Just when I thought that I've seen it all:
Just when I thought that I've seen it all:
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Fucking cartels are getting edgy and cringe like isis a couple of years ago. Fucking edgelord faggots.
Not bad... check out the Argentina chomo
>edgy and cringe
Do you even know what these words mean??
Yes, you faggot spergburger
man thats crazy... we should let them into the US
How are they being edgy?
>cartels are getting
they are the og
Chomo = child molester
gamestop in brazil. He sir'd when he should have ma'am'd
well deserved then
Your mom is fake
holy shit why do Argentinos claim to be white? Everyone in this video, even the dogs were 100% indigenous.
Bro you're retarded. The cartels do way worse shit than ISIS and the cartels have been around since the 70s 80s and early 90s. ISIS hasn't been around that long, probably slightly after the Iraq War.
Lmao he got sodomized by woman, get rekt faggot
You smell brown
If I saw that happening I'd join in the torture even though I had no idea who it was or what they did to deserve it.
y u so mad tho
Got balls on a keyboard, would have none if you were anywhere within earshot.
fucking mexicants
Post correct link dumb ass
Ain't clicking that shit, nigguh.
Shut up kid
>to trace your ip address
>to trace your location
We should just nuke them all, yes it will be collateral damage. But that should be okey for an real reset on these savages.
>Dude with Argentina soccer team T appears
Seriously Pibe?
Subhumans gonna subhuman which is why we need a wall.
Imagine that your countries court system was just a mob of animals with sticks lmfao
Welcome to mexico
not true you faggot
tell me more? why do you think this?
I hope you do too one day. In fact I'm imagining it happening to you and fapping. now you can't go to heaven, sorry Yea Forumsro
You don't see many people from other countries wearing the Argentina soccer team's jersey.
They'd be made fun and raped with a stick
I don't care
I'am from detroit
no you fuck you stupid cunt piece of shit
That's what most people do. We call It "la furia del perro" (dog's fury). Like when 2 dogs start a fight and out of nowhere, for no reason, a bunch of random dogs join the fight
Found the Argentina spic. Lol. Fode tu Madre malecon.
I'm mexican and I think the "funky town" and "getting it's heart ripped alive, in front of his son" videos are worst.
OP here, those are definitely gems. This might take the cake if we ever get the full video though.
It was posted on another rekt thread already. It's legit. Second dog tries bitting him too
dogs need to be exterminated
You got it or a link? I missed it.
Own goal.
And he didn't have Battletoads
Kill yourself nigger
only if you say so
I bet a load of fucked up fuckwit blokes who want to be women are booking flights to Shithole, Mexico. Looks like his junk was cut off with a knife before doggo got involved.
YNC is ok. Some good stuff and home of "Did he died".
That's just what I was thinking. The dog probably just bit him after he smelled the blood and saw the meat hanging out.
Yup, I saw it, that shit was edgy as fuck.
We called them chimos (chime-moe)
Dogs have used for torture since forever. The Argentines in the 70s used dogs to rape men and women. Matter of time until you see doggo banging some poor cunts arse and then snapping his knob off.
It's reposted in another thread
White people must be stopped!
In my basement
man...that's one hungry puppy
Very. Wonder if they added something to his skin to get him to bite, or the dog was trained...
Blood. The smell of blood is all a dog needs to turn on it's instinct.
Because they take the time and effort to make torture porn instead of just shooting the dude with a bullet to eliminate the problem.
well, they clearly sliced him up beforehand, so the dog had the smell of blood to go after at least. Dogs like that.
What I don't understand is why the dog actually eats him alive, knowing full well he is hurting the guy. I could be a retard, but I thought dogs were kind of humane, and wouldn't attack/hurt people unless they actually consider him a threat. And the guy is clearly not a threat, lying there fucking naked with his hands bound.
Pitbulls eat babies, nigger.
>instead of just shooting the dude with a bullet to eliminate the problem.
Torture is part of the business.
They rely on torture in order to scare their enemies from going after them. Simply shooting someone wouldn't send the message they want to send.
Granted, this is a double edged sword, since the guys doing the torturing know they can be tortured as well.
peanutbutter trick gone wrong
My thoughts too...
Lmao...extra chunky
>knowing full well
>dogs were kind of humane
They are beasts, my friend. They are not your friends, they don't think. They'd kill you if they couid.
Gotta admit, that was hot as fuck