Okay christian anons

okay christian anons...

if God exists then explain this

Attached: brazil_1.webm (360x640, 1.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:


God is as dead as Nietzsche brother

they arent people so they dont get our blessing

Dude didn't pray good enough. Stop acting like god doesn't exist, we all know a deity would need us to pray the gay away.

thank you for your blessing


im not christian.

this happens because "god" can't directly stop it. the only people that can are the ones holding his legs and keeping him down.

Does he look like a Christian? Nope cry more atheist.

Not Christian, but if god were to interfere then how would he determine who gets to burn in hellfire forever?

was solving the captcha worth it?

The dog is gay and just likes sucking dick.



Then Christians willing go about killing other people for not believing
in god, Muslims the same and all the Mentally Ill people of the world.

That guy probably stole some shit from the cartel, Shit Muslims do worse for just cutting your beard wrong.

daily reminder democrats want to let these people enter our country with impunity, and also provide them with free health care

This is the less expensive way to transition.


Those trans people are
Hiring dog surgeons now? Still believe trans are not mental in the head.

>be dog
>be gay
>suck dick
>get carried away

There is a good chance that wasn't a good person, do evil stuff and you end up like that.

Basically. If God was to intervene for anyone, it would only be fair to intervene for everyone, and at that point we're not on Earth anymore, its Heaven.

Most people are pure trash

Christians have done much worse in the past kek

Humanity is to blame not any deity you dumb fedora fuck

the is no god, and you are a stain


That guy probably was some furry fetishist and god said “Fuck this” and let the man have a dog on his dick.

God only cares about white Christians. That’s why this beaner shit hole was forsaken.

Fake and gay

Why only christians and not jews and moslems as well ? faggot.

That's what happens when you racemix with people that have historically always been savages

Proof that’s whites didn't wipe out Native Americans. Mexicans did

Incorrect and intentionally ignorant.

It's God's Will, I ain't gotta explain shit.

In an altercation any is possible, just look at the KOMODO dragons, they will eat anything even the shit inside the prey's stomach.

the apes that do this kind of thing do not fall under any gods jurisdiction therefore any believer should not dwell unto unholy lands.

literally every major democratic candidate is running on open borders and free health care for illegals, some major cities like san francisco are already providing free health care to them.

way to be a liar

Wtf have your political insecurities got to do with a video of a guy getting eaten by a dog?


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free tranny assignment still good boy.

good job having absolutely no substantive argument, but sure fall back on the classic liberal tactic of attempting to humiliate rather then making any attempt to persuade or inform

Come on people, we all know the Lord works in mysterious ways. All a part of His plan that that guys balls were eaten by a dog.

Pretty creative. Haven't seen that done before.

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Looks like a rapist getting what he deserves.

Read the bible.

I've not stated myself as a liberal. You randomly started talking about politics under an unrelated video. I was wondering why because I don't like stupid people.

It's not about the presence or lack of god, this is what happens when a state is to weak to control its animals. This will be the U.S. soon, than god for universal suffrage huh?

In b4 hurhur libtard and immigration.....I was referring to letting idiots have a say regardless of political leanings.

That is truly fucked

nothing on Yea Forums has ever really affected me but holy fuck

Obviously that faggot pissed god off

You mean those niggers? Ain't gonna let chalky up until muh reparations

then god is not omnipotent

Can't lie I almost puked watching that
Look at his face though, that's the face of never being able to have sex again

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Is this an alt right talking point? I’ve never heard this one before but it seems dumb enough

I really regret clicking that. Holy fuck

Fuck you for this bullshit

This bothers me almost as much as that video of the horse running around with its guts hanging out.

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Since it's a 3rd world country I'm guessing this guy either raped somebody or was accused of raping somebody.

Uh I think he is dead now bro

this is the only valid response from an informed christian perspective. as an atheist, I think it's really important for us to remember that everything that happens is a-ok according to christians. if god exists morality can't exist, because it's all god's will.

So, if God does exist, then he clearly allow dogs to be gay, which mean being gay is ok and christian against fags are against god's' will making them wrong.
If christian are wrong, then God can't possible be real, therefore, God isn't real.
Checkmate, Chistianfags.

Otherwise we don't know the aftermath. Maybe they killed him, or maybe he went to the hospital. Or maybe he just necked himself

You are a faggot and no one likes you

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This. What the fuck.

What's the back story on this video?

Link to vid, need sound

thanks, no one. had a good chuckle too.

There is no coming back from that... He fucked up. I watched a lot of gore and rekt, chopping offs and all kinds of sick shit but this is the only time I felt sick. This is propper fucked.

why is everybody being so PC?

its just man feeding his dog for fuck sakes

mexican cartel yada yada

a thread about mexican cartel brutality is inherently political despite your political insecurities

Why would I have proof of a random video?

You are the person in the jury who let's people off because you have watched to much CSI and demand the semen samples for a robbery.

Let's review. A large group of based fathers is participating in this group exercise in family bonding. Those dudes aren't gonna let some rucking rapist turn them in after the fact. They have shit to lose.

Also I dont see any fire or hot steel to close that hairy hatchet wound

Thirdly if he did live through it he definitely killed himself.

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Dog friend: Lolol dude you ate cock and balls
Pitbull: Fuck you man, they put bbq sauce on his nuts, what was I supposed to do?

i can state with 99% certainty they did not let this guy live

the one with the kid getting his heart ripped out of his chest is worse

maybe he fucked one of the drug dealer GFs

Where can I find?

It's brazil though, who knows if the cops even do their job. But they probably did finish the job


For his sake, I hope not.

its probably cartel related but its impossible to tell if he was a rapist, member who fucked up, from a different cartel, or some rando who owed money or was unlucky. I'm sure the full video states it.

thanks, I just started eating my pizza

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Learn to fucking zoom out, God doesn't give a shit about individuals. Pain and pleasure are two opposites. For someone in that lad's pain, there are enough people feeling pleasure in the world to balance it out. Nature's a cruel bitch, guess who made it that way.

this is the strongest argument for eugenics. we should just nuke all brown people.

build the wall

Because you're new here.

Fuck off underage faggot.

oh wow, need sauce on this.. or story..

its probably the worst thing ive ever seen other then a full sized dog crush video i once saw, be foreworned livegore.com/1027/brutally-cutting-a-guys-heart-out

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>everythng that happens is a-ok according to christians
>if god exists morality can't exist


to me it wosn't as bad as the video where a guy had no skin on his face while he was alive and stabbed and shit.. lol

I been cracking up for over 10 mins straight, funniest shit I've seen in a while

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its a man feeding a dog his fuck steak

He can but he won't.

lol gimme the dog vid

What's the story? He probably deserved it right

That dog is gay.

Looks hungry to me

it was a webm on 8ch, i wasnt gonna save that shit nigga, also crush videos are illegal to possess

Nice try faggot. Get off your ass and post something good

>god is good
>everything that happens is the will of god
>everything that happens is good


>everything is the will of god
>you can't act against the will of god
>you are not morally responsible

You're a pussy

>I object

animal cruelty is much more appalling to me than cruelty to human being, at least human beings have the reasoning abilities to understand whats happening to them

Open borders, democrats are a terrorist organization

>a thread about Mexican cartel.

Are you posting in the correct thread?

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will.

How the fuck did he get to the hospital? His legs are fucking shattered, look at the angles of his hips when they move his legs. His legs are so fucked he can barely even move them while a dog is Munching down his scrotum.

Humans are shitty and half of them wouldn't hesitate to kill animals or cut down the places they live. For that reason I care less when humans get rekt, we have too many of them anyway. At least animals aren't eligible for jobs, apartments, land, etc that we could have instead

This is just gay nothing more. Kys

I don't believe in God. But I seriously don't understand these people. He fucked up? Why the fuck don't you put a bullet through his head, why do this. You must be sick in the head to do this kind of shit.

Hail Satan. The all knowing judge and punisher of the evil.

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What if it's a female dog. Plot twist

I don't believe any of that shit. I'm trying to show that christians are icky

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Mexico not brazil


Oh shut up Russia.

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I agree though, if they don't want their daughters fucked they should just not have daughters lolol

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imagine being this guy, praying all your life... "god loves me" he tearfuly says to himself at night as he kisses his kids goodnight.

god only means well, we are his creation and created in his image. don't be naive OP.

I came to say this.

btw my name...

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First off, this is a result of free will. If we didn't have it, then how would we know who the pieces of shit are?

This is why we have borders. Some people haven't evolved enough to be civilized. These people are nothing short of savage animals.. No disrespect to the dog.

>No disrespect to the dog.

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Quit trying to edgelord, they're just sub-human wastes of flesh

Maybe God’s just a sadist?

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Jesus fucking christ that shit is brutal, nobody deserves that. This is why you never visit Mexico or Russia. Also, God is an edgy 12 year old who gets off on our suffering. It's that simple. It's either that or he doesn't exist. Don't buy into the bullshit rhetoric that tries and rationalizes this shit away. "Oh, God works in mysterious ways" or "God helps those who help themselves" or some other nonsensical bullshit.

Oh come on. This is tame compared to ling chi. The Chinese practiced this for centuries and they tortured people much worse than this.

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That whole situation is an extension of god experiencing itself, stop thinking dualistically

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I don't think Russia is as bad as Mexico

Then he is not benevolent

meh, it's actually kinda satisfying sitting here with my perfectly healthy cock and he doesn't have one.

god exist, people do too that is not happening because hes evil and deserves punisment is happening because all the people close to him decided this was ok in some way or other

Or you could view this as proof that the devil exists.

I believe in God, but God is not omnipotent, or we would not have free will. We should feel horror at this act, but only we have the power to free ourselves from the evil in our minds.

yea it is, they are brutal, mafia and anything gang related is just as bad.

kek you got this from that rekt thread you nigger faggot

lol, why am i a nigger? Animals kill mainly for survival. These spics do this shit for "muh beaner glory" They're human trash, and should be treated accordingly.

>God is not omnipotent
You just committed heresy. Enjoy Hell.

1/10 the dog using too much of his teeth.

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Mind blowing orgasm

He's evil.

The south american drug gangs keep outdoing themselves. This has to be the worst one yet.

Less likely to fuck with tourists for no reason though. I don't hear or tourists getting shot in Russia or kidnapped for ransom and killed

If you knew anything about the christian religion instead of trying to bait people you'd know that Adam and eve created sin and not God. fucking tard.


Really, let's talk about it. I feel as if there is a God and that whatever God is sort of calls us to be compassionate and do good for others. But if we have free will, doesn't that mean that God can't control everything? Or is God omnipotent and cruel? And if God is omnipotent and cruel, shouldn't we rebel by being compassionate with each other.
If the sincerity of this post is faggy, amuse yourself by remembering that I am posting from a phone while I am sitting a public toilet.

Someone pls tell me what made these people do that?
I am sure they didnt do it for the fun some reason even if it is a stupid reason has to be their


free will does not exist, all you have is agency within a system that you have incredibly limited influence over. every decision you make will be influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to your basal urges, your environment, and your prior experience which informs your expectations of the world. for example, you can be tortured into shifting your political beliefs. get any whitey who hates niggers and subject them to enough "correctional therapy" and you'll see that even the strongest will break if it means they can save themselves from the pain they must endure.

What a lovely, childish world view you still have. Having said that he was apparently a child molester.

That's a good point. I do see how free will is at least limited, but are you saying it goes beyond that? And what do you mean by "agency"?

holy shit nuke mexico.

Not God latino people and that's what they do to rapist and pedophiles.. I GUESS NOW I KNOW WHY TRUMP SUPPORTERS DO NOT WANT LATINOS IN AMERICA

kys pedro

is there any actual source on him being a child molester other than people just saying it in these threads?

Free will okay. But is god not supposed to be loving and so on?
What must this guy has gone through? This dudes whole world has been shattered. He probably needed god more in that moment then any time in his life. Why not help? Why let them feel that pain? When I am screaming for help when i am completely helpless and need his help, why is he not helping? How can he expect me or anyone to follow him when he is not their for you?
And if someone goes through a lot of shit in his life and comes to the conclusion, that there cant be a god since he has not helped him even though he cried and asked so much for his help, he will be getting into hell because he was "weak". How is this justice? How am I to belive in a loving god?

holy shit nuke brazil.

id be willing to bet this is cartel shit and not a child molester receiving mob justice

TFW you use too much peanut butter

god dont save the fags and the zoophilic

It’s a zebra, idiot

there's two different videos, idiot.

how come i get banned when i post videos of cute dogs giving people blowjobs while op gets to post a video of pitbulls giving people blowjobs and it's perfectly fine for some reason

why in the world would anyone post a video of a dog sucking dicks? WHY

>5 gum


post it now

Nice dubs, plus you hit the nail on the head.
I think in the end even Jesus of Nazareth (who believed in God if anyone ever did) had those same feelings that you are talking about and actually may have lost his faith. He apparently asked why his God had forsaken him.

Not necessarily.
This looks like a warning to others since it's filmed.
Could just be a territory dispute or debt collection

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he's from brazil, the chance of all guys involved being christian is like 98%

this is unironically my worst nightmare, as well as being injected with stuff against my will

Mexicans practice paganism disguised as Catholicism just google their death God and the culture around it.

I get what your saying. IMO your not fully understanding the free will part. If he was to intervene in any situation, it would only be fair that he would in all situations, and thats not free will. Remember that he jesus basically let this happen to himself, just so we could have forgiveness for the bad shit we do, should we ask for it. The only way to know whats truly in a mans heart is to let him do as he pleases. If you just force someone to act right, then you never really know if they would have done that themselves.

I struggle with the shit myself. Like I can't understand when some somalian baby gets hacked up with a machete. I don't understand how they've lived long enough to be judged on anything. But its said that he takes all children, like they get a free pass or some shit, I dunno, im talking a bit outta my league now.

yup or the guy being punched in the stomach while hes asleep

there isn't a single white person in this video...lmao

Looks photoshoppped

That truly is the worst I have ever seen thus far, you must have NO heart or humanity to put someone through that. Story?

God is a Creator, he isn't a manager & if he was he would be a Terrible one!

No war in the history of ever has ever been started because people wouldn't convert to christianity. The world isnt so black and white. The crusades weren't about muslims not converting to christianity. Muslims are pretty much the only people that actually kills people for not subscribing to Islam.

Not really Christian, but the way I could explain this would be if the guy subconsciously felt so guilty about smth. that he would want to live through that pain as a way of excuse ... not thinking that would work though because for it to really be gone (the guilt) he would have to forgive himself.

... However I am verry VERRY doubtfull if this is truly the case

Because this is culturally accepted by the people who want to change American culture. What don't you get?

Agency simply means your ability to act. If you are given two choices, you have the ability to assess each choice individually and make a determination based on the information you've received coupled with your own working knowledge, which is how you may reach a final choice. However, you don't have the ability to choose anything beyond the options you're given. For instance, you cannot choose many things, such as your race/skin tone, gender, your family, the circumstances of your birth, and many other things. While you do have agency, you do not have true free will, because your actions will always be based upon certain elements which you cannot control. In order to have true free will, you have to be the engineer of reality, rather than its subject. If I give you the choice between coke or pepsi, you can choose one or the other. What you cannot choose is an alternative, like coffee or water, unless it is presented. Therefore, you are subject to the limitations of your experience at any given moment.

Therefore, if God is a component of the system, then he should be able to influence our lives in a way that would be compatible with the individuals' current means of operation in reality. In other words, if God parted the skies, presented himself to everyone on the planet, and begin causing miracles to happen, this scenario would not interfere with your levels of agency anymore than any other powerful natural disaster or occurrence.

Same guy.
Stuff like that just makes me so sad and unmotivated ... well no not really.
Stuff like that gives me an excuse to feel so sad and unmotivated
.... What do?


I have always explained that stuff with free will and that people who suffer a lot in this life but stay strong, will be gifted with eternity in happiness.

But is god not also telling us to pray and ask him for help? He created us week so how can he expect us to stay strong until the end when we go through shit everyday and get no help from him? If we dont stay strong we will get into hell, eternal pain. How is this justice?

I am not asking him to let money rain on me. I am not asking him to give me a beautiful nose the next day i wake up. But if I am troubled and ask him everyday for many month for help, how can he watch me struggle and be so depressed and not help me? Just give me some happiness, just ease my pain, it wont be anything that can be views by others (and make it obvious that there is a god which would make the "test" of life nonsense since everyone would start beliving it, if it was something very obvious coming from god) but it would save my world. Why not answer that call, when it is needed so much? And when I lose hope and faith, I will go to hell. How is this fair?

How is it fair to tell someone to be grateful and stay faithful, when bombs are raining down on him, killing all of his family, making him lose his eysight and so on? Yet when he loses fatih after all that bullshit, he gets to fucking hell??? How is that a loving good god? Should a loving god not forgive such persons? Wasnt we created weak? But no its hell. Let us live hell here on this planet and when we lose faith, send us to hell again. WHAT GOD???

Ultimate kek

LOL Im fucking dead.

One of the most screwed up things about torture/things like this:
Often times the people doing the torture don't want you dying from shock. They see it as an "easy way out." So to prevent shock, they shoot the victim with speed or something like this, THEN proceed to brutally torture them.

The look on his face was probably a mixture of pain, bewilderment, and doped up disbelief.

Go watch some of the messed up videos of people with their skin ripped off and dull razor blades used to cut them up. They're still aware throughout the entire thing.

If you're captured by some fucked up people, and they inject something in to your body, be prepared for a very long, very bad time.

>"isn't god asking us to pray and ask for his help?"
no god asks nothing of anyone, the idea is if you are in need then turn to the creator and the answers will make themselves clear.

it's an argument of semantics

that's crazy, mexicans/latin americans are fucking torturous. It's those aztec genes I guess, they don't just shoot people like a nigger they want to make people suffer and get creative doing it

wow someone who never read Nietzsche

Not alt-right, nor do I have any idea what they're talking about, but if you look back at history some people near Russia used boats to travel along the western coast of North and South America to eventually land and occupy the center of South America. From there as the Ice Age saw the ice disappear, they began to migrate up north to eventually occupy North America. These people became the early settlers of both locations, eventually becoming Mexico and Native Americans. From there, generations of different tribes killed one another for land over and over again until the British occupied the East of what would become the United States of America, where the early settlers kept expanding out killing the Native Americans.

Not sure what point I'm making.

You turn to him yet he is still not helping. Makes you even lose faith more.
In the quran there is a passage where god says something like "no one carrys more then he is able to". But if the problems i carry make me lose faith, have i not been burdened with more then I can carry?

I cant follow a god, that doesent care for me. If he would care, since he is the allmighty, he would help.

I assumed it was gang-affiliate. In which case torture is an effective means of scaring your opposition.

Is Brazil just Rust IRL?

it's not that unique to any specific race or culture, the downside of human intelligence is that we get really creative about cruelty and torture

It's totally political. Most of this happens via gang members creating social terrorism.

>Muh “good boys”

They should all be bludgeoned to death.

this is what you wanted. god allows you to have what you want.

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I’m sure this is bait, but what exactly does this have to do with God?
Bunch of violent monkeys making bad choices

Can we just drop a nuke on them?

ya should be asking why those around him laff'n and recording the event do nothing...if, in your world, God does not exist, how can we measure the difference between hitler and mother teresa?!?

that poor girls vagina

Where the actual fuck do people find videos of this

God exist exactly for this, he's THE piece of shit

Okay, I see many of you fuckers asking why God didn't stop shit like this. I will tell you once, and only once; Satan rules our world. He is the God of planet earth. The good God is watching, he knows about all the suffering but he won't intervene yet.

Adam and Eve chose satan as their god. The good god is now letting Satan run things just to prove that he isnt capable of running this world.

Why the fuck do you think the elite are a bunch of satanists? Because why would they be praising God when satan is in control?

Basic logic, fucktards.

>satan rules
>god still does nothing
That shit's gay, double gay even. I never asked for this. Why should I suffer for no reason? Adam and Eve do not represent me, nor should they represent all of humanity. Fuck that. God's an asshole. For someone so caught up on forgiveness, she's pretty slow to forgive others for their shortcomings and mistakes.

gets me every time
fucking humans

fucking genius

damn, that is the most brutal zoo blow job I´ve ever seen

I dunno dude. I'd recommend you ask these things to someone more versed in scripture, than the people you'll find here.

Something I was told once, when I ask why is there evil in this world. Is because there has to be. When you say "today is a good day" the only way you can make that statement is if you know what a bad day is like. Good and evil are essential parts of this experience, without either one, the world would not exist. This prob doesn't help much, just thought id put it out there

Religion is a tool. Its a tool to try and get the masses the be orderly and live "correctly" i.e get married, dont lie, dont steal, be a good person etc. Its kind of a good thing IN THEORY, but fails in the practical department due to the sheer amount of different religions and beliefs. Also, man in china only knows about Buddha and was raised that way. So does he go to hell for not believing in the real "god"? Completely unfair right? At the end of the day, the biggest aspect is security of life or rather it eases the mind to know that there is something "better" after we die as opposed to just being dust and plant food. I'm agnostic and that's how everyone should believe. Don't believe nor disbelieve anything unless its PROVEN without a smidge of doubt. Atheist are dumb are believers are dumb. Keep your mind open and simply have logic.

prolly theYNC

Its the jews

You guys serious that what we see in this webm is a guy getting his cock eaten by a dog? Person looks like a bitch with tiny tits to me. You sure this is not a pussy getting her puss eaten, which makes this kind of hot?

that'd make her a bitch

That's why you need Jesus' forgiveness.

>Retarded christfag logic
Great job


Are you fucking retarded?

I think you are a tool. lol, but cerealy, I was raised christian, and the part you said about the china man, has always been something I can't get past.

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Why is that God always has to intervene in our lives to be real? What if he wanted free will to be a thing? Ever think of that?

then he could have made humans not be dicks? If he is all powerful then that was in his power from the start.

>explain this
that is God punishing pedophiles, user.


What the fuck dude

How would you apply this to the men committing the terrible things in this video though? Do they not have the free will not to torture the victim?

So full of shit. If god wanted you to have borders, why didn't he create them? Why are we on a single planet with 73% of its surface covered in salt water? You know those billions of empty barren worlds we can see with a telescope but can't reach or live on? In less than a millisecond he could have turned those into a habitable worlds if he gave a shit for us or cared about borders.

Well who said having such vastly different cultures, that needed borders, was part of his original plan? Ever heard of the Nephilim? You should stop talking now, and go back to twelve yr old edgelord land

Spaniards did this to indios. A physiological terrorism. aminoapps.com/c/world-history/page/blog/world-history-amino-guidelines-updated/8MNw_2phmud0oRD3zoGGmMYYYoqlV7EjQ

Fuck, I didn't need to see that!!!!!!

sorry but you did

Funny how a 2 year old has the free will to starve to death but the devil gets to run around all immortal tempting humans and fucking around with everyone in the petri dish for a millennia.

Religion is fucking stupid.

Of course they do, but they won't, because they feel justified in doing it for whatever reason. This is why we need someone to intervene, and who better than God, who has the capacity to completely eradicate these kinds of conflict and the behavior that leads to them?

Dude that's more of a face that knows this is just the start of his torment. I don't think they stopped here.

>>who has the capacity to completely eradicate these kinds of conflict

Yet doesn't do it.

Yeah, okay, whatever.

God cannot stop it in the sense of changing things in the present. God can only have made the universe in such a way that it would never have happened. However, god did not. God created the timeline of the universe in the way it exists. We can only presume that there's a reason for it.

This /thread.

god loves this kind of shit

“Buh guhh if god real why bad thing happen? Checkmate religious”

You hope so at least. Admittedly, I don't have all the answers. But im certainly not so pretentious to act like I do.

Sure he can, he does it all the time in the bible. He creates angels that influence and affect humanity. Hell, when people were building a tower he decides to mute their free will, make them speak different languages and teleport them onto different parts of the earth.

Now you people are just trying to cop out because none of this happens today, so he either sits there doing nothing watching it all, or he never existed to begin with.


Lamentations 3:22 says the Lord’s compassions never fail and according to Hebrews 13:8, Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever. That means He’s not arbitrary, intervening sometimes and not others without any apparent reason. Therefore, there have to be other factors involved that are currently not under His control, because He certainly didn’t create the world this way.

Think about it. Jesus didn’t say we’d never be sick, but He promised we could be healed (James 5:15). He said we would have troubles in this world, then told us to take heart because He’s overcome the world (John 16:33). He also said He is working all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). I take the phrase all things to mean everything, good or bad.

So what are these other factors? Well, first of all there’s our fallen creation which is currently under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19). Because of this we live in an evil and arbitrary world, where even the innocent are often attacked. But it’s worse than that. According to 1 Peter 5:8 the devil is always prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Then there’s our sin nature that can place us outside of God’s protective power without us even being aware of it until it’s too late. And sometimes our faith is so weak that even in asking for help we make it obvious we don’t believe we’ll get it.

Werid i got 666 lolol

If he created the world then clearly he created it this way. If he had the powers and ability the bible claims he does, he would have foreseen exactly what it would become.

And at some point, he clearly thought this was one of the revelations that he should impart to his subjects during that point in time?

Leviticus 25:44-46 New International Version (NIV)

44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.

Bible 101 , G*d gave man free will . Man uses gift of free will for evil , Man blames G*d for evil . You get to choose were you end up by the actions of this life . Final judgement and justice .

Chiba suck ass

Mexicans aren't christians. They're catholics. So there you have It.

You know it's some wild shit posted when OP gets this many (You)'s

Attached: Lot of yous.jpg (1650x399, 176K)

Humans need to learn from their mistakes and learn to work as one. God stepping in with everything would teach us nothing, we are capable of anything

God doesn't apply to brown people


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It's Brazil. His claim to the name "cartel" has no support. It happened in Ceará.

really? No war? History - the book you never read.

>If he created the world then clearly he created it this way.
NO! We made it this way. And hes not intervening because he said he wouldn't. But he will judge you in the end.
Btw I've always went off the king james. I know nothing of your NIV teen bible lol, jk

There was actually somebody in England who had a bulldog that ate his dick when he put peanut butter on it

>a few Brazileiros go full nig-nog
>"hurr durr I found proof God doesn't exist!!"

usual niggers IQ level

btw what about Guantanamo?

Maybe a rapist or a pedophile caught by a gang. I've heard of worse shit happening

I actually started thinking this was possibly a woman, because of the shape of the hips, I was thinking the cartel may have shaved her head to humilate her then did this. But then I found this video with sound and nope, definitely a guy

I would have expected way more blood if this was real.

Yeah okay. Such great divine knowledge to impart on your subjects... Nevermind germ theory or letting them know not to used lead to make wine and bowls for 8,500 years.
Leviticus 25:44-46 King James Version (KJV)
44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.

45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.

46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.

wow way to victim blame you cuck

>Go to a pet adoption website
>See this
What do?

Attached: adopt a doggo.jpg (247x390, 16K)

this thread has made me cup my balls in appreciation and comfort

Shit, man.

Yes, the fucking large four-legged human with horns sure did a number on that poor horse.

>I believe in God, but God is not omnipotent
I think God being omnipotent is kinda the point. What you are describing is more like the pagan gods of the past.

I think the dog lapped it up and the dirt absorbed it.

By not comparing a Politican/Leader with a person of Religion, you fagtard.

Are you honestly this stupid?

>>proof that the devil exists.

Sounds like it was a bad idea for god to create the devil then, huh?

this is the fastest boner killer holy shit

Free Will is the antithesis to an omnipotent god. If he truly was omnipotent we could not act against his will.

Attached: Capture+_2018-08-23-10-22-04.png (1251x948, 1.68M)

Adam and Eve willingly disobeyed God.

Where? Must be some socialist sh*thole if they ban such vids.

BTW I dislike animal cruelty, but a vid of an old act(to me) should be ok to possess by anyone.

Ok, im gonna go out on a limb here and guess your a butthurt nigger? I really don't have time to lay it all out or copypasta enough needed to explain it. I suggest you read the book of Enoch and do some research on the nephilim. It may help you understand why thing are going to shit. Again, he didn't create it this way. But hes going to let us do as WE please, because he said he would.

Fuck i wish this had sound

No it isnt. Choosing not to act is not the same as not being able to act.


Nietzsche: "God is dead."
God: "Nietzsche is dead."

At the behest of an immortal shape shifting being god created and allowed to roam around the petri dish.

Poor snakes get a bad wrap.

Everything about this story reeks of primitive human superstition. How are you people so dumb?

>So, if God does exist, then he clearly allow dogs to be gay, which mean being gay is ok and christian against fags are against god's' will making them wrong.
>If christian are wrong, then God can't possible be real, therefore, God isn't real.
>Checkmate, Chistianfags.

How has anyone not responded to this post. This guy knows what's up. If people are gay, then it's part of god's will, eh? So it's ok to be gay. Whatever happens is god's will, no?

Technically he didn't. Lucifer was an archangel, same as Micheal. Then he decided to rebel, and fell from grace.

I saw this on /pol/ but it got deleted. I knew I'd find it here. Anyone got the deets on this one?

adopt and invite friends to celebrate

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Hey drama kid

I'm gonna fuck you up the ass with a chainsaw.

As we all know, Adam and Eve, not God, made the tree of knowledge. Also god definately didn't create Eve with a level of curiosity that he knew she wouldn't be able to resist.

>God makes man and woman curious
>Punishes them for curiosity
>also guilt and sin are heredetary lolol

I think I'll take the hamster, thanks.

What does that have to do with God? You assume God intervenes and stops bad things, or allows them, etc...

"today was a good day. I wasn't tortured by people and a dog didn't eat my genitals. Thanks god!"

Man has a free will, god does not involve himself with degeneracy like this.

Creating a system that allows your archangels to fall and retain immortality and do whatever they want sounds pretty fucking stupid to me. Even humans had enough intelligence to make impeachment a possibility for positions with a lot of power.

Clearly you have not actually read the bible.

Old Testament God was as blood thirsty as any mexican cartel.

>Public Toilet


Can we stay on people whose existence is proven, so we can apply arguments of logic? Ty.

none of you exist, just ones and zeros

Attached: eye candy.jpg (635x610, 92K)

Feel no shame about shape, weather change the phrase.


Okey, then please keep focus on binaries that are tangible, ty.

I'm a 5 at least, you insensitive ass.

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lol I agree, and I don't have all the answers. But I understand that love can not be forced. Thats why he allowed us free will, thats my take on it. It's not that he couldn't, force you to do something, He wants to see if you'll choose to do the right thing on your own.

Sauce please

You have to put it in context though. There's a lot of baby killing and horrible shit that he commands to be done, and most people don't understand that it was because he was trying to wipe out the bloodline of satan. Those were demon babies.

lol stfu retard. whether you believe the bible or not, he existed. even other religions wrote about his existence.