Fuck off shills

Stop shilling I'm the real one and I don't bother to post here anymore because I got bored and will kms tonight or at least go to the looney tunes lel

Attached: The best movie.gif (327x480, 389K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Becaue i've seen some shills fuck you.
Pink Floyd forever and ever

Attached: Comfortably Numb.webm (320x180, 1.83M)


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The Wall is the eleventh studio album by English rock band Pink Floyd, released 30 November 1979 on Harvest and Columbia Records. It is a rock opera that explores Pink, a jaded rockstar whose eventual self-imposed isolation from society is symbolised by a wall. The album was a commercial success, topping the US charts for 15 weeks, and reaching number three in the UK. It initially received mixed reviews from critics, many of whom found it overblown and pretentious, but later came to be considered one of the greatest albums of all time.

Bassist Roger Waters conceived The Wall during Pink Floyd's 1977 In The Flesh tour, modeling the character of Pink after himself and former bandmate Syd Barrett. Recording spanned from December 1978 to November 1979. Producer Bob Ezrin helped to refine the concept and bridge tensions during recording, as the band were struggling with personal and financial issues at the time. The Wall is the last album to feature Pink Floyd as a quartet; keyboardist Richard Wright was fired by Waters during production, but stayed on as a salaried musician. Three singles were issued from the album: "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" (the band's only US number-one single), "Run Like Hell", and "Comfortably Numb". From 1980 to 1981, Pink Floyd performed the full album on a tour that featured elaborate theatrical effects.

The Wall is one of the most well-known concept albums[4] and was adapted into a 1982 feature film of the same name. The album has sold more than 24 million copies, is the second best-selling in the band's catalog, and is one of the best-selling of all time. Some of the outtakes from the recording sessions were later used on the group's next album, The Final Cut (1983). In 2003, Rolling Stone listed The Wall at number 87 on its list of the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time". In the early 2010s, Waters staged a new Wall live tour that became the highest-grossing tour by a solo musician.

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I've seen the writting behind the wall
Don't think i need anything at all

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Stfu faggot

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I've bought razor blades today and tested them out will cut my whole upper arm at night.
pic related

Attached: cutting 2.jpg (4032x3024, 1.5M)

wanna talk?


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It's not even deep, the only thing that you're showing me is that your a pussy

That was a test cut idiot

Go for a walk in the sun. Mighht as well. If it's your last day. Go enjoy the sun and fresh air one last time.

everytime i see this hand sign
i remember how children penetrated your mothers eyes and mouth as it claimed it was what it wanted to not see its son and keep fornicating with canines

Attached: twofingerstwoeyespluckedout,couldhavesentmoney.jpg (750x1000, 79K)

The only thing your testing is my patience fagget

pls don't kys fren, there's no afterlife, uno.... It's not even darkness, because there's no u to perceive it as dark.
As far as you know, this is the only chance you get at existence. Don't just throw away this rare opportunity.

I'm posting it here maybe but rather on discord because i promised them

Attached: Girlfriend 2.jpg (800x1124, 162K)

fuck off
I'm not suffering aanymore if I survive i'll go to the looney tunes and get myself some nice Dosulepin and OD on it fuck you all faggot

Attached: Girlfriend 15.jpg (500x364, 48K)

Don't kill yourself fren you are too good of a fren to die. Come on fren i mean i have a shit life but i try m8. We can talk about bad stuff and feel better about it fren.

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Also If I die i'll be with her
worth it

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You're worth more than that, you know..

lole nah

Attached: Girlfriend 7.jpg (497x700, 54K)

fuck it i'll also post the cuts here and how i'm going to the mental ward for shits and giggle keep this thread alive fags

no i'm not fuck off

Attached: Girlfriend 10.jpg (500x656, 50K)

here this only for you

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good morning sunshine

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no1 has eber ben butter off for gibing up on dere life

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WARNING: Slicing your wrists results in external bleeding.

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Shut up you don't know shit
Haha lole kek

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Also to clarifiy these are just test cuts!
The Final Cut will be at night or rather the final looney bin.


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If I get quads i'll slit my throat

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I'm sure if you went to doc and said you are having suicidal feelings, and you have cut yourself, you would get comitted anyway, without having to kill yourself to get there. If it's the loony bin you seek.

nno.... dond *ssume dat... i wuz depressie jessie tto.... but den thinks got butter...
u onlely hab 1 life fren... dond throw id away

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 39 - Gakugeikai! Shuyaku wa da~re_ [WinxBloom1980][217B2D16].mp4_snapshot_1 (960x720, 358K)


stfu like I said you don't know shit. Do you think i'm watching a shitty cartoon show and then eveything is aight fuck off ya doss cunt will ya or i'll make a deep long cut just for you

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fuck off
no it's not like that fag

Ah well, fuck you then. Seem to remember you being like this a bit ago and then you came back. You might be bipolar or some shit. Loony bin probably best place for you.

I just want my Dosulepin.

also i'm not bipolar i'm just lonely and want to be nice so people talk to me but nooooooooo.
fuck it

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It's OK. No one wants to talk to you either way, don't worry about it.

That's why i'm doing it enjoy the show I guess

Find peace with yourself bro, it's a lonely uncaring world


I hope

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you got palindrome

shut up faggots.

nej ursäkta vän

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shut up faggot

nej ursäkta vän

I'm a eurofag
so fuck off with this american bullshit

Attached: sir we regret to inform you that this is the last tv you're receiving and please stop trashing (450x192, 993K)


lol lol lol lol olo loelleofefksfoaff

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"espero que haya valido la pena" the leon to the robin meade

this is one dude that makes bipolarity real
they wear their vagina bikes mothers decapitated head after trachea fucking as buttplugs
they pay money for this
and then they get awards

Yalitza ppl are not human

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Did this make sense to you when you typed it?

What are u trying to say

Attached: I wanna go home.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

Better sense than people that have tubes from ass to mouth to ass to eye

fucking kek

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but that's swedish.. they're European.. loleso I'm a 3rd generation immigrant, so according to the standards of the Navajo tribe, I count too.. I'm just super Americanized ig... I'll go make up for it by getting some marmite and digestives asap

I'm just gonna commit suicide

suicide by slashing veins is the best option in my opinion because if you fail you don't end up severely mentally handicapped. But its really difficult to do right (in my experience).

Your fortune: Good Luck

at least you're not as crazy as this guy

I know

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cute anines in pic. i wanna fug them

A warm hug would save me

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Suicide isn't the answer you're looking for, but you've deemed your problem so great that you'd rather terminate the problem rather than solve it.

yep good thinking

Why not enable yourself to solve it?

I'm doing it.
Wrist cuts don't kill you they bring you in the mental ward where I get help or atleast dosulepin which I can use to suicide with

Commercial healthcare systems profit off you being chronically ill. I don't know if that's Austria or not tho..

Austria not.
6€ with healthcare without 7€ I don't think they really profit

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Try to follow their guidelines on dosage then. I don't know what you've been through or what your diagnosis is.


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They can't up the dose for now because I have to wait till fucking october until my psych yadayadayada

I wish I could help you more beyond that... I've been suicidal myself, although I've never pulled a serious attempt at it, only like half hearted attempts to suffocate myself but I never went too far with it. Only so far as to see what it'd be like if I did go thru with it ig.. Find a group to connect to and read more on the topic is all I can really say.

>takes klonopin
>find a group
choose one

Probably the group tbh.. social isolation is pretty bad for you, if that's what's happening. If you can get access to a counselor or a life coach, I'd say let them tell you.

nice dubs btw

mate i'm taking clonazepam because I can't hang out with any groups and I tried life coaching it's shit and didn't help

I guess the only thing I can say is that whatever is the case, you gotta believe that something out there will solve the problem even if there isn't. Unless you know with absolute certainty that there is no constructive solution, you risk giving up prematurely otherwise. I'm really sorry pinkfren...

Have you considered JEsus

I asked so many times
Is there anybody out there?
and no no one's out there
Jesus wouldn't make me suffer cunt fuck off Yuji

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Suffering? lol

What a joke. A teenager, suffering in a world where you can exist without needing to work, where you have all the help you could ever need if you wanted to look for it, where you can find people willing to give you the time of day even if it's just on the interenet. What are you suffering from?

I don't care anymore it's getting dark soon then i'll do it enjoy

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Nah it's bullshit just like last time , all you're suffering from is withdrawal, fucking junkie scum not worth bothering with

Maybe learn how human attachment works and see what you need to fix to get there? I don't want to assume too much, but these things take time. As someone who's tried to rush relationships b4, using that word generally, if you rush it too hard, they'll get scared off and for good reason. Attachment implies change and you adapting to that person. Attachment changes who you are so as to adapt to that other person and if they don't want to be like you, then they'll block you. Part of it is how you present yourself to others and how much you're willing to let yourself be changed by others ig.. again, I don't know too much about your situation, so I'm just projecting by this point. I don't know if this is actually applicable or not.

stop replying to this fucktard

love your neighbor as yourself

choke on your own shit faggot

Praise Jesus

If it helps ig lole

So you fags i'm doing it now will post pics faggots

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i'm not a player but i dunk a lot

My mans actually going to do it, might as well enjoy myself.

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is this kid like 12 years old or what

mentally he's probably around 8

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I'm heading to the mental ward


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typical child behavior

i just want help and this is the only way sorry guys

doremi claims another soul

bro, just do what you need to do to get better... pls take care of yourself....

I just self harmed for the first time in months last night too... To say I know what you feel would be a lie, but I do know what it is like to self harm and its rough. I really hope you get better


this is literally the worst way you could help yourself, but you're mentally ill so this doesn't surprise me

You using sheets of sharp paper for these cuts?

Toilet paper laced with water

Mental ward day one.
I feel even more miserable here than at home they don't help you jack shit i'll get tryciclics and OD on them fuck this shit god I hate this country so fucking much. Europe should burn I hope it gets more and more infested with mudslimes so they all exterminate us for 404

I member when I was in the ward I wasn't allowed my phone charger in my room. Wasn't allowed a lot of stuff but I snuck it in anyways I'm so #rebel

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Yeah I'm thinking the food was good most complained but I was basically not eating before so it was good. Great Mac and cheese too

Yeah can't even have my fucking headphones what a utter joke

Put the phone down

reallly cool digits, i like the contents of the post too.
buy a BT ones with a hard case, I guess if they arent airpods and you cant choke with them they are ok.
Hope you will get well soon!
I really like you russian friend

Yea Forums contrarians are so retarded