suicide cost money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suicide cost money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bump im looking for heroine overdose.
that way i look like a degenerate that no one would miss
Then don't kill yourself retard.
i also plan on live streaming it
that was actually good
:3 bump
not really
i know but i want to O,D
and go to sleep while doing it
how we doin this bois
what are some live streaming places
wouldn't they ban me quickly? i was thinking discord. im just trying to show people that im really dead so that i would be left alone.
I've never seen anyone try that, but most discord links on Yea Forums are for tranny recruitment groups
Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes and I could take or leave it as I please
omg that song suuuuucks lol
Periscope. If you have a facebook or twitter account, you link it to the sign up and it's straightforward
so periscope? or discord
lucky 7's chek'd
ive been planning for a while im thinking november 3rd
around nov 2-3 11-1am
i still dont know
im just trying to make it worth it
i got fucken quints
so yeah
Quints witnessed
i knooooo
so theres periscope and discord i just dont know of any other streaming services
if you already have a gun, it doesn't.
no gun
Why tho?
how do you not have a gun?
dont need one
too much bullshit going on. and stalkers
YouTube, just don't indicate that you're commiting
Pick one of those two. Who cares? I've seen a guy do his boy scout noose on periscope. It was like a halloween ranch type place we found it on google maps once he d0x'd himself lol
This is a great option
So we've got
Periscope, Discord, Youtube, FB and last Twitch.
If none of them work then shame we missed an epic an hero. I would like to think of this person when I come to do the same one day.
I dunno if he was found though
I wanted to kill myself once. But then when I came to terms with dying and saying goodbye to a world that never gave me anything. Something changed. Coming to terms meant I had nothing left to lose. An opportunity to do anything I wanted because what was the alternative. I cut out all the vices, toxic people, and turned my shit around. Started going back to school, saving money, working out. And then I woke up and I still want to kill myself.
>And then I woke up and I still want to kill myself.
it was going to happen anyways
the digits of destiny hath spoken
No just play your favorite playlist in a garage while your car is running and drift off into space cowboy.
The purge USA only November 4th staring at Keyne Wests house. Be more. Purge. Your worth something. Kill. Kill. Kill fat americans.