Unpopular opinions thread

Unpopular opinions thread.

-All drugs should be legal.
-There should be 4 legal categories for everything: child, teen, adult and elder.
-Age of consent should be lowered to 13.
-Everyone should be able to vote including children.
-Max jail sentence should be 20 years(no death penalty and no life sentence).

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I agree with you on everything except "children should be allowed to vote" and "max jail sentence should be 20 years", though i think the death penalty is bad.

>except "children should be allowed to vote"
Why not? They may not make the best decisions, but most adults don't even read the political programs and just vote whatever candidate seems likeable to them.

Run for office and I will vote for you.

>Age of consent lowered to 13
Any particular reason there, OP?

It just seems stupid to me that we put men in jail for having consensual sex with teens. And I say men because if a woman has sex with a teen boy, nobody gives a crap.

Teens make dumb mistakes. Older men should know better and allow teenagers to endager themselfs by taking part in something they don't fully understand. There's risks of an STI or pregnancy that would be an extremely painful and potentionally life threatening experience for someone so young, but that's just my opinion.

another ancap fag who wants the law to be dragged down for maximum degeneracy and chaos, good job faggot

*Than to. Typing too fast to fast and put "and".

Children are not intelligent enough to vote. They do not think for themselves, they simply take on the opinions of the authority figures in their life.

Nearly all kids, unless they stupidity of the concept is explained to them, automatically take what their teachers say as fact. They are so indoctrinated with this mentality that they literally think that if their parents have an opinion different that what they heard in school they are wrong, and only think that for ignorant reasons.

A childs method of debate is to repeat all the reasons they were given and if the other person does not then agree with the premise they must not understand the reasons. They have no ability what so ever to analyze the validity of the arguments they present. This is made obvious by the fact that as you shoot down each reason they aren't moved one iota, they simply move on to the next reason. When they run out of reasons because everything they said was proven wrong, they never ever agree they were wrong. They simply can't comprehend why you don't just accept the flawed reasons and bullshit claims.

It is also retarded to allow illegals to vote. Obviously they will vote for more welfare for themselves and to make immigration of more homeless, jobless, educationless, unemployable, lazy people to come over and cast their vote to take from those who have and redistribute it to themselves.

Most Mexicans in mexico don't even finish primary school.

We already have too many illegals voting as evidenced by the fact that sanctuary cities exist.

>maximum degeneracy and chaos
I call it freedom, fag.

I..uh...that's a cute kitty

im not op
i agree with what you said about the immigrants.
but how you described children's thought/debate process is also exactly how 95% of the adults that we allow to vote behave.

Ideally age of consent would be done on a case by case basis. There are cases where adults manipulate kids into doing things that really fuck them up permanently. We just can't have that. If we could punish those people harshly and not have a fucking fit because some hot 25 year old teacher fucked a student consensualy that would be great.

Everyone who has a problem with "double standards" when it comes to hot teachers fucking students is retarded. It is not equal to punish them as harshly as someone who actually hurts a child.

You care about laws? Your in the wrong place fuck.

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>including children
Legit dumbest thing I've seen in a while.

>Max jail sentence should be 20 years
First off, no one is going to spend 20 years in a jail. I agree that prison sentences should be shorter, but only with the stipulation that they are vastly more difficult to survive in. No TV, no weights, no squares a day. It should be hard manual labor rewarded with low grade surplus food that is on the verge of expiring. When you're not working you are in isolation. It won't be so cool to be 'gangsta' anymore.

Also, fuck you.

You should go to North Korea. You would like its justice system.

There are those adults who have the intelligence of 14 year olds but it isn't the norm. However nearly all 14 year olds are just as dumb or dumber.

Another problem is they have no experience working for their own money. They live off of their parents, and end up thinking shit like socialism is good. They have no real world experience to set them straight. They don't understand that there are lazy people out there who are only ever looking for a way to scam the system and work as little as possible. So they actually think a system where we all work to our ability and take what we need is logical and can work. They literally believe that whole heatedly when it is the most retarded thing ever. Do you want another communist mass murder, because that is how you get another communist mass murder.

Adults might be stupid but children are literal retards.

MacDonads Happy Meal is the perfect example of why children shouldn't vote

> age of consent would be done on a case by case basis
>WHAYMAN can't rape
Spoken like a true cluebag. Rape is still rape, idiot. We're talking about consensual sex.

There is a reason why the U.S. has so many people in prison, faggot.

This man speaks the truth. People by nature are lazy and will take the easiest way out. I'm open to hearing other solutions, but managed capitalism is the only one proven to work

Because US citizens belive in revenge over rehabilitation.

>everyone should be able to vote including children

Mine is
>children and elder people (age 70+) shouldnt be allowed to vote

I think that is also reasonable. If we don't allow children, we should not allow people that don't even know where they are anymore.

Or even
>to vote you need to pass a harsh psychological test to prove that you are sane

>revenge over rehabilitation
Sounds like you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Yes, let's rehabilitate the murders so we can lower our recidivism. Neck yourself champ.

your freedom is retarded, nigger, its not how society works, if that was how it is then jews would be burning people in the street 24/7

That is an incel straw-man. If a woman sexually assaults a child she should be punished as a rapist. If some little boy is bragging to all his buddies that he fucked his teacher that teacher should not be punished. Same goes if it is a little girl and a male teacher.

It is not about putting women on a pedestal you insecure loser. It is about being honest about the situation and not treating a good time as rape so that faggot retards like you can feel better because the evil whamanz got her comeuppance.

Its a real problem in my country (spain) in which there are fucktons of old people and the vote in the capital is not counted the same as a vote in a small city. Usually older people live in those small cities.

I would rather use a meritocratic based method. You only can vote if you pass a test.

>to vote you need to pass a harsh psychological test to prove that you are sane
What could possibly go wrong with this idea... HMMMMMMMMM.

>It is about being honest about the situation and not treating a good time as rape
Yet, you want the woman to go free and the man not. Cool story, retard.

We only have to prove it once!

So if you kill someone in cold blood you get out in 20 years?

My unpopular opinion is that along with prison sentence you get an eye for an eye. If you beat a dude to death you have to sit in a cell for 40-50 years before we beat you to death.

>Sounds like you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Yes, let's rehabilitate the murders so we can lower our recidivism. Neck yourself champ.
You sound very angry. Angry at things. You need to chill.

I like where this goes with rapists

Careful, that prison nigger lover in the thread will cry at you for this.


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Only taxpayers should vote.

I believe that most of the criminals in prison will continue to commit crimes their whole lives no matter what you do. They are criminals because of the extremely low IQ, psychological damage they already suffered, violent and selfish personalities, as well as other things that you can't change.

Some can be rehabbed, most can not. It would be a joke to treat everyone as if they can and would lead to more crime as the majority simply take advantage of that approach.

I think this is fair.

I agree with most except the right to vote. Only people who can prove they know at least a little politics should be allowed to vote.
Drugs : i'm OK or consumption, not for the traffic, except marijuana.
OK for 20 years except in desperate cases. No death penalty.
Prostitution should be legalized also.

Only mentally sane taxpayers should vote.
There should be a internal minor state in each country formed for those who dont pay taxes or dont want to. With a martial law upon their asses.

This is the best idea ever, but we have too many stupid people who always fall for the same bullshit claim that it is racist because most of the people who can't pass a test are minorities.

>So if you kill someone in cold blood you get out in 20 years?
Yes. I think people can change. We have some niggers in jail serving a life sentence because they killed a cop when they were in a gang at 18yo. If that man is now 50yo is like they are a completly different person.

Wait till someone u love and care about gets killed by a drug addict. See how fast ur 20 yr max opinion changes

>Prostitution should be legalized also.
I agree with this, and mandatory health checkups for prostitutes every month. If they are infected they are no longer legally allowed to prostitute.

>We should forgive people who intentionally took the lives of others because they are older than they were when they did the crime

>pedophilia should be legal

fuck off jew

Those idiot adults were even stupider kids, you moron.

Image these fucking politicions making voting campaigns for literal 6 year olds.

Getting raped as an adult is not the same as getting raped as a child. They would just go around raping kids and then take the ass fucking.

13 isn't pedophilia, idiot.

Women shouldn't even be voting, much less children.

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Tell that to the cops kids that will never get to see him every again. The murderer threw away his life when he took another. To ever let a convicted murderer out is a cock slap to the face. "Oh he might have changed" fuck that shit hes the reason someone else isnt here he should not only never have a chance at life he should be physically punished

Those health checkups would be useless, beacuse if a prostitute catchs up an sti like siphilys or hiv she/he can keep working for weeks until finding out, potentially infecting maybe thousands


>vote whatever candidate seems likeable to them.
So we voting on who looks best or sounds best and not about what they represent, weak bait

Teenagers are completely retarded. Especially 13 year olds. It is incredibly easy for any adult to groom a 13 year old for sex


That is why they lose their prostitution licence after the checkup. If someone takes the risk to do it with a prostitute without a licenses it's their own fault.

Absolutely this. It makes no sense that people can just vote to take from others and give to themselves.

Well theyd also be locked up so its just a bigger punishment

If kids could vote pewdiepie would Unironically be president

I think that you dont get the point. If you pass a check up and you get an sti the same day you will be infesting people around until you find out 3 weeks later. Thats a lot of potential damage.

nah I'm not down with an age of consent of 13. 15 is probably the lowest I would reasonably take it, even then 15 year olds are still retarded and can be taken advantage of. The argument that they're biologically ready for sex doesn't work because we aren't cavemen anymore, manipulators and predators exist.

Free drugs would solve most problems.

I mean, have you SEEN the campaigns?

I'm down for that.

I think that 16 is a nice constent age. But I also think that if youre 40 or 30 and you have sex with a 16 year old, its not that its not legal, its because something is wrong with you. I also think that a 16 year old shouldnt have sex with people a lot older than him/her, a elder more experienced person cant give you what you NEED in your early sex life.

The damage would be more controlled than doing absolutely nothing. Also if the prostitute just got the Std it wouldn't have been able to replicate enough to cause a problem yet. First off - prostitution is already legal in some states so lets not pretend that all of a sudden we're going to have a mass increase in stds nigger. People are having sex all over the place all the time. Paying for it isn't going to change much.

>Drugs should be legal
Agreed. The government should stop trying to save people from themselves.
>4 legal categories
I think this is the first time I've seen this idea, but it sounds good. Most notably, restrictions on elder driving.
>Everyone should vote
I actually believe the opposite; only married men should vote (note: I'm not married yet), possibly even only ones with children. I could also see an upper age limit to voting; by the time the grandkids are teens, you're probably not too sharp anymore, and the world is likely very different from when you grew up.
>Max sentence: 20 years
No. The true purpose of the death penalty is to permanently remove a threat from society. I'm certainly not averse to exercising it with caution, but it has its place and purpose. I think I am with you on cutting down on or eliminating stupidly long sentences, though.

>muh feels
Opinion discarded.

>I think this is the first time I've seen this idea
Already exists, idiot.

>>muh feels
Im not involving any personal experience on my opinion

I would love to live in as much ignorance as you

I think that the fact that is illegal its kind of a wall for tons of people that dont want to get their hands dirty over something

So what? Sex is not something bad. We should stop treating it like a taboo disgusting thing and everybody would live happier.

Trump is unironically the president right now.

>even then 15 year olds are still retarded
>implying most women aren't retarded well into their 40s

>physiological debate
>Discards opinions because people using the feelings

Disease? Pregnancy? Relationships? Are you a virgin?

Not implying that. What im saying is that at certain ages when you are yet unexperienced you should enjoy that kind of activities with people at your same age


In a perfect world that would happen. The reality is most young women don't want anything to do with men their age unless the guy is genetically gifted and in that case he's probably already very sexualy experienced.

Especially since many of these women have daddy issues due to being raised by single mothers.