Hey Yea Forums, take a break from trolling ylyl threads and fapping to trap porn and read this...

Hey Yea Forums, take a break from trolling ylyl threads and fapping to trap porn and read this, a white nationalist manifesto: twitter.com/h_monmouth/status/1167288946834804736?s=19

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The Great Replacement is real.

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Hey Yea Forums, take a break from looking at dumb shit and read this, some more dumb shit


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Comtrary to popular belief, it has been repeatedly shown that there is a large gap between my big fat asscheeks. This gap is not caused by economic differences; in fact, i shat so hard reading this that my anus ruptured

/pol/ has become so much more irritating since like 2018.

Nobody here is trying to read a wall of words, Mahoney

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Do you actually think you're accomplishing anything?

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if mixed race couple have a child, is the child "replacing" its parents in a manner any different than same-race couples?

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They should kill it. It is an abomination.

Would you be trying so hard to (((shut it down))) if I wasn't?

nigger this is fucking Yea Forums

Holy shit op just unironically cited the 13 percent meme

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Holy shit!

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pure autism

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