You Rage You Lose

You Rage You Lose

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Other urls found in this thread:

No rage. Darwinism works in mysterious ways. This kid will turn 18 and either commit suicide or be an outcast and resent his shitty parents for ruining him

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I'm calling murder- suicide inside of 5 years. The whole bunch.

there are 318 genders

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Where is the post that faggot that froze and got his hands amputated?

This shit make want to smash those fucks with a bat.
That image of the fags with the dog masks need kids too.

Is it even worth being mad anymore? I've reached the point of pitying these brainwashed idiots more than anything.

Exterminate these shits

They're all insane, the left love the insane.

....and here's why we have mass shooters

why did you post that


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>not a mental illness

Imagine being such a cuck that the actions of other dictate how you feel.
Let people live their lives, and live your own. We are all food for the worms anyway.

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

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Haven't seen a rage thread in a long time

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Mass shooters deserves heaven

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he identified as a zoidberg, who are you to judge

I would fuck her still

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Has me dead.

my sides

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that's not saying much, you'd fuck a dog

That's some gourmet meme you got there nigger

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No I wouldn't, she is hot your just not attracted to ræl woman

Literally nothing wrong with that statement unless you have 15 iq

Riley is so hot, I wish I knew her


HOW TO SPOT FAKE NEWS 101 for retards:
-Single image with clickbail headline, no site title, no sources, no links

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You can tell that boy already runs the house.
Better description is: A brat and his 2 bitches

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>unless you have 15 iq
Well, there's your problem

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Bump with some new material, queers

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that shirt...what a dumb privileged cunt

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Fucking lost

The engine of invention? Lol, I don't think I have anything against "diversity," I guess, whatever that nebulous word even fucking means in relation to society, but I doubt it's the "engine of invention" and that it "enriches the world" through the generation of creativity. It all feels like pure and utter pandering. Empty words that flow well, strung together. Blecch.

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Hurts understanding basically human prosperity eh?

I'm thinking this is fake

White people things

Its not

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Its clearly a quote to be taken in different ways... Humans interact and share knowledge you ape. Like shit we got our math from Islamic countries. Its isolation that kills off species ya dipshit

I don't see education or success in the picture.

>imagine raging at this

how cringy can you be. Like how can you even muster the energy to give a flying fuck with all the real problems in the world?

it is though, making shit up is cheating

It's a giant fucking clown car, where every weirdo and closeted maniac are joining together to "Make you recognize" their numbers count and society will accept them, even if they have to assault you to get the message across.

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an image like that hasn't been in an ad in 70 years....

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It's a fake article

The fact that you think so tribally says a lot. Ain't a liberal I'm just for people working hard make good money for work done and don't give half your shit to the 1%. Can your lil racist brain comprehend that?


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the people that get triggered by that nonsense won't ever get savvy. Their life long brainlets.

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what about the 98% of straight women who won't date trans men?

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if it's real then I invite you to post the link

>... a quote to be taken in different ways
Sounds pretty fucking wishy washy to me.

>Its isolation that kills off species ya dipshit

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Low iq, glad you won't be breedinYeah clearly, its just a quote. But to be fair Canada was built on immigration, it makes sense. Of course he'd try to temper it in some way towards diversity

fucking liberal communist socialist fascist homosexual nigger nazi scum.

>unable to resolution
>actual lib intellect

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Datum incel you got me gud go tell your mom what ya got me with



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Love that you to assume that or you're out of preprogrammed insults

That thing on the right looks like Peter Griffin

If you showed this to people in the past they'd probably mistake them for circus performers

any form of intellect or logic automatically means your a lib.
/pol/ Groupthink indicates you're not one of us.


Attached: IMG_20190806_202047.jpg (771x1000, 429K)

>completely different article
>completely different headline
>completely different images

the one of the left looks like meg


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Conservative tribal tards don't think for themselves, they just mimick others. Lota crazy libs too but at least 90% of con's I know are racist/actually low iq

brainlet detected

gee i wonder who's behind this post
Oh looks it's jew!

you're free to post it at any time

Hitler 2.0

Why would you rage over this? Some of us don't feel the need to live under the opression of gender roles, what makes you such a bigot OP?

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For the record?

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Looks like you lost

"Ugh dur all of dem im scared of anyone colored cuz dey different den me and less fat make wall I'm scared" is what they'd like to say

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You lost

I'm not raging, simply proposing a valid question as to why OP and the majority of people in this thread are raging over oppressive gender roles being invalidated

Lost what? Im enjoying my free healthcare while your tax money goes to corporate bailouts. Enjoy

Imma need more shopped porn of her, pronto like

>the absolute state of redditors
KEK! you should see this

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Yes. You are. Or you would close the browser.

But you can't.

Because you lost.

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Like how the pentagon is defunding billions in high tech defense programs to build a useless wall in the desert that is going to sit there an hot and be rope laddered over if anyone wants to cross it?

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Trans woman is a man after operation to become female?
Or is this a female that become a man?

she has better tits than that.


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At least the corrupt other politicians stopped it from even getting grant money, the orange yard is literally just fixing a few miles of old fencing and his fans are too stupid to understand that

Transitioned into a woman
Trans woman
I think

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Your dumb you're bait has no affect on me


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Literally inception baits

homophobe they arent gonna rape the lil faggot calm down hes already gay

Is that possible? Anybody got 34 on this

looks boyish

the irony. you hate pol but are afraid to post on their board? fuck, /pol/ is a cesspool and full of nazi racists, i agree, but they haven't been out of their echo chamber since moot left. and now since 4 + 4 c han is kill they are all at pol too. they're too busy filling rank right now to bother coming here. get some balls and fight them on their turf, it's much more gratifying.


looks healthy

>Hurr durr gay people bad!


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fakkin based

No way that's real




lost hard

You can say no immunity all you want.
Immunity is immunity, you fucking brainlet.

This world is way past the point of Exterminatus. I have no more rage to give.

>This has to change
Yup, gotta bumped it up to 100%.

I'm killing all these posts dont worry Yea Forumsros

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There are good types of diversity, I work at a cutting edge biotech company with indians, asians, and white people and we do great work

There are like 2 black people in the whole place but they dont do anything important and Mexicans empty the garbage and clean

I bet your job is pointless and meaningless


Flesh eating bacteria

They are not entirely, biology oisnot just genetics, that's ben shapiro tier rhetoric.

>Star Cloud
Poor kid, never stood a chance...

I thought this was you rage you lose, not you laugh you lose.

Currently going threw this myself it’s so obvious the bitch is lying but I’ve gone and still going threw hell never trust a woman they will fuck with you as best and as much as they can

Fuck you man



>They are not entirely, biology oisnot just genetics

They literally are entirely. Y chromosomes in every single cell = biologically male. You can argue if gender can be separate from biology, and whether how people feel about their gender identity is more important than their biological reality, but it doesn't change the underlying biology.

I mean, I can have a chihuahua surgically modified to look like a cat, but it's still a chihuahua.

who is he?

La Goblina

Imagine beeing so right wing extremist you have to be angry about other peoples live all day

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I own guns and go hunting. I also support shutting down illegal immigration.

>Surgeon keeps saying it's fine.

Bitch, you threw "fine" out the window when you tried to undo nature and get your shit sliced up in the first place.


Eh. I wouldn't mind that tattoo on a sane female.

That is a real problem. It's basically child abuse and it's becoming more wide spread.

No I don't wanna date a trans woman because 98% of the time they're not very attractive imo.

Apparently this is fake and gay... But at the same time fairly accurate lol

No rage so far, but many keks from this.

God bless those who help the wrongly accused.

Should have been crossed out with lines and said "Eat. Shit. Die"

it would fuck you, as you offended it by calling it "she"...

the chick in the pic fucks dogs



I'm not really raging with this, but I am very disgusted

This: Is obviously a screenshot of a tumblr post that included a photo of a tweet. You can see the heart and reblog button at the bottom. Not news. Stop being a brainlet.

and a moustache

I was just about to comment that ^

Here since you need to be spoon fed:

Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 5.15.16 AM.png (1360x570, 388K)

>google the case cause it sounds like some MGTOW bullshit
>Actually very real
Embittered men AND women should be removed from positions of power and chucked in a ravine somewhere, you can just tell it was some dusty old cow from how she spoke on the matter
Likewise pervy old geezers should be forced off leadership though cause as someone who is present at high flying events they're just as prevalent and fucky

we're here

Raise ur standards bro

That was a good one

son of a bitch

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shut up faggot

Fuckin lost

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>thinking that is a legit news site

Privileged cunt

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damn straight

Sound it out now, little one. What comes after the bi? That’s right, it’s sexual! Because it’s accepted that there are two sexes! Great job!

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So explain exactly how they cannot consent to coitus, but can consent to defining their own gender? Hmmmm...

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this is actually funny

Wasted quads

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will do

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I didn't.
They asked for link etc.


But but but CNN never lies

Those poor balls

ew. do not want

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> suckle on mummys teet
> get hair in mouth

I lost because of the extremely agonizing fate that you made that quads live through

That's not diversity, it's meritocracy... You and the others work there based on merit, most successful businesses operate this way.

Diversity is filling the ranks based on color, many big busineses are now over promoting people to fill the color chart. This will fail.


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shut the fuck up liberal

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Already lost

I wonder if this is the stuff that caused all the REEEE.
If it is this shit is nothing new.
Yea Forums has been doing these for years.
they were always for lulz before retard normies invaded.
serves the media right for not obeying rule 1.

Found the cuck


>believing in courts
>not going straight to Don Corleone
see? that's the first and only mistake you made

let the uk burn. fucking inbreds anyways

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hopefully this answer your question

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Being this mad :^)

>there's no such thing as gender roles
>dresses as male/female

>I cut my dick off

Fake and gay

stfu jew

>Darwinism works in mysterious ways
Darwinism ceased being effective as soon the romans decided that Christianity was a good thing. Only degenarcy came from then on. What else to expect from people who aren't allowed to fuck or have families?

Fake and gay.

I don't see a problem here. Dude I don't like decided never to procreate. Aren't we supposed to celebrate? Why do you monkeys keep getting outraged?

>Is it even worth being mad anymore?
The only reason you should be mad at this is to get emotional and susceptible to political propaganda. In fact, you shouldn't even pitty these people as it just gives them a reason to bitch even more. Ignore and move on.

This is clearly designed to create outrage among the retards.

ah no

>beirtbart talking about europe
Yup, fake.

Keking at the speed of light.

Surely it cannot be as bad as child prostitution in India or kiddy fiddling in the Catholic church.

ITT: edgy

>gender neutral
>looks like a girl

>I can have a chihuahua surgically modified to look like a cat, but it's still a chihuahua.
no, it's a crime against nature. Tells alot about transgenders

>actual lib intellect
Oh, this monkey is confused. The world is not libs and reps, my friend. Some of us can still think for themselves.

Your single minded outlook of life is depressing

That's almost as sick as indoctrinating your children into religion.

There's no such a thing as crime against nature. Nature doesn't give a shit wether life modifies itself or not.
You've just been primed to respond negatively towards things your masters decided are not okay. There's literally no rational reason to ever say "crime against nature" and think that it carries some profound meaning.

Trade and illegal immigration. The only two things he talks about. Not my only concerns but they're big. Left can't meme and when it tries to meme it's this cringe every single time.

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>98% of straight men aren't gay

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yah yote

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They're too oppressed to be considered in statistics

every time I see this gender-problem people they have empty stupid eyes and emotionless faces... like you look at a cow..

Im actually curious



this thread doesn't make me rage

it just makes me sad

but as somebody once said; all of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again

You flags need to separate yall self's from these things. I'm not against gays being treated equal, but yall have this hanging on to yall, and for that I want yall to lose all y'alls gained rights, just so these subhuman will stop being given the tolerance they are getting.

La Goblina

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Wow, went the whole thread fine and then this one got me.

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Didn't rage, fuckin lold, kids face is priceless.

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Thank you.

>crime against nature

People unironically think this is a good argument. No wonder we can't unfuck ourselves.

God I feel retarded just reading that.

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Its not real, moron

enjoy that alimony payment and false battery claims when the divorce comes, user!

My wife knows i would murder her if she betrayed me like that.

You can, with a bullet

>this thread

Attached: ree.gif (800x800, 1.17M)

It sounds realistic enough in this day and age.

He looks like a future serial killer or school shooter.

Is that self-advertising?

Okay, I would rage fuck that.

For the record, cleaning out a joint account before a divorce will not lead to a good time for whoever does it.

Further most judges wont award monetary amounts that exceed what is considered livable by the other party.

Maybe thats just where I live though. There are always occasional exceptions but this true for the most part.


I'd fuck him

If you would have told me this nigga is arin hanson i would've 300 percent believed you.

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Do tell how you arrived at your conclusion? For the record, I'm a "DevOps" (another vague, nebulous fucking term) engineer in information security, so that may even fit your definition but the company paying me doesn't think so.

I was blocked in 9gag, never in Yea Forums, I like it here, censorship still not getting here

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kill it with fire

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China / Russia is laughing .. just a matter of time until they take over the US.. these morons would never put up a fight.

what a faggot

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Pictured: Stunning and brave transwoman, Phil Delici

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id agree with you but then id be wrong too



The new vagina in question...

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Not funny. At all.

That guy is not passable

quads wasted in a pandering libcuck

I'm a straight white male. Why would any of this cause me to rage?

The ships in the harbor have nothing to say of the shit that floats in the bay.

Long live the patriarchy.

Thst kid is either going to grow up and commit suicide, or turn into a mass shooter. You can tell they are rasing him to be a spoiled bitch/faggot.

>"muh diversity"
>unironically explain meritocracy
good job

guh that remind me of a puncture wound on some cattle i had to deal with a few years ago. all necrotic and obviously not worth treating. Just put the animal down

I would love to fuck her brains out

Probably the best course of action in this case, too.

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Join the line

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He should do tranny porn


but only 2 sexes

But that second one has nice tits. I'd breed her.

You're clearly retarded

And telling the military they can smear whoever threatens them


What the hell does Darwin or evolution have to do with a mental illness?

Literally everything lol

Clearly Jewish

They refunded like 3-4 bil and the military gets 700 bil or so. It also came from money that was supposed to update some facilities in the US. Literally nothing important. And that's because the House shut down the government in the first place. We're still getting F-35's. We're still developing hypersonic weapons. We're still building Block 3 Arliegh-Burkes. We're still developing B-21's. We're still developing lasers, long range artillery, buying JLTV's, and none of that matters because every other day, you call Trump warmongering. So is reappropriation from bombs/training facilities to a peaceful deterrent against 70,000 federal criminals a good or bad thing?

Fuckin hell