrighty then
Look it up you retard, out literally 10 seconds of effort in
the one will suffice
a... kangaroo? Do you know you aren't talking about developmental biology anymore?
3000000 different neuclotides in the genome is a 99.9% similarity we all share retard
Yeah but I hoped for more pics of her too, she's not exceptionally hot or anything, but her background as a teenage cumdump is hot in a degrading sort of way
look it up man she's everywhere
You clearly don't understand responsibilities, you go around spreading STDs, fucking every whore that throws herself at you, getting bitches pregnant and telling them to abort, not when using condoms cause they don't feel good and we can abort anyways Right?
You are one of the core elements of the downfall of society since societies ever started existing, since the first homo sapiens started building cities, you are the scum of the earth, the absent parent, the grumpy old motherfucker that gets depressed because his dick doesn't go up anymore, the old creep who still goes after 15 year olds.
Go die you unwisely waste of oxigen and resources.
have you ever seen a kangaroo when it's just born?
That’s a whole lot of assuming you’ve done there, first rule of being taken seriously is try not to let your emotions flow and don’t make assumptions
You should fact check those religions. In Christianity god not only condones abortion, but the actual act is done by his hand. As for morals, slavery us endorsed, so is 'kill all the men, the women and make children, but keep the virgin females for yourselves' - go read a book
>sincerely from the friendzone
Lmao, ok not falling for this incel's outlandish strawman
try to take a dna test from someone else's hair and your blood and see if it matches, fag
It was her kid.
idgaf what people do in their own homes.
why does anyone think its their business?
pro guns.
pro abortion.
It's not your right to force your morals on other people.
>still struggling to grasp genetics
>coping this hard
>playing dumb and pretending not to know what I'm talking about
Abstinence? Fucking cuck... I probably banged your gf in high school lmfao agree with everything else tho
yeah this is my opinion too but only because i'm sad and alone
>n, but the actual act is done by his hand.
>everyone that ever died was killed by God!
12 years old mentality
>slavery is endorsed
9 years old mentality
>Implying I want to have a relationship with anyone in the first place.
Then what's your life like Chad? You yourself said STDs are an honour in a joky manner. You degenerate man sluts are equally as shit as female sluts.
he's right, DNA tests are used in a court of law to identify people
>when a doctor told police
So much for confidentiality.
I never had a gf. Abstinence is easy as fuck.
How do you know it was a black baby?
>99.9% identical still leaves 3 million unique bases
>not being able to grasp the variety that imposes
>not understanding restriction enzymes
Should I continue?
you know back in 2018 they made an exception for AGGRAVATED MURDER
it wasn't, the dad is white
They’re like a battle scar, theres pride in having STD’s, it means you’re a man but only if you have the hard to catch ones not like HPV because basically everyone has that
by all means, continue and prove my point tha tit's NOT part of your body since it has a different dna code (case in point no one is born pregnant)
restriction enzymes?????/
you know those just cut DNA right, that's it
A fetus is essentially a parasite, it feeds from the host (mother) and provides no benefit to the host
What would you do if you had a hemlinth?
Those are some deep rooted defence mechanisms you got there.
Exactly at specif points then the use electrophoresis to seperate these segments based upon sequence length and therefore weight (in Daltons) and ta-da you’ve just discovered DNA profiling retard
that's a comensal retard, parasites harm the host and kill them, comensals feed of another creature causing nothing
cope harder
>implying that the mother isn’t harmed during pregnancy
You are going to make me vomit.
Look, all I'm saying is. Have sex, safe sex, don't go around looking for STDs, avoid abortions at all cost unless it's the last option you have, there's a moral ambiguity I can't even begin to imagine in that shit.
But yeah, people like me exist, volcels, the opposite of incels, not everyone wants to fuck every living member of the opposite sex in a radius of 20 miles.
So basically a cuck?
I wonder if every single fucking pregnancy that ever happened results in the mother being entirely drained by the fetus and dying at the end of it
Abstinence isn't hard if you are an incel, like you.
>So what if a condom and the pill is used but they still get pregnant?
literally doesn't happen. Its possible, but if you're using condoms and the pill you won't get pregnant. Like the other person said, if you get pregnant while using these then its a bloody miracle.
Sigh, you don't even know what that word means don't you? You can't be a cuck if you don't intend to have a relationship in the first place.
Volcel* voluntary celibate. You don't even know what an incel is don't you?
Ok buddy
>wants to hold women accountable for their actions
>"hurr durr lets call him an incel!!!11"
fuck off back to r eddit, faggot.
Lol abortion is murder, you fail Biology class?
No but ever heard of morning sickness, post-natal deafness, extreme hormone fluctuations etc etc
That’s just a self aware cuck
Don’t capitalize the “D” if you are writing out daltons explicitly. Common mistake. Only the short hand is capitalized as Da.
>They’re like a battle scar, theres pride in having STD’s
bruh. coming from a dude who's had chlamydia 5 times, no the fuck it aint. What the fuck is wrong with you??
Ty user I actually went back just before I posted it to capitalise the D lmao
Nobody wants their little princess to be someone’s whore.
The because the clap is for faggots
Try something hardcore like AIDS retard
Ah what the hell I'll bite.
That's not what a cuck is you insufferable incapable of rational thinking idiot.
Statutory rape
>hormonal changes are the same as being drained by a tapeworm
Doesn't get more first world than this
But the thing is: parasitism is by definition between different species and it can't be a parasite IF YOUR BODY GENERATES IT
I’m not proud of being one so I don’t study the definitions
Your body only generated half of it retard that’s why if the uterus wasn’t immunologically privelaged your own bodies immune cells would attack and kill it
I have the option in running for senate, but i do not because I'm not cut out for it. Much like you and having sexual relations with another human.
>Your body only generated half of it
the atrocities I have to read in this fucking site
also, cancer is part of your body and the immune cells refuse to attack it so much that people die
It is damn near impossible
Catholic priests rapes kids, just saying
You know that’s true right retard?
Cancer cells aren’t attacked by the immune cells because they are a part of the body, they still express their MHC Class I or they can completely remove it and therefore become invisible to the immune system or because they secrets specific substances that decativate the Cytotoxic T cells
Your point is lost because you don’t know what you’re saying
The only literal way for someone to not be "cut out" for having sexual relationships with another human is for you to not have sexual organs.
Much like running for Senate only requires of you to not have a developed moral judgement.
....And fucking when yew ain't maryd is EBBIL!!!!
I know everything, SPECIALLY things I don't know
compare a whole fetus to a sperm and tell me if the sperm is half a fetus, the body GENERATES the whole fetus, and ACTS ON the fetus. The fetus doesn't develop itself, as much as the uterus develops the fetus, so it can't be a parasite
>I'm not cut out for it
who the fuck is
If the pill is taken on time regularly and the condom is worn correctly, and vanilla missionary sex is performed the chances of pregnancy is 1 for every 50,000 couples after a year of regular sex. This is based on me hearing that condoms/pills pregnancy effectiveness is based on average couple across a year. If it's based on per sex encounter then the rate of pregnancy is much higher. Still far and away from "miracle" territory. More like "disaster" territory
Dam strate!
Apparently retard
A sperm is half a fetus technically because it holds half of the eventual foetuses gametes...
A fetus does develop itself you autist it’s called mitosis...
This is just getting sad
Fuck, am staying out of your country
Religion had it's place, it brought the old and young together, so that they don't view each other as an abstract idea.It taught us basic hygine. it gave us rules to follow so that we all may coexist in the same space. It thought us our history. It founded communities. It gave us art which moved us and showed us that art can make us feel. It reminded us of when to remember the departed. It told us when it was time to plow and sow the fields.But. We have grown past it and now we're ready for the next step.
>religion taught hygiene
You mean the thing that throughtout history directly interferes with science
Did the church develop the first antibiotic or the first toilet?
I wonder why it stops developing once out of the body, therefore it is not developing itself, but the body is
I wonder why it's dna code is not 100% identical the mother's, so it is its own body
So it's NOT a parasite and NOT part of her body
Deeply religious family in service to the church did.
>basic hygine not open heart surgery
>it stops developing once outside the body
I really hope that you know there’s a difference between a child and an adult kek
It’s it’s own body that’s living in a parasitic manner because it’s completely nourished by the mother, whilst giving nothing back and often having detrimental effects on the host
Please retake high school biology ffs
>implying that means the church did it
I get it you’re a religions fanatic, yuck
Reading and comprehension is a crucial part of the internet when when talking with others. That's how all the half idioms were born along with misinformation. Much like religion currently standing is misinforming the public.
Religion did have a purpose, 2000 years ago before we understood that the sun doesn’t revolve around the earth
Anyone that still believes in an invisible man in the sky is probably better off not breeding
a fetus is in a relationship of mutualism, first of all, a parasite has to be by definition inter-species, Parasites are invasive organism that come from an outside or external source. A fetus comes from an inside or internal source (ie fertilized egg), parasites harm the body while being pregnant makes periods easier, prevents breast cancer, reduces risk of multiple sclerosis (mothers of more than 5 children have 94% less chances of having it) and are good for the heart. A parasite makes direct contact with the host's living tissues. A fetus lives in the placenta, fed by the umbilical cord, both of which are fetal tissue (ie the cells come from the baby).A parasite will generally weaken the cellular reproductive capacity of the host.For a fetus, the effect is the opposite. Parasites generally stay with the host for life, a fetus leaves upon birth.
Great thing about it is they're a dieing breed.
>no idea about natural revelation
>no idea about natural theology
>doesn't know how plato and aquinas arrived at the conclusion that god exists through reason
>doesn't know about pantheism, panentheism or transcendentalism and thinks god is a bigger thing that created a smaller thing
>implying that a fetus isn’t half external
>implying that the women aren’t harmed during pregnancy
>implying that the placenta doesn’t implant into the thickened endometrium
>implying that you know more then my university professor that used the term parasite quite literally
I mean a good try but not really that good though was it
Those are good points too bad they’re water thin and have no substance
>how on earth did people that had not much clue about anything come to the conclusion that something must have created everything
yea these people didn't know shit, I have wikipedia on my computer so I know more than people who created philosophy and the understanding of metaphysics of all western society, even though I never stopped to digest anything other than just parrot whatever sounds the most convincing from a pedantic angle
fetus is good for health, hold it in as long as possible
That’s sorta my point, they didn’t know any better so obviously they came to the conclusion that something had to have created everything because what to else could it have been?
Oath stay perpetually preggers and your MS is cured!
secular theory is the same, just not "supernatural"
I didn't know that pregnancy can decrease my ms. How much are we talking about? 10ms? 30ms? I need the best latency possible for fortnite.
Neither but with my pathetic Australian internet I need every advantage I can get lol
There are so many ignorant folk these days, math, science, astrology and even art and music are fucked b/c students are taught trash by under educated fucks, aka teachers
If the other 2 failed theres also plan b. If all those failed then parents should of been aborted
Her parents condemned her to whoredom from birth. They should all be executed.
>thanks for building everything, but now it's time to be entirely antithetical to you at the whim of our marxist college professors despite the fact we've never built anything.
Marx was deeply concerned about the people and mental state they were in. Being told who and what they are before they had time to view themselves in full. Despite the many set backs religion has given us, it was unable to stop progress.
This'll probably get drowned out in the white noise of niggery but abortions should only be considered if carrying causes health problems and puts the mother at risk or if they cannot support that child and give it a life worth living
Marx was a jew and hailed from a family of rabbis. So deeply concerned with people's mental state he had no problem forcing himself on his parent's maid.
You're half right. Everybody has a right to life, but nobody has a right to a good one. This whole "wait until we're both well established and career-oriented" is how you get population decline led by dried up cat ladies
So much faggotry in this thread. I was hoping for nudes or titty pics or something from this girl