Be me 2 years ago

>be me 2 years ago
> 21-year-old NEET
>Father and I get in an argument over something political.
>He goes full rage mode and then punches my face nearly breaking my nose.
>he then takes a hammer to my computer which I payed for.
>He grabs me by my hair and throws me out of the house, he goes and grabs my wallet and takes all the money from it.
>"If the world is such a great place why don't you try to live in it like those people you like so much.
>Move in with a friend and her parents.
>Only contact with family is my little brother who calls me every now and then.
>get a job and eventually move out to my current apartment.
>Get Promoted and now making 18.50 an hour.
>Propose to friend who took me in after discovering she also had feelings for me.
>She moves in with me 4 weeks ago
>4 months till wedding
>Tell my little brother about the news
>Brother tells parents then tells me my father is sorry and wants me to come home to see them for the first time in 2 years
>Not fucking once did my father ever want to see me or talk to me after he kicked until he heard I'm betrothed
What do you think Yea Forumsro's should I go and see them again

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Which one of you is the trump supporter

You sound like you're still carrying too much baggage.

Name your first child after him and then refuse to let him see it. That'll fuck the cunt up

I think you should forgive your father for how he treated you, and make an honest attempt at reconciliation. You never know when he might suddenly pass away, and the only thing worse than living with an estranged father is losing him before you have an opportunity to reconcile. Anyway, it's his son's wedding, he deserves to join you on that happy day. Congratulations, and good luck.

While you shouldn't carry the weight of resentment against your father, you should not go back as if your life depends on it.

ignore this faggot

your father seems like a cunt. you don't owe him shit. tell him to fuck off

Pretty obvious its the father who is a retarded trumpy child

Everyone owes their father and mother quite a bit. The good book says "Honor thy father and mother."

Not worth it, if he wants to really make amends HE will walk back into your life.

Sure, go back. It's not like he can kick you out again. You don't have to be happy about it but one bout of unreasonable rage isn't enough justification for an "I won't even come to your funeral" kind of grudge.

Go back, be as much of a dick as you feel like being. Don't invite the man to your wedding unless you decide he should be there.

nah. this is the kind of bullshit mentality people invented to inflate their ego. like "how dare my children not worship me? ME?". I don't exist just to stroke your ego. you want me to "honor" you? be a better person, then I just might

>>Father and I get in an argument over something political.
>>He goes full rage mode and then punches my face nearly breaking my nose.
>>he then takes a hammer to my computer which I payed for.
>>He grabs me by my hair and throws me out of the house, he goes and grabs my wallet and takes all the money from it.
Don't go back, wait until he repays your shit on his own

Your father is based. If he didn't throw you out you would still be a retarded cuck instead of having an actual life. Go to him and thank him for finally making you grow up. Or are you still just an overgrown manchild?

Go back to his house alone after he attacked you, vandalised your property and stole from you under that same roof? Fuck that for a laugh. Tell the cunt if he has something to say he can say it in a public place, ideally with a few of your friends present incase he does it again. If he agrees to that, maybe he really does want to rebuild a relationship. If he doesn't, well, it sounds like nothing has changed. Don't risk the physical safety of your new fiancee and yourself without good reason.

Fuck no. I'm all about holding onto grudges. Forgiveness is for the weak. Fuck him. Tell him to go to hell and move on with your own life.

Tell him he cant be at your wedding because you hate him with all your heart.
than floss infront of him.


Why would forgiveness be for the weak when its so much harder to forgive than to just spazz out and let your anger fester?

>>She moves in with me 4 weeks ago
months till wedding
This is destined to fail. Why would you marry already? Dumb brainwashed normie lmao

Whe world would be better without americans

Pussy faggot identified

As if there was anything to loose there OP. Your father is now the one who wants something from you, so why don't go there and see what will come out?
Best thing that could happen is that you get your family back (if you want to). Worst thing is your father will freak out again and you walk out on him, nothing lost there. I would suggest you at least try it and don't be a half grown manchild like most faggots in this thread.

The point is if OP's doing this he should do it on his own terms, not on his father's, and that if there's any hope for this ending well it has to start with the father atoning for what he's done, not glossing over it and acting like nothing ever happened. Cock faggot.

hell no, fuck that shit

Of course, because we all should insist on our butthurt problems. What an adult way to solve your problems. I don't ment he should gloss over anything. There is definitively an elephant in the room which must be adressed but starting a conversation by simply playing the butthurt child OP doesnt apper to be is helping no one.

Go back to fortnite faggot

Wtf is butthurt about OP agreeing to meet but choosing a neutral location retard? If there's an elephant in the room make a point of addressing the fucking thing, it's that simple.

Go back to see them but shit on his bathroom floor

classic libtard projection

fuck him
even if he wants to apologise
there's no apology he can make
that would make up for what he did to you
he fucked your life
because he couldn't handle being disagreed with
he can get fucked

well if it wasnt for your father kicking you out, you would still be NEET. so just thank him in silence and let him have the opportunity to apologize.

be the better man

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u shouldve called cops back then and u shouldnt get married

Sounds like he did you a favor by kicking you out. Most parents prepare their children for life and they move out on your own. But things worked for you still. You could still be a NEET.

These two seem like the most reasonable option. Let him apologize but dont be naive about it yeah

This. His dad was the reason this NEET grew up. Everyone telling him to tell his dad to fuck off are probably still living in their mommy’s basement eating their tendies.

Good life you got, OP. Don't ruin it now by visiting. Tell your dad he's garbage

Invite your lil bro, dad can go get fuckt

you need to kill your father

Actually yeah, this

Fuck I wish I was still with my parents eating tendies, fuck being an adult


OP still made all the good things happen for himself regardless of the circumstances that triggered it. OP could have turned out a homeless junkie for all his dad knew. Father gets no credit for accidentally setting off the chain of events and sounds like a complete fuck anyway.

Fuck the dude OP. better off without him

you do you, i gave my last two cents of wisdom here. I just hope OP turns out happy

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so did he throw you out because you were a NEET or because of your political views?

It's the father because he is the one disgusting by laziness and failure, whereas libtards consider it a virtue

ITT: Faggot snowflake crying about dad treating him like an adult when he was grown ass man. SMH

I mean do what you want but if you ever want a relationship with him someone has to be the bigger man. If you hve kids theyll want to kmow their grandparents

wtf kind of adults punch people over political arguments?

you have a twisted world perspective

go see him and break his nose

This is an apology:

Father: This is what I did
Father: This is how you were harmed
Father: This is NOT appropriate behavior, and I will not be like this, or do this again.
Father: THIS is what I will do to confront my behavior and change so that I do not do this again.

Such a structured apology demonstrates sincere regret and a commitment to change which may, on the option of the aggrieved, open the door to re-establishing trust.

Think not of yourself, but of your betrothed, your marriage, and any children you have or adopt into your family.

A grandfather is important, but a grandfather who is a positive force, only.

Also, you must forgive him if you haven't already. Trust Him! NO WAY until he demonstrates sincere regret, and a commitment to change.

There is no more fair, strong, or compassionate stance.

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Absolutely this. You got real fucking lucky OP

>Be a 21yo fucking useless NEET
>Father kicks you out to force you to do fucking something with your life
>You do it
Seems like he did you a favor, would you be having this life right now if that hadn't happened or would you be a 23yo NEET?

If you're a man you'll break his shit. Bust that mother fuckers face in. For the love of anything good beat his fucking ass.


Sounds like it was the best thing for you, no matter what make it up, but at 21, do your own shit

Not a single comment from OP, he's a larping faggot NEET.

>If you're a man you'll act like a fucking child throwing a tantrum

The Chad thing to do is never speak to him again

You could do two things. Either you forgive him or break his heart and burn this bridge to the waters.

Meet him one last time and tell him whats going to happen. He isn't your father anymore and never will be. He died when he stopped giving a shit because of a political argument. Should your mother die before him he shall be alone for
rest of his miserable life with only your younger brothers family remaining. Tell him after today he will be nothing but a bad memory of you and that he can go kill himself for all you care. He left you, hurt you, kicked you out of house and home so atleast you should be able to repay him some. But since you are not as petty as to break his face he will just seize to exist for you. And finaly when you stand to leave you will whisper in his ear that when you have kids that you will never let them see him and he will never hear them call him 'grandpa'.

Literally what my dad did, now I'm named after my dickhead Grandpa

Everyone can change, give it a shot talking to him. But keep it distant at first, to see if he changed in any way. My father was an alcoholic. Thought he was never gonna change, been sober for 6 years now. So, try it. You're stable now and he has no power over you, so you have nothing to lose. Only regret and what ifs will remain if something happens to him if you cut ties.

Is it a cool name ?

I'd tell him to come to see you if he's so damn sorry. Come forth and be a man. You don't need to be running after him after what he did to you. Forgiveness is important, but you have your own life and if he wants to be part of it it's his responsibility in a situation like this to come and face you, not other way around.

THIS. it’s a shame it took this long in the thread for someone to post this.

If it wasn’t for his Dad lighting a fire under his ass OP would be in the same exact situation. A kick in the rear was needed. Also think about it from the fathers perspective as well. Would any of us want to continue to support our children after they’re grown and aren’t doing anything with their life to better themselves? Fuck no. At least hear what your father has to say OP

Kick your dads ass. He'll either respect you more and see you as a man for it, or he'll be a little bitch about it and sperg out. Either way he deserves it.

Yeah I would. I wouldn't cut ties with my child and throw him onto a fucking street to be homeless. There's plenty of fucking ways of helping a neet that doesn't involve taking ALL their money and throwing them into the street to be homeless.

we know that, whoever the circumstances dont really matter that much. It was a lesson that OP mastered and turned it around for the better.
Hearing out what his father has to say, wont hurt him at all. After that he can still just say 'fuck him' and move on

Kill your whole family.
Fight a tourist.
Take drugs.
Feels good man.


I didn't say that. He should speak to him. But I would never give that kind of a person any ''gratitude''. Had his friend not bailed him he'd be homeless beggin on the street. I understand a kick in the rear, a push in the right direction but if he grew up in a big city in the US throwing him in the street might be as good as a death sentence.

Fuck no dont eaven invite your dad to your Wedding

Stop projecting. You know damn well after half a decade you’d get tired of seeing your lump of a son on the computer all day not doing a thing besides draining you. Maybe the execution was harsh but it was still needed and OP is better off for it. Take your holier than thou shit out of here.

You sound like an entitled twat who views the world only in black and white. The father raised him and even allowed him to continue to stay in his household after becoming an adult with no ambitions or job for years and he doesn’t deserve any type of gratitude at all?

You have no idea what that even fucking means. And no I wouldn't. I'd try literally everything and it might take even decades but I'd get my son help, something my family never did for me. Fucking uneducated buffoons. Nobody is that ''lazy'' to spend decades behind a computer, they're mentally ill and need help. But yeah, let's throw all the schizos onto the streets.

No he doesn't. He threw his son to the curb like a piece of trash.
And what was I entitled to in that comment. To not throw mentally ill onto the streets. Because that's what the issue with neets is. Not lazyness, not ''lack of ambition''. Mental illness.

There you go again projecting. Yeah, I’m sure you would spend decades wasting your time because guess what it worked for OP without decades of nonsense.

Depends... did you deserve to me told to man the fuck up or not?

No, you have a better life without him and succeeding even further will destroy him, keep it up user

I agree, you're mentally ill. Neck yourself.

There you go again not knowing what projection means. Yeah I would, I would help my mentally ill kin to the last drop of my blood.

No thanks.

Invite just your brother back into your life, that will fuck him up good

“I would never give that type of person any type of gratitude” that right there. Entitled and inconsiderate. You’re mental not to realize that. To raise a child past adulthood and they just leech off of you? Yes the fathers reaction was over the top but it was from years of OP allowing him self to be a drain and not realizing maybe I should do something with my life instead of sucking my parents life essence

unironically, this

Bullshit. Have a child and thirty years later still keep taking care of his NEET ass. Think about that realistically. You try for years and years, seeing therapists, spending your hard earned money and making sacrifices. Sometimes a shock to the system is needed Get back to me then. This isn’t reddit where you’re gonna get Internet points for being a white knight.

Why would I give anyone that throws depressed, socially anxious or seriously mentally ill, or temporary for all I care for outside, takes all their money making their chances of survival lowest of the low.
Entitled to what exactly, not get thrown like a piece of trash? He had perfect right to not get stolen from and left to die. Which is what happened.

White knight? No I don't throw mentally ill onto the street, if need be I'd have them commited to mental health facilty that treats them right, if I can't find that I'd take care of him/her. I don't give a flying fuck about your internet points. I'm not doing shit I find immoral and repugnant.

And to add, we're talking about be it my child (which I brought into the world, I caused the birth) it is my FULL responsabilty, mental illness is to be expected even before inception. And in case of my mother/father I'd rather die than abandon people that have given me everything. Entitled my ass.

ditch the loser and never see him again, no amount of stupid things done by my sone would ever force me to do this, he's a psychopath in hiding, what happens when he flips next time over another stupid shit..

It sounds like your father thought of you as a disappointment and believed your life was going to end up nowhere, now that your father has heard of your improvement he wants to see it for himself. If your father is willing to apologize then you should try to see your family.

Your dad is too good for you

Don't let bro speak for your father. Go see him, ask him "if there's something he'd like to say." and ask him if he remembers assaulting you and destroying your property, and if he has any plans to do anything about it. You're independant now, assert your dominance.

Last time I saw my abusive alcoholic father was 20 year ago, when he died I never went to his funeral. Couldn't be more happy, never forgave him, nor I lost single night of sleep because of it.