Your 14 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender

>Your 14 year old child comes out as "non binary" gender
>They want you to use their preffered pronouns "they" and "them"
>They want you to refer to them as your "child" and not "son" or "daughter" as well
How do you react?

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A serious ass fucking will solve this problem.
If it is a he and takes it explain to him that's what gays do.
If it is a she and takes it explain this is what good wives do.

This is reasonable and well thought out

I tell them that I love them and accept them for who they are, but I'd expose them to thinkers who think differently than they do about this stuff.

Kids have the right to explore identities but eventually you either are familiar with biology or you aren't.

yeah i'm fine with that. as long as they don't bring up some xim/zer shit.
agree because gotta get that nut out inside my child's body

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I'll send it to the countryside to its grandparents to learn how life really is.

life is really like living in the country as an old person? okay sounds like you're living in denial of modernity

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>How do you react?

Late-term abortion.

Tell them they’ve been misinformed and are wrong.
That they’re most likely suffering from body dysmorphia, and the toxic people on YouTube that have fed their young developing minds are taking advantage of them to feed their own agenda and have tricked them into believing these lies.

How much do you think sosiety will hold up? Those huge conglomerations of buildings and humans that rely on supermarkets for food and water, those will go down first. People in the countryside know how to survive tough conditions, so they are mentally stronger than my handicaped nonbinary child so it could learn a lesson or 2 about actual living

"modernity" is the fucking problem
living in the country and being old implies they know the value of hard work,and have had actual hardships in life, not some made up victim status

>posts porn for attention

I'd talk to my lawyer and make sure I take that freak out of my will, and have them disowned

As long as they are living under my roof, eating my food, and using my electricity and Internet connection, they have nothing to demand of me, and I can choose to treat this as a mental illness.

Once they're 18, they get to be non-binary on their own dime. I will consider whether to go with their new personality afterwards or not.

Well first off you have to ask yourself what part you play in all of this.

Kids don't just wake up and think this shit up they're slowly programmed through all the bullshit media they consume.

There is a way to prevent this type of autism.

You want to be gay? Fine bi? Sure but this shit is programming received from an outside force.

I'd stomp a tranny to death

>implying work only exists in the country
you could have said "get a job" but i think you want to separate them from opinions you find aesthetically distasteful so you can indoctrinate them into conservatism. and merely saying they don't identify with men or women fashions or standards of behaviors isn't claiming a victim status. you're the one who seems offended and whiny to me, bitch.

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I'd blame their mother

a thank you would have sufficed

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First off I'd ban them from the internet and take their phone away until they turn 18. If they get a job and buy a new one I'd take that away too because they're my property until they turn 18

>my child
That’s a lot of faith you put into me user

I don't have kids, but my brother has several and my friend has one. Both have a kid who "came out" as gender-retarded.

Brother's kid: depressed attention whore girl, couple weak suicide attempts, couple HS 'girlfriends', came out as bi, lesbian, agender, etc., anything to piss daddy off. Now 18, moved out, will probably be a state welfare case & baby factory for her assumed short life.

Friend's daughter decided she was a boy at 14 or so, changed her name, bound her boobs, basically started acting like the cartoon version of an autistic 12-year-old boy all the time. She's kept it up for about 5 years, living with grandma and her (admittedly cute) gf, not too in-your-face about being retarded except with her mom, where it's all UGH MOM I'M GENDER NON-CONFORMING THAT'S MY DEAD NAME USE MY PRONOUNS UGH.

Whatever. We all found ways to disrespect the generations that came before us. I had long hair, dressed like a hair band dummer, moved across the country from him and followed a non-traditional career path, all of which made my dad apoplectic. I did fine; they will too.

>How much do you think sosiety will hold up? Those huge conglomerations of buildings and humans that rely on supermarkets for food and water, those will go down first.
i think society can hold up cities, retard. it's not civilization without them

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"I told you not to talk to me until you got to Challenger"

Weak ass parenting with no discipline.

Gender may be a social construct but you are not assigned physically existing genitals

Based user

ten years from now you'll be saying "you want to be nonbinary? fine. but this cyborg transhumanism is pure programming." when in reality it's only partly programming to keep your vital systems functioning.

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Wrong and wrong

gender is both biological (male vs female hormones) and social (boys wear pink and girls wear blue, oh wait they changed that)

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Luckily when my kids turn 14 this gender-retard tranny-fagfad will be over with. All the dumb fags that cut their dicks off will kill themselves and when we’re in our 50’s we’ll sit on the front porch laughing about the “tranny days”

Working in the fields and getting a job is like comparing fucking someone in the ass to getting fucked in the ass.

gender is a social manifestation of sex
biological sex is a physically existing thing

you must inherently be retarded if you think your dick is an idea and not a materially existing thing

You're 14, shut the fuck up

Me listening to my child explain their newfound identity.

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so you're saying you ARE assigned physically existing genitals? maybe dial back your trigger response dial and address what is being said, snowflake

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Cut your dick off and kill yourself faggot.

yeah fieldwork is at the bottoms of the social heirarchy and getting a job is more in the middle. farm workers are the plankton of society. extremely important for feeding the people who actually run society

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Calling me a snowflake doesn't change the fact that you're retarded.

oh, you're trolling

No it isn't. People are fucking stupid and it's the internets fault

Literally just kick them out the house until they decide that they're no longer mentally ill.

Quit listening to and believing all those fuckin pieces of shit dumbasses. Why? Because they want more of "their" kind to start a new culture of stupidity.

damage control

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bad bait

No I'm not. People can't change their gender.

Kek what you don't realize is these tendencies have always existed and always will.

You guys are no smarter than those hippys who go 'hurr cancer didn't used to exist' we just have a word for it now retards that doesn't mean it didnt exist...

You're on the wrong side of history you fucking sodomite

They/them is plural.

They will be known as it.

Whatever I guess, unless they start acting like some kind of third gendered FAGGOT.

Well see how smart my kid thinks I am when I beat the shit out of them for being a faggot

"So you're pansexual?"

Move out of suburbia.
That's the only place this kind of shit happens.

If I can't, then I'd have him/her be outside as much as possible. It's hard to deny biology when you're dealing with it IRL.

Why not, doesn't hurt me none.
I couldn't fathom being so delicate that my child would be afraid to say something I might think is stupid because I'm likely to give them shit for it.
That sounds like some pansy-ass shit to fixate on.

not very smart

>How do you react?

What the fuck is wrong with you. If you were born with XX chromosomes your a fucking child bearing female. if you were born with XY chromosomes your the male needed to make the child bearing female pregnant. you can pretend to be whatever you want.

this fucking political correctness has gotten way out of hand. what happened to just being correct. fuck other people's feelings, if you can't handle it commit suicide and donate your organs to the normal people.

>It's hard to deny biology
you mean psychology?

You don't say shit as you already failed as a parent and let them be brain washed by a cult.

I'm not going to raise a fuck up

I'm glad you never will procreate.

Yeah, it’s called body dysmorphia. And the trans community and the far-left are prey on kids to be trans. That shit is not real. They’re manipulating young developing minds to trick them into feeling acceptance.

Why would I want to when people like you exist

My 14 year old child will have a short vacation on a mental institution..

>tranny days
fucking kek

grandparent cry

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Trophy for everyone mentality. Shits bogus

And why do you think society is important in any way shape or form? It will eventually collapse into chaos when a war starts. Your little social position will not matter a bit

Fucking this, just because a bunch of christfags and muslimfags sperged about it and tried to stamp it out in the last couple of thousand years doesn't mean its going to go away.

The fuss will probably stop in our lifetimes as people are forced to accept trannies gonna tranny.

Wouldn't even acknowledge their existence.

what child?
I no longer have one.

Also they can go ahead and change their last name, she no longer belongs to my bloodline

>prey on kids to be trans.

I'm sure it fucking happens but its not as common place as people think. Its a pretty fucking huge thing to 'brainwash' someone into being, most of the time that stuff is fucking conspiracy theories like the pinkpill bullshit.

To allot of parents raising their kid 'gender neutral' just means not sperging out if they want to play with a doll or someshit, not chopping their dick off at the first opportunity.

You think people will ever accept them? It's like a wave. Faggots will be qualmed eventually just like in the past

>It will eventually collapse into chaos when a war starts.
america has had like 20 wars and we're at war now. jesus christ look how you twist yourself into knots to try to justify rural supremacy

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They existed, and are the result of living prosperous lives, not having to care about surviving. We, compared to our boomers, live very relaxed lives, and sexual activities are getting more attention than surviving a russian nuke

Damn I almost got heps

All in all it's a direct result of just how free we actually are. I'm sure this bullshit existed forever but people would get punched in the face for being a useless blue haired sack of shit who's entire purpose is to go against "societies trained gender roles". People now shout about how oppressed these constructs are in the least oppressive climate humanity has ever seen. Go figure. Just like a 60's sci-fi humanity will always think of some shit to fight and complain about.

Nice quints, nah i doubt they will ever be totally accepted i just think the whole fuss will die down as people get used to seeing them occasionally.

Also soon enough the 'trend' for talking about them for social credit will pass.

>become hardcore liberal
>propose afterbirth abortions
>they agree
>kill my son/creature
>suck my own dick

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I fucking hope so. It's making me lose faith in humanity

I meant what I said.
My son/daughter would be focusing on real life shit, not mired in the psychological problems of NEETs online that likely would have caused her self-diagnosis in the first place.

The human mind's a powerful thing.

Sending troops to arab countries isn't called being at war, it's called "murica wants oil and it wants it now"

ignore. if bitching starts, deprive of pocket money or internet. until it stops

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That's exactly why I would teach my child discipline and ban them from the internet until they reach a reasonable age and knowledge

You know what, if these people feel happier not having a gender, then fine. However, if a boy is clearly a boy, and a girl clearly a girl, then they have no right to start lecturing me for calling them he/she. That's what gets at a lot of people - these 'people' are so self entitled that they go cry and rage at others for calling them he or she. Like get the fuck over yourself! Call yourself whatever you want in your head to make yourself happy, but dont push it on everyone around you. That's my opinion...

Start solving the "problem" by throwing away your computer, and getting out of your city.

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sit them down and have a rational discussion about objective observable reality, about how social constructs based on "roles" and actions dont change objective reality, and why its important to not be a slave to envy, as well how being a slave to envy ALSO doesnt change reality.

if that doesnt help, then i have failed as a parent to raise a child capable of logical thought. they are mentally ill. i'd probably kill them and make it look like they commit suicide because i couldnt accept their stupid bullshit "identity". time to retry for a new kid.

>not having to care about surviving

Youd be surprised there are a shitload of really fucking old examples of them, African tribes, native American tribes, ancient Persia is probably the most well documented they loved that shit, a bunch of the royal guard were various varieties of raging faggot. People need to understand that being a raging faggot and being a tough bastard isnt mutually exclusive.

I would try to consistently use their preferred pronouns and refer to them as my child.
Why is that hard for so many people? Are y'all just too dumb to use new words?

i respect it because there's no way me aggressively denying it can possibly be good for them.

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It's people like you two is what's wrong with society. Fucking limp wristed pansies. Teach your kids some Damn discipline and actually teach your kids

Make a change. You are there to support your child through her phases in life. Most likely she will grow out of it.

Beat the devil out of it

Indebt myself to the absurd cost of all the psychology needed to prevent suicide.

A firm "no son, I am not going to do that. Ask me again and i will change the wifi password"

Teach my kids what? Teach them to be afraid of things that are outside of their comfort zone? Teach them that they shouldn't try to have control over how others view them? Teach them to not be comfortable with their own bodies? Teach them to not have respect for personal requests that others make of them? Like, I truthfully don't understand your argument other than "Hurr Durr Biology something"

Yes teach them its not cool to be a cock sucking pozzed faggot with a victim complex

>royal guard were various varieties of raging faggot.

fucking kek

Step #1 strip the fucker of all technology and anything that is somewhat modern
Step#2 shave his shitty haircut
Step#3 drive FARRRRR into the woods and have him blindfolded that way he doesn't know where he is
Step#4 throw him out of the car and tell him "if you find your way back home,then I will accept you"
Step#5 let the fucker live like our ansestors for a while
Step#6 he will come back home straight or he will be dead

>Step#5 let the fucker live like our ansestors for a while

Some of his ancestors were probably crossdressing faggots too.

slap the retard out of them

Most likely not

“Go to your room, young man, no phone, no internet, disabling your cable box and changing the WiFi password. I’ll slip a copy of your birth certificate under the door, and don’t you dare come back out until you truly understand it.”

Point & laugh until they feel ridicolous for being so retarded.

I'd respect them and their requests. I know nonbinary people irl who use these pronouns and they aren't the toxic sjw mongoloids tumblr would have you believe they are.

Say "no I won't"

do what you do.

family annihilation.

Wouldnt happen. My child isnt autistic.

Neat. Sauce?

Never too late for an abortion


Nothing a good bitchslapping wouldn't solve.

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give him a laptop and tell him to look up 2nd grade biology

>be you
>pic related

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That lil' nigger would be in military school in a second.

Oh Xylaphone! That is so 20teens ... now be good boy and help me unload the cases of soy drink and krill patties from the food o' teria.

having a hard time finding fault in this logic. this is a sound approach

as soon as i started smoking weed, i started wondering what the fuck i am. but at the end of the day, i'm a human, of which there are male's and female's (like every other species that exists) and that when you have families haveing 8+ babies, and drug addicts/alcoholics having babies, you're gonna start having children who are so far gone weed won't even bring them back

I would say that I'm not going to fucking play make believe with him.
Then I would take the little fuck to the doctor and get his T levels checked.
Eliminate soy from his fucking diet and start the little fuck on an exercise regiment to boost his self esteem so he does not need to go to the psychotic left wing lala land to feel special.

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no, he'll just identify as a tree or some shit

it'll. i mean it'll identify

I wouldn't really give a shit since I tend to refer to everyone as "they" in place of he/she anyway. I don't do it to be respectful. I'm just to lazy to give a shit about peoples genders. It occurs to me that I do this with my kids to. It's always "kid" or "Pain in the dick" never son or daughter.

Of course, if they start wanting drugs or surgery I'm still taking them to a therapist.

Quickly run the numbers in my head to accept the absolutely absurd roll I got to have one, then shrug and accept my child because they're mine either way and their identity is something I can't (and shouldn't) control if I want them to actually function in society.

>It's always "kid" or "Pain in the dick" never son or daughter.