Your 14 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender

>Your 14 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender
>They want you to use their preffered pronouns "they" and "them"
>They want you to refer to them as your "child" and not "son" or "daughter" as well
How do you react?

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disown the child

do it

>the child
Well, at least you're being respectful about it...

do it and support them while secretly resenting them and acknowledging my failure as a parent


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You should kill him

>non binary
>How do you react?
turn them into a computer and force it

Forcefully tell them they are my children (not my child) and that they need to get their shit straight!

Be even more disappointed in the world we live in where science and facts are treated as opinions.

tell him to shut the fuck up

Love them unconditionally and support them

I notify they/them that I respect their choice and show they the door. I proceed to inform they not to let it hit them on they way out.

Laugh, ruffle their hair, and tell them they'll grow out of it when they're older.

Then go my garage and pray I hope I'm right.

If im wrong, I'll grab some chloroform and a shotgun so I can put him to sleep and fake it's suicide by blasting his brains off


found the /lgbt/ retard

Beat they ass like a nigga

Or maybe move to the country, block any access to the internet, force kid to get a job and get back to reality

Too real, tho

You know how children are. They're all pink on the inside.

Based user

And I can dress up and call myself Santa claus if I want to too. It doesn't mean I should.

"well son i don't know if i should disown you or just keep going on as usual, so you're going to stand on this porch until you pick a side"

>becoming a doormat to your retard offspring
don't forget to spay/neuter your retards, kids

I sure hope I can raise a kid to understand basic logic. Calmly explain to him that he is under a delution, that I love him and that he can be helped. Take him to a psychiatrist to treat his sexual dysmorphya with therapy and medication.

>>Your 14 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender
I don't have a 14 year old child

I go absolutely fucking apeshit. I hit them as hard as I can in their chest because I fucking hate them. I can’t stand to look at them anymore. My daddy hated faggots and this is about as close to a faggot you can get. In fact I’d say it’s even more unnatural. Just pick a fucking side. At least fags don’t make up a third gender. There’s only two genders: penis and vagina. And unless you’re a freak who’s got both you best not tell me you’re some magical third gender. Fuck my son and fuck his choices.

Rape him to drive yout point home user!

Easy, drop the little shit off at the nearest orphanage, and switch for a better kid. Let some other poor fucker have your mentally damaged freak

Well I never fucked my Kidd’s or told them what to order at subway or TGIF’s so as long as it are happy and not a faggy Emo that are cutting them self’s is ok..

I could not have said it better myself. Well done.

drown it

That’ll show em

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>therapy and medication
kids are being taught that they don't need these things because 'they's speshul da way day r'... doesn't help things when the WHO declares transgenderism as 'not a mental illness or defect'...
regardless, I'd tell my retarded child that that's the support I'm offering, and if they choose not to take it, they choose not to be offered ANYTHING above legal requirements for parents, and at 18, they're on their own.

lmao yeah right

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Force them to go to church, as a parent I would already do this. Or I would complain to the school and force them to admit to political indoctrination

take a shot gun, and kill him and myself too for being a bad parent

Hand them an itemized budget of the cost of living of the household
Hand them the documents needed to become a emancipated minor
Hand them a copy of their eviction notice
Explain these are the prices and terms of their preferred pronouns under a roof they don't pay for and for food/utilities they also don't pay for. I will not be dictated to in my own house by someone that's only contribution is strife and manipulation.

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I will agree to use a different word. We already have a perfectly good definition for the word they/their, which specifically refers to the plural of something. Basic grammatical rules as well as common sense preclude the use of a plural pronoun to refer to an individual.

Pick another singular pronoun and we will not have any problem.

Ask them why they think this and when they hit me with the “well I just don't feel right as a boy, I ask them why again, and when they start regurgitating the tumblr gendercylcopedia they’ve memorized I ask them “Think about this, really. Why do not feel right as a boy. And give me your real answer, not the answer everyone wants you to give me. There is no such thing, it’s all a phase and you’ll grow out of it one day”

Difficult scenario, you really can't force them to change their beliefs, and trying will only push them further down this path. It's difficult too because kids are now being force fed this propaganda starting at a very young age, and in the media throughout growing up and getting in to pop culture. The people pushing this propaganda are very clever and insidious. I think this problem will only be worse in the next generations growing up now with the current radical trends in pop culture.

If my child bought into this I would ultimately support them, but not feed in to their delusions. I would share my prespective, that it is a misguided and radical idea, and try to lead them down a better path. But people are going to form their thoughts and ideas on their own and you can't force a person to think a certain way. Unfortunately kids are susceptable to falling into toxic thinking. But they will still observe their parents closely, so i will do my best to steer them away from these delusions.

Find out where they learned it from and prevent them from going deeper into that shit ideology. Odds are they are just a little different to others and want a reason why. Most luckily they will grow out of it and not need an ideology/bullshit all encompassing label to define themselves

I mean it would make sense since I'm non-binary myself. That shit tends to be genetic.

Tell them no.

U literally just used they/them

Because they didnt specify gender of the child retard...

You are a fucking idiot

rape them repeatedly in either pussy or ass, depending on biological sex, till they pick what they want to identify as when orgasming from it and craving more. or support them till they grow out of it either way is okay

Yeah. These people need help and compassion. Not celebrating their mental illness as an identity.
No wonder so many post op trannies kill themselves.

You don't need to be smart to have a basic grip on how gender works.

You are a veritable chip off the old block.

I'd show him the Bill Nye special and tell him its OK because Bill Nye says so.

>These people need help and compassion
I didn't say that at all... what they need is a swift asswhoopin and a huge reduction in whatever media they're currently consuming that's making them think/feel the way they are.
>it's ALWAYS an outside source in the case of absentee parenting
>it's ALWAYS your fault if you're a shitty parent pushing untraditional values behind an agenda outside of 'I want my kids to outlive me and be successful'

“No son/daughter. I will accept you as gay or straight or maybe even trans. But your shitty hair and clothing style isn’t a gender and I won’t support you hiding behind the label to avoid criticism of how stupid you look.”

Way to accomplish nothing and only make your childs problems worse. Chimping out like a nigger and taking an emotional response which will accomplish nothing except severely damaging your relationship with him, which may eventually lead him to have even more fucked up feelings about it and may cause irrepairable harm, like changing his gender later in life. This is exactly the outcome that the people pushing this propaganda want. Take a more measured response.

this actually kind of happened, not to me or my kid but my best friends sister

>be me
>17, me and friend are chilling, playing Xbox in his basement
>we’re just bullshitting and then he says that his sister came out as “non binary”
>this was like early 2014, I had no idea what the fuck that was supposed to mean
>ask him what the actual shit is that and he says she “doesn’t have a gender”
>literally ask him wut
>he finds it just as autismo filled as me but he’s not gonna stop her cause she’s already depressed and weird

Now he tells me this story and I think it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard:

>be “her” and her parents
>she has weekly therapist visits bc of depression (was an issue way before the incident)
>she tells her therapist that she’s “non binary” and doesn’t identify with any genders
>therapist looks down at his clipboard for a few seconds and then looks back up
>”Hmmm... it seams that you may have a rare mental condition called I.W.A.S, I’m afraid it’s very serious”
>she goes “huh what’s that omg am I gonna be okay”
>”I don’t know miss, it’s very serious and unless treated immediately it could be fatal”
>Starts whaling hysterically and parents rush in
>Parents are wondering what the actual fuck IWAS is
>Therapist goes “It stands for ‘I want Attention Syndrome’, she’s not a genderless alien she’ll grow out of it.

Ffw 5 years later and she’s fine. Not depressed anymore and is back to being a woman. Whenever someone brings it up she refuses to admit it even happened because she’s so embarrassed about it. 99% of the time it’s just an edgy tumblr phase, chill out lads

Beat the literal shit out of literal "them"


Normal people:
I realize how monumentally I have failed as a parent and see the massive disservice I have done my son as a result. Clearly I failed to pay attention to my son. I allowed him unbridled access to social media, I took no interest in his education, I never bothered to meet his friends. As a result he has been exposed to all manner of mental illness without the benefit of normal, healthy context. He now thinks this is how normal people see the world and how they interact with it.
Going forward I am going to limit, moderate, and review what he is exposed to on the internet. Social media sites will be blocked entirely. Smartphone will be confiscated and instead a flip phone will be given. School material will be reviewed. Private school may be required. I will make a point of spending time with him from now on. Every evening, talking, watching movies, doing things outside. Anything and everything to show him that I love him and set an example for what normal is.

Libtard parents:
Let them use some of my prescription hormones until they can get their own. Hopefully Dr. Xhe can get them into an appointment quickly.

Whatever makes them happy.

oh .... take the child on vacation in Egypt .... leave without the child and all documents and money child can have ... If child make it home will not be stupid anymore

>Don’t care
>resume browsing Yea Forums

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Accept them. Y'all got your heads up your asses saying you would disown them. Imagine being that weak.



Wouldn't give a flying fuck. Would call him/her whatever they wished.

>>Your 14 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender
>>They want you to use their preffered pronouns "they" and "them"
>>They want you to refer to them as your "child" and not "son" or "daughter" as well
>How do you react?
Throw it down the stairs

Accept my failings as a father and be forced to watch as they become apart of the 40%.

>>Your 14 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender
My wife's niglet.
I go steal plane or something after that.

Military School.

based therapist

>Go clean your room
>no more internet

This or Cadets.

Absolutely BASED

Do you have any idea how many trannies are exmilitary? A lot. This would only make things worse.

Beat the fuck out of him because I’m don’t want her conforming to the subhuman leftist ideals that plague society

I*, not I’m

Well you don’t have to go that far Jesus Christ you fucking tyrant that’s how you give your kid daddy issues and social anxiety ON TOP of gender disphoria. Yeah you have to be little more hands on, but you don’t have to send him back into the 90’s cause he got mixed up in the deep dark world of tumblr

This is the correct way. I remember telling my mom I wanted to be a woman when I was a little kid, maybe 8 years old. Thankfully she told me that was impossible and played it off as a little kid being scared of turning into a man. If I was born in 2010 however, my dick would probably have already been chopped off.

Alright then. A military school in China